NUR 3138C NRC Skills Lab and Class Weekly Schedule – Fall, 2012

Date / Topic / Readings & Assignments
8/23 Thursday Class / Class:
Review Course Syllabus & Weekly Class Schedule
Review resources available on the team Sakai site
Orientation to NUR 3138C
-The Neighborhood
-Evolve website
Infection control / Class readings: K&E Fundamentals of Nursing Text
Ch. 31 – Asepsis
NRC Lab readings:
P&P skills book (pp. 172-186)
Skill 7-1 Hand Hygiene
Skill 7-2 Caring for patients under isolation precautions
Procedure guideline (PG) 7.1 Special TB precautions
Mosby’s Videos: **View Before NRC lab-
PPE – Using personal protective equipment- MV
Infection Control -Performing hand hygiene- MV
8/28 Tuesday NRC Lab
Assignment Due: Quiz #1 – Turn in to Dr. Citty on Tuesday lab 8/28 / NRC Lab:
Infection control
Hand hygiene
PPE use / See above
8/30 Thursday Class
No formal class meeting due to ATTAC-IT (1300-1700)
(Please view voice-over PPT on Sakai) / Class:
Hygiene & comfort
Environment of care, Nutrition, & Safety
Documentation and measurement of intake and output (I&O)
Review the “Nursing problem-solving process” / Class readings: K&E Fundamentals of Nursing Text
Hygiene Ch. 33
Nutrition Ch. 47
Intake & output measurement: p. 1472-1473
Nursing process: K&E ch. 10-15 (review from NUR 3138 class)
NRC lab reading for 9/4 lab: P&P skills book:
Skill 17-6 Care of a patients environment
PG 17-6 Making an unoccupied bed
PG 17-7 making an occupied bed
Skill 17-1 bathing and personal hygiene
PG 17-1 Perineal care
PG 17-2 Use of disposable bed bath, tub, or shower
Skill 17-2 Oral hygiene
PG 17-3 Care of dentures
Skill 17-3 Performing mouth care unconscious/debilitated patient
Skill 17-4 Hair care – comb and shaving
Skill 17-5 Nail and foot care
Skill 31-1 Performing a nutritional assessment
Skill 30-2 Assisting an adult patient with oral nutrition
Skill 30-3 Aspiration precautions
Required lab Mosby Videos:
Making an unoccupied bed- MV
Making an occupied bed- MV
Performing a complete or partial bed bath-M V
Assisting with a tub bath or shower- MV
Performing a back massage-MV
Performing perineal care for a female patient- MV
Performing perineal care for a male patient-M V
Adaptation of hygiene procedures to patient needs and environment
Performing oral hygiene for an unconscious patient-M V
Cleaning dentures- MV
Performing hair care and shampooing in bed- MV
Shaving a male patient- MV
Performing nail and foot care- MV
Assisting with gown change- MV
Assisting with meals- MV
Measuring intake and output- MV
Taking aspiration precautions- MV
9/4 Tuesday NRC Lab
Assignment Due: Quiz #2 DUE today in lab / NRC Lab:
Hygiene & Comfort
Environment of Care
Making an unoccupied & occupied bed, Complete vs. partial bed bath
Perineal care male/female,
Oral care & Denture care
Hair care & shampooing in bed
Adaptation of procedures to clients needs & environment
Nutrition, I&O, & Safety
Types of diets
Assisting with meals/feeding
Applying aspiration precautions
Common fluid equivalents
Documentation & Measurement of I&O
Lake Wauberg 9/4/12 (afternoon) – Time TBA
Team Building Activities
Care of Self:
Stress management
Promotion of wellness / See above
9/6 Thursday Class
Assignment: Quiz #3 DUE in class / Class:
Bowel & bladder elimination / Class Readings: K&E Fundamentals of Nursing text
Ch. 48 Urinary Elimination
Ch. 49 Fecal Elimination
NRC Lab readings:
P&P skills book
PG 33-1 Assisting a patient in using a urinal
Skill 33-4 Applying a condom catheter
Skill 43-1 Urine specimen midstream and sterile urinary catheter specimen
skill 43-2 measuring occult blood in stool
Skill 6-7 p. 165-170 Intake and output measurement
P&P text p. 878 step 12.a - Providing urinary catheter care
Required Lab Mosby Videos:
Assisting with a urinal- MV
Assisting with a bedpan- MV
Applying a condom catheter- MV
Collecting a midstream urine specimen- MV
Performing fecal occult blood testing- MV
9/11 NRC Lab / NRC Lab:
specimen collection (urine, catheter, fecal, dipstick);
BSC & hat use
Condom catheter application
Bedpan use (fracture & regular)
I&O measurement principles – practice measurement & documentation from different sources of intake and output, common fluid equivalents
**Utilize the “Nursing problem-solving process” ADPIE during the lab sessions. / See above
9/13 Thursday Class
Assignment: Quiz #4 DUE in class / Class:
Risk reduction
Safety / Class Readings: K&E Fundamentals of Nursing text
Ch 32 – Safety
Ch. 44 – Activity & Exercise
NRC Lab Readings:
Assisting with moving and positioning a patient in bed –skill 9-2 p. 216-226
Transferring from a bed to a wheelchair with a transfer belt – skill 9-1 p. 204-215
Transferring from a bed to a stretcher - skill 9-1 p. 204-215
Assisting with ambulation using a gait belt – skill 10-4 p. 249-264
Assisting with ambulation using canes, crutches, walker P&P p. 249, skill 10-4
Assisting with range-of-motion exercises – PG 10-1 p. 228-236
Applying elastic stockings – skill 10-3 p. 243-248
Using a sequential compression device – skill 10-3 p. 243-248
Mechanical Lift Equipment – skill 9-1 (step 6) p. 213-225
Required Mosby Lab Videos:
Assisting with moving and positioning a patient in bed- MV
Transferring from a bed to a wheelchair with a transfer belt- MV
Transferring from a bed to a stretcher- MV
Using a hydraulic lift- MV
Assisting with ambulation using a gait belt- MV
Assisting with range-of-motion exercises- MV
Applying elastic stockings- MV
Using a sequential compression device- MV
9/18 NRC Lab
*NOTE lab time change:
IFH 1040-1230 / NRC Lab:
Ambulation & gait belt use
Mechanical lift equipment (Vanderlift, Veralift)
Use of crutches, canes, walkers, slide boards
SCD use
TED hose application
Transferring from bed to chair
Transferring from chair to bed,
Transferring from bed to stretcher,
ROM exercises
Injury prevention strategies / See above
9/20 Class
Assignment: Quiz #5 DUE in class / Class:
Risk reduction
Safety / Class readings:
K&E Fundamentals of Nursing Text
Ch. 32 Safety
Skin assessment – K&E text p. 922-924
See Sakai site for additional readings
NRC Lab Readings:
Safety/Restraints/Seizures safety
P&P skills book p. 326-346
Skill 13-1 Fall prevention in HC facility
Skill 13-2 designing a restraint-free environment
Skill 13-3 Applying physical restraints
Skill 13-4 Seizure precautions
Skill 18-1 Risk assessment, skin assessment, and prevention strategies
Required Mosby Lab Videos:
Using restraint alternatives- MV
Applying restraints- MV
9/25 NRC Lab / NRC Lab:
Primary & secondary prevention strategies
Seizure, fall, injury, restraint application
& alternatives
Skin risk in hospital & community
Braden skin risk assessment
School clinic screenings – vision, hearing, scoliosis / See above
9/27 Thursday Class
Assignment: Quiz #6 DUE in class / Class:
Infection Control
Sterile technique
Wound care
Environment of care & Safety in the
hospital & home
Safe oxygen use / Class readings:
K&E Fundamentals of Nursing Text
Ch. 31 – Asepsis
Ch. 36 - Skin integrity and wound healing
P&P oxygenation
NRC lab Readings-
P&P skills book:
Skill 8.2 Preparing a sterile field
Skill 8-3 Sterile Gloving
PG 38-1 Performing a wound assessment
Skill 39-1 Applying a dry & moist to dry dressing
Skill 43-7 Collecting a specimen for wound culture
Skill 23-1 Applying a nasal cannula or oxygen mask
Skill 42-4 Using home oxygen equipment
Required Mosby Lab Videos-
Establishing and maintaining a sterile field- MV
Adding items to a sterile field- MV
Pouring a sterile solution- MV
Using a prepackaged sterile kit- MV
Performing sterile gloving - MV
Assessing wounds- MV
Changing a dressing- MV
Collecting a specimen for wound culture-MV
Ensuring oxygen safety- MV
Setting oxygen flow rates- MV
Applying a nasal cannula or face mask- MV
10/2 Tuesday Lab / NRC Lab:
Sterile technique & Infection control
Sterile gloving
Sterile dry dressing change
Oxygenation & safety
Basic oxygenation principles & equipment used in hospitals
Introduction to the hospital environment
**Utilize the “Nursing problem-solving process” ADPIE during the lab sessions. / See above
10/4 Thursday Class
Quiz #7 DUE via Shands Healthstream training:
1. Blood glucose monitoring update & quiz
2. Accucheck Inform training / Class:
Assessment of capillary blood glucose & Specimen collection
**NOTE: Clinical faculty to perform BGM training in hospital acute clinical setting per facility policy / Class Readings:
K&E Fundamentals of Nursing text p.812-818
Specimen collection P&P ch. 43
NRC Lab Readings:
P&P – skill 43-9 (p.1153)
Blood glucose monitoring-MV
Sterile technique
Dry sterile dressing
NUR 3138C NRC Lab and Skills Class Completed –
No Thursday class or Tuesday NRC lab for remainder of semester…
Begin Hospital Acute Care Clinical either Monday or Tuesday
Students need to complete core clinical orientations for acute care facilities on Sakai
Students need to complete Shands Health stream training:
1. Rapid regulatory Module Clinical part 1&2
2. MEWS & PEWS training
3. EPIC modules 100-1, 100-2, 100-3
10/15 or 10/16
Hospital Clinical Orientation – BGM check-off per hospital policy with AH hospital clinical faculty
TBA per clinical faculty
IFH 1040-1230
Hospital Clinical
10/22 or 10/23
4 hours TBA per clinical faculty
10/29 or 10/30
Hospital Clinical
4 hours TBA per clinical faculty
11/5 or 11/6
Hospital Clinical
4 hours TBA per clinical faculty
11/12 (Monday)
No hospital clinical due to Veterans Day
11/13 (Tuesday) Regular hospital clinical
4 hours TBA per clinical faculty
11/19 (Monday) Regular hospital clinical
4 hours TBA per clinical faculty
11/20 (Tuesday)
No hospital clinical due to IFH
IFH 1040-1230
11/26 or 11/27
Hospital Clinical
12/3 or 12/4
Hospital Clinical