2016 Student Chapter of the Year
January 1 to December 31, 2016
Application for Participation
Please include the following information for your chapter and its activities. All information must be complete and accurate for judging purposes.
Chapter Name: _____________________________________________________________________
College/University: _________________________________________________________________
2016 President: ____________________________________________________________________
2016 Vice-President: ________________________________________________________________
2016 Secretary: ____________________________________________________________________
2016 Treasurer: ____________________________________________________________________
2016 Faculty Advisor: ________________________________________________________________
2016 Liaison Manager: _______________________________________________________________
Sponsoring Senior Chapter: ___________________________________________________________
Submitted by:
Chapter: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________________
Program Summary and Entry Requirements
The Student Chapter of the Year award competition recognizes outstanding work, participation and accomplishments of student chapters within the Association.
Student Chapter Presidents for the 2016 term should supplement their entry with a chapter résumé. Your résumé should summarize and document your chapter’s involvement in the areas outlined below. After judging, results are determined and the winning chapter, for each student chapter size category will be given appropriate recognition at the 2017 World Conference on Club Management in Orlando, FL.
Preparing the Entry
In order to be eligible to win the Student Chapter of the Year award and be awarded the $1,000 Club Foundation-sponsored Conference Registration Grant, a Chapter résumé must be submitted. The chapter résumé and entry packets should be returned to National Headquarters by Friday, January 13, 2017. Any supplemental materials — chapter newsletters, etc. — should be included as well (no additional folders, binders, etc., are necessary). When the entry is received by headquarters, it will be placed in the entry folder. Late entries will not be accepted.
Judging is the primary responsibility of the Student Chapter of the Year Committee, with the National Headquarters staff tabulating categories II, III, IV, V, VI and VII. Please make sure your Chapter Secretary has submitted the meeting minutes and attendance rosters for all chapter meetings as anything received at National Headquarters after January 13, 2017, will not be considered for judging. The judging categories are as follows:
I. Student Chapter President’s Résumé
II. Membership Growth and Retention
III. Student Chapter Education and Meetings
IV. CMAA National and Local Involvement
V. Communications
VI. Employment in Clubs
VII. Special Projects and Awards
The Chapter of the Year award will be presented at the Student Achievement Breakfast at the 2016 World Conference. A plaque and a $1,000 Conference Registration grant funded by The Club Foundation will be awarded to the winning chapter in each size category.
The chapter résumé should be submitted in a format similar to a personal résumé with bulleted points regarding events, activities and programming that took place from January 1 through December 31, 2016. Your chapter’s résumé should include the following areas and will be judged accordingly: (some examples are provided)
Membership Growth and Retention (25 possible points)
This section should include information on membership programs and recruitment efforts to increase membership numbers. Include information on ways you have worked toward your National New Member Recruitment Goal. Retaining members is also important so outline your retention efforts as well. Points will be awarded based on the number of percentage of new members recruited as well as membership growth from December 31, 2015 to December 31, 2016.
Student Chapter Education and Meetings (20 possible points)
Judges will evaluate the Student Chapter President’s effectiveness in summarizing the chapter’s overall educational programming. Clearly indicate how many educational programs your chapter hosted and the nature of those educations sessions? What does the résumé tell the judges about the chapter members’ participation in educational events and chapter meetings?
CMAA National and Local Involvement (20 possible points)
Please note, points will have already been awarded (through the automatic entry portion) for specific credit areas. Judges will evaluate effectiveness in summarizing the chapter’s involvement in National and Chapter level activities and how it relates to the growth in membership. In what ways does your chapter stay involved in CMAA (World Conference, National Student Education Conference Attendance)? Do you encourage your members to register on the CMAA website so they can get the most out of their membership? Do members of your student chapter attend senior meetings, education, social events and fundraisers? If so, please indicate each event, the type of event and the number of students from your chapter that attended each event. Hint: Ask your local chapter for a copy of the sign-in sheet after each event to keep track and submit as a supplemental item with your entry. What is original about your student chapter’s relationship with your senior chapter? Do you work together to meet your goals as a student chapter and to gain experience in the field? Do you see results? Does this involvement allow the chapter to grow in both strength and numbers?
Communications (10 possible points)
Discuss communication methods (chapter newsletter, social media presence, website, etc.) used to promote and inform CMAA and your members of important information, achievements and upcoming events. Do you communicate in a unique or a creative way that gets the attention of your chapter members or perspective members? Include a copy of any newsletters, press releases, blog entries, articles published in Outlook, Club Management magazine, University publications or industry-related journal. A student chapter member(s) must author any/all articles submitted.
Employment in Clubs (10 possible points)
Include the total number of chapter members who are employed by clubs (include internships) and state their names and places of employment. Include the number of students who have graduated and obtained full-time employment in private clubs, inclusive of position. Graduates must be from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
Special Projects and Awards (15 possible points)
This section should include research for special projects within the industry, examples: working with clubs to solve problems, assisting with golf tournaments, community and charity events, etc. Mention any significant chapter awards (i.e., Club of the Future, Growth Awards, New Member Recruitment Contest, past Student Chapter of the Year participation). Have your chapter members won scholarship, either offered your hospitality program, a local chapter or the Joe Perdue Scholarship. Name those individuals and the significance of the scholarship.
Competition Criteria
I. Student Chapter President’s Résumé
This section is optional but strongly recommended, as your chapter cannot be recognized for its accomplishments without it.
Include a chapter résumé prepared by the Student Chapter President describing the chapter’s achievements from January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. The chapter résumé should summarize the activities of your chapter as they directly relate to:
v Membership Growth and Retention
v Student Chapter Education and Meetings
v CMAA National and Local Involvement
v Communications
v Employment in Clubs
v Special Projects and Awards
The chapter résumé should be typed in a 12 point font and should be no longer than six pages in length. Include your résumé, along with your chapter’s newsletter or any other type(s) of chapter communication, marketing materials or any other supplemental materials, if applicable. Chapters cannot be recognized as winners without sending in these supporting materials by the set deadline January 15, 2017.
II. Membership Growth and Retention (completed by CMAA Staff)
New Members (January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016)* _____
Membership growth (December 31, 2015 – December 31, 2016)* _____
10 points for reaching New Member Recruitment Goal by December 31, 2016 _____
III. Student Chapter Education and Meetings (completed by student chapter)
Total Number of Student Chapter Educational Programs _____
Total Number of Student Chapter Meetings _____
Total Number of Club Tours _____
IV. CMAA National and Local Involvement (completed by CMAA Staff)
Students registered for 2016 World Conference in San Diego* _____
Students registered for the 2016 National Student Education* _____
Number of Senior Chapter Events Attended _____
Students attending Senior Chapter Events _____
V. Communications (completed by student chapter)
Score 5 points for producing a chapter newsletter (printed or online) _____
Score 5 points for each social media/online outlet, max. 10 pts. _____
(website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blog, etc.)
VI. Employment in Clubs (completed by Student Chapter)
Number of members that are employed/interns at clubs _____
Number of members that have graduated and entered club management
profession (January 1-December 31, 2016) _____
VII. Special Projects and Awards (completed by CMAA Staff)
Number of Chapter Entries in the 2016 Club of the Future Award Program _____
Score 5 pts. for each winning 2016 Club of the Future Entry _____
Score 5 points for each for 2016 Joe Perdue Scholarship recipient _____
Score 5 pts. For each special project, chapter scholarship or chapter award _____
I. Student Chapter President’s Résumé (up to 100 pts.) _____
II. Membership Growth and Retention
III. Student Chapter Education and Meetings _____
IV. CMAA National and Local Involvement _____
V. Communications _____
VI. Employment in Clubs _____
VII. Special Projects and Awards _____
Grand Total: ______
*based on percentage of chapter members