NURS 194 LEADERSHIP I Renton Technical College

Rubric: Resume LPN Program/ Summer 2011

Name: ______ / Instructor: Neil Foltz, MN / Date: ______
/ / / / Weight / Points
3 / 2 / 1
Visual / *Appropriate length(1-2 pages)
*Categories are clear
*Text is consistently used as visual aid
*Rubric on top, then resume; stapled and personal information on each page
*Typed / *Appropriate length (1-2 pages)
*Categories are somewhat unclear
*Text is not consistently used as a visual aid
*Rubric included on top, then resume; not stapled and/ or personal information not on each page
*Typed / *Length less than 1 or longer than 2 pages
*Categories are unclear or missing
*Text formatting is not used as a visual aid
*Rubric not included; not stapled and personal information not on each page
*Not typed / x2 / ____
*Interesting with no more than 2 different type styles, sizes, lines, or boxes *Character formats such as bold, italics, and underlining are kept to a minimum and used consistently / *3 different type styles, sizes, lines or boxes
*Character formats used frequently / *4 or more different type styles, sizes, lines or boxes; *Character formats used frequently or inconsistently / x2 / ____
*Enough "white space”/ margins and line spacing keep the page from looking too crowded
*Margins 1-2 inches, approximately / *Limited white space/ somewhat crowded on page(s)
*Margins less than 1 or greater than 2 inches / *Crowded
*Margins and line spacing too large or too small / x1 / ____
Organization / *Dates of employment, if used, are easy to find and consistently formatted
*Text contains brief, succinct language with no unnecessary words
*Phrases begin with powerful action verbs and words
*Little or no repetition of words or phrases / *Dates are somewhat easy to find but consistently listed
*Some unnecessary words
*Some action verbs
*Some repetition of words or phrases / *Dates are hard to find and inconsistently listed
*Many unnecessary words
*Few action verbs
*Many repeated words or phrases / x3 / ____
Education Omit high school if you have completed more than 2 years of college, unless referencing impressive honors or relevant extracurricular activities / *Highest level of education or training is listed first from most current degree backward
*Includes type of degree, name and location of university, date or anticipated date of graduation
*Includes major or minor or area of concentration / *Education not listed with most current first
*Missing some information about degree, name and location of school, date/anticipated date of graduation
*Major or minor or concentration missing / *Education not listed with most current first
*Missing much information about degree, name and location of school, date/anticipated date of graduation
*Major or minor or concentration missing / x1 / ____
*List of other relevant higher education coursework, certifications, continuing professional education or training courses, and study abroad
*GPA (if higher than 3.0), honors, awards, and scholarships / *Some relevant higher education coursework, continuing professional education or training courses, and study abroad listed
*GPA lower than 3.0 listed / *Non pertinent education coursework, continuing professional education or training courses, and study abroad listed
*GPA lower than 2.0 listed / x1 / ____
Employment / *List all paid, volunteer, intern, or cooperative education experiences relevant to the job listing starting with the most recent experience, if using chronological format / *Some paid, volunteer, intern, or cooperative education experiences listed; some non relevant experiences listed / *Irrelevant experiences to the job listed / x1 / ____
*List title held, organization name, city, state, or country location (if not the United States) for each experience; dates of each position; if several positions for one employer, list employer once / *Employer information not listed with most current first; missing some information; single employer listed multiple times / *Employer information missing; missing information about experiences / x1 / ____
*Responsibilities listed in order of each item's relative value to the future employer
*List several transferable skills and adaptive abilities used on the job / *Responsibilities not listed in order of relative value
*Some transferable skills & abilities listed / *Responsibilities listed without regard to relative value
*Few transferable skills or abilities listed / x1 / ____
*Quantitative or qualitative examples of contributions to the organization, such as how your work helped increase profit, funding, motivation, efficiency, productivity, quality, saved time or money; improved programs, management, communication, or information flow / *Limited examples of contributions to the organization / *No examples of contributions to the organization / x1 / ____
*If included, language skills: fluency and ability to read and write at basic, intermediate, or advanced levels / *Language skills listed with fluency but without indication of level / *Language skills listed without fluency or level / x1 / ____
Grammar and Spelling /

*0 misspelled words

*0-2 grammatical errors *Information is clear


*1-2 misspelled words

*3-4 grammatical errors

*Information is mostly clear


*3 or more misspelled words

*5 or more grammatical errors *Information is unclear

/ x1 / ____
Objective / *IF included, language is specific, employer-centered; no broad or vague statements; directly relates to job listing / *Language is specific but self-centered; doesn’t clearly relate to job listing / *Language is self-centered and with broad or vague statements / x1 / ____
Possible: 51 points / Total----> / ____
Instructor Comments:

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