Monday Night Bible Study Lesson 8–Joshua 8-9


Day 1Review

1. What did you learn from reading the last lesson’s commentary notes?

2. What inspired you from the lecture?

Day 2Read Joshua 8:30-35 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

3. Make a bullet point summary of the events recorded in Joshua 8:30-35.

4.? Thought Question: From your summary, which action taken by Joshua was most significant and why?

5.? Personal Question: Using your answer to question 4, how might you apply in your own life the significant action that Joshua took as recorded in today’s verses?

Day 3Read Joshua 9:1-15 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

6. Briefly explain the Gibeonite strategy used against Joshua and Israel.

7.? Thought Question: How might the Gibeonites be a greater threat to Israel than the coalition of 6 nations located near Lebanon mentioned in versus 1-2?

8. What is mentioned in verse 14 that indicates a “chink in the armor” of Israel?

9.? Personal Question: What do you learn about Israel’s vulnerability to their enemies? What should you do to minimize your own vulnerabilities toward your enemy, Satan?

Day 4Read Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 7:24-27, Matthew 10:16, Ephesians 5:15-18, 1 John 4:1, 4:5-6, and 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

10. Write down something you learn from the following verses that will help you not be deceived by your enemy?

Proverbs 3:5-6 –

Matthew 7:24-27 –

Matthew 10:16 –

Ephesians 5:15-18 –

1 John 4:1, 4:5-6 –

11.? Personal Question: In what area of your life are you vulnerable to deception? Why? What steps are you willing to take to strengthen that area of your life?

12.? Thought Question: What do you learn from reading 2 Corinthians 11:13-15?

Day 5Read Joshua 9:16-27 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

13. How did Israel’s leaders show integrity to the inhabitants of cities in and near Gibeon? (See versus 18-19.)

14. How did Joshua confront the people in verse 22?

15.? Thought Question: Do you have any sympathy toward the people inhabiting Gibeon and surrounding cities? Why or why not?

16.? Personal Question: Write down something you learned from today’s verses that you would like to apply to your own life. Be prepared to share with your discussion group.

Day 6Read Joshua 9:1-27 [Open NIV][Open NKJV]

17.? Personal Question: What was your main “take away” from Joshua Chapter 9?

18.? Thought Question: Using verse 24, how do you explain the fact that the Gibeonites seemed to know God’s commands better than Joshua and Israel (at least concerning God’s command to destroy all the inhabitants of the land God had given Israel)?

19. What good did God bring from Israel’s sin of disobedience to the command of God?

20.? Thought Question: How does God redeem the consequences of our sin, after we confess and repent of it? Give an example from your life (or someone you know) where God brought about good after sin. (Use Romans 5:20-21 and 8:28 to help answer this question.)