Nursery Schools Teaching Schools Conference
19 April 2018, London
Proposal to offer a workshop or poster
The aim of the Nursery Schools Teaching Schools Conference is for staff in maintained nursery schools which are current or potential future Teaching Schools to share experience and expertise. Delegates attending the conference are invited to submit proposals for workshops and/or posters. This is not a requirement, and constraints of space and time mean that not all participants will be able to deliver a poster or workshop. If the number of proposals exceeds what can be included in the day, we will seek opportunities to include them in future events such as local network meetings or future conferences.
Please return your completed form by 2 March to:
Your name:Job title:
Email address:
Workshop proposal
The day will include one-hour workshops before and after lunch. A number of suggested themes and topics are given overleaf, but we welcome any proposals for workshops which fit with the theme of the conference to support current and future Nursery School Teaching Schools to develop capacity, build quality and enhance sustainability. Workshops are expected to be interactive, with plenty of discussion, so presenters do not need to prepare extensive preparations, but should as a minimum provide a framework for discussion and be willing to act as facilitators.
Proposed workshop titleShort description for inclusion in delegate packs (max 200 words)
Name, job title and school of any co-presenters
Poster sessions
The day will include an opportunity for participants to share successful aspects of Teaching School activity during the refreshment break. This may either take the form of an A1 poster, or a small table top display.
Proposed postertopicPreferred format / A1 poster Table top display
Will you have any accompanying materials eg books, video on a laptop, etc
Possible workshop topics
The following topics have been suggested as being of potential interest:
ITT /- The future of EYT status (& supporting prospective employers to understand and recognise it)
School-to-school support /
- What does this look like and how do you write the funding proposals?
- Lessons from the Teaching Schools grants to support early years: what worked, and how can we get funding to continue
- Promoting quality and supporting funded 2-year-olds
- How partnerships can maximise best use of EYPP
- Supporting the introduction of the 30 hours
- The role of NSTS as pedagogic hubs
- Leadership
- SLEs
- Research
Running a Nursery School Teaching School /
- Sharing what we learned: lessons on how to get up and running as an EY teaching school
- Finance and sustainability: practical guide to running an EYTS
- Funding opportunities and grants – experience of SSIF and other funding applications
- Strategic working
- Working with local authorities