Parks Commission Minutes
February 22, 2016
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I. Call to Order: Chair Bye called the meeting to order. Present: Vice-Chair Weyer, Commissioners Johnson and Norton, City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Danielson, Summer Park Program Coordinator Zeuli, and Commission-Liaison McComber. Absent: None.
II. Approval of Agenda: Chair Bye, seconded by Vice-Chair Weyer, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 4-0.
Chair Bye, seconded by Vice-Chair Weyer, moved to amend the next meeting date under Informational from Tuesday, March 21 to Monday, March 21. Carried 4-0.
III. Approve Parks Commission Minutes – January 25, 2016: Chair Bye, seconded by Vice-Chair Weyer, moved to approve the Minutes. Carried 4-0.
IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:
A. Arborist: Arborist Danielson reported that she prepared some articles for the spring newsletter on Emerald Ash Borer, Oak Wilt, boulevard tree pruning and removals, boulevard tree plantings, and hiring a tree service. She also reported the winter tree pruning list would be presented to the City Council, and work would be completed by March 24. She stated that homeowners with trees that would be pruned would receive a letter.
B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported the ice rinks have melted and the ice rinks have been closed. He also reported that the City was hiring for summer park attendants.
C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission-Liaison McComber reported she brought in some materials for the Parks Commissioners that she picked up from a recent conference.
Summer Park Program Coordinator Zeuli provided the Parks Commissioners with a 2016 summer park program schedule.
V. Visitors/Public Comment: None
VI. Public Hearings: None
VII. New Business:
A. Mountain Biking Trails - Proposal: Hank Gray from the Stillwater Area Scholastic Cycling Advocates (SASCA) Trail Building Committee provided a presentation.
Chair Bye, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to direct staff to invite the public for a meeting on Monday, March 21 to hear about the proposal and have SASCA there. Carried 4-0. Commissioner Norton suggested maps be available for viewing.
VIII. Old Business:
A. Capital Improvements Discussion: Chair Bye, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to set a worksession for 6:00 p.m. on March 21 to talk about the capital improvements. Carried 4-0.
B. Oak Park Crossing Park – Trail/Shelter Clarification: City Administrator Johnson requested clarification from the Parks Commission on the pavilion location relative to the trail.
Chair Bye, seconded by Vice-Chair Weyer, moved to direct City staff to have the trail go to the north side of the pavilion in the drawings. Carried 4-0.
IX. Informational:
A. Next Meeting: Monday, March 21, 2016 with a worksession at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall with a Public Hearing on the bike trails
B. Council Representative: Tuesday, February 23 – Commissioner Johnson
X. Adjournment:
Chair Bye, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to adjourn. Carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Pinski
City Clerk