ITTI Transition Planning Timeline with Resources

Planning Steps / Tools for Planning
Age 12-14 / ___Register with the state deaf-blind project/ consortium
___Get family connected with family organization(s)*
___Designing Individualized Employment for the student
___Conduct Personal Learning Profile Checklist
___Review communication plan & test for effectiveness*
___Review IEP for transition planning statements*
___Register with state agencies for services / Website: Details on the project and registration forms
Website:National Family Association of Deaf-Blind
Charge Syndrome Foundation New York Parent Association for Deaf-Blind
Document: A Guide for Students who are Deaf-Blind Considering College – Personal Learning Profile Checklist
Document: Developing an Effective IEP for Children with Deaf-Blindness: A Parent Mini-Guide

Team: Request copy of IEP and review section on transition planning
Website: Samples of transition planning statements
Website: Office for People with Developmental Disabilities

New York State Commission for the Blind

Age 14 / ___Ensure transdisciplinary team is established
___Team reviews NYS Transition Services: A Planning & Implementation Guide (share copy with family)
___Conduct Person Centered Planning session*
___Conduct Assistive Technology evaluation
___Register with HKNC Regional Representative
__Gather work-related documents
___Obtain consent to contact adult service agencies
___Transition planning statements outlined in IEP
___Investigate summer camp opportunities / Document: Key Players in the Life
Document: A Parent Mini-Guide (above)
Website:Click on Citizen-Centered Leadership

Webinar: Archived recording Person-Centered Planning

Website: “I’m Determined” One-Pager

Website:Chris Woodfill (NY/NJ/VI/PR)
Website: /workprot/wphmpg.shtm
Team:School specific consent where applicable to contact NYSCB, ACCES-VR, OPWDD
Website: /files/library/transition_guide.pdf?pt=1
Age 15 / ___Identify transition services on IEP*
___Discuss summer employment & internship opportunities*
___Get student involved in peer organizations*
___Results from Assistive Technology evaluation with accommodations & modifications are included in the IEP
___Independent Living skills assessment conducted
___Establish Internet identity (email, listservs, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) / Document:Transition Services: A Planning and Implementation Guide (above)
Team: Conversation with IEP team
Website: Etiology-specific groups (Usher, CHARGE, etc.)
Team: Conversation with IEP team
Document: See above
Document: Determining Need for IL Post Secondary Goals (for the team)
Document: Independent Living Skills Inventory
(for the student)
Website: Independent Living Centers, HKNC

Team: Discuss with family appropriate level of social media & internet identity
Age 16 / ___ Adult service providers included on the IEP team
___Develop mobility/travel safety skills*
___Develop a resume/portfolio (paper or video)*
___Research training/ education agencies/programs specific to communication, independent living, self-determination*
___Investigate SSDI/SSI/Medicaid Programs
___Obtain personal ID
___Apply for discounted metro/bus card
___Engage in at least one vocational/internship experience*
___Investigate PASS (Plan to Achieve Self Support) program / Document:Key Players in the Life
Document:TAPS - Teaching Age-Appropriate Purposeful Skills:An Orientation & Mobility Curriculum for Students with Visual Impairments, 3rd Edition
Webinar: Creating Video Portfolios for Adolescents with Significant Disabilities -
Website: Create online portfolio blog
Team:Discuss with Transition Specialist & VR Counselor of local training options, visit when appropriate
Website:SSDI & NYS Medicaid

Website:NYS Department of Motor Vehicles

Website:MTA for Subway, Metro North, LIRR
Team: Discuss options with Transition Counselor
Age 17 / ___Revisit PCP & goals on IEP, transition planning specific
___Review communication program & assess for effectiveness across environments (school, home, work & community)*
___Consider on-going training/vocational experiences over the summer
___Consider the need for legal guardianship / Team:Review & edit “I’m Determined” One-Pager
Document: Communication Inhibitors & Facilitators Assessment
Team: Discussion with adult state agency representatives, transition counselor, HKNC Reg Rep
Age 18 / ___Apply for post-school college & training programs
___Review health insurance for continued coverage
___Connect student with peer group(s)*
___Review status with state agency/agencies*
___Design recreation plan for post-school life
___Discuss/investigate post-school housing plan/investigate funding options for support / Team:College or continuing education is student & location specific. Training is supported through state agencies
Website:Conversation with family about insurance provider policies & health care proxy
Website:Etiology-specific groups (Usher, CHARGE, etc.)
Website:NYSCB, ACCES-VR, OPWDD (above)
Document:Suggestions for Recreation/Leisure Activities & modifications
Age 19-21 / ___Review status of the following topics: employment/education, training and community living
___Clarify graduation/degree requirements & implications
___Investigate Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
___Review travel safety skills & public transportation options & training*
___Gather all documentation verifying disability and necessary accommodations
___Provide awareness training to transitioning agencies
___Understanding legal rights and responsibilities of post-school life for individuals with disabilities
___Complete transition portfolio / Team: Review status of each topic with associated planning tools. Transition to Adult Life Fact Sheet
-Review state degree requirements & types of diplomas
Team: Discuss status & review experience/training with O & M instructor (see above)
Team: Review documents, check for evaluation dates & necessary signatures
Team: Discuss student specific needs to transitioning agencies
Website: What is Deaf-Blindness?

Document: Transition Portfolio Summary Sheet
Website: Update/finalize online portfolio blog

Created by Susanne Morgan Morrow – New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative