Chapter Numbers of the Great Pyramid

Numbers of the

Great Pyramid

The first Wonder of the World reveals its first secret to us: theoretically each side of the square foundation of the Pyramid of Cheops is equal to 439.574 cubits. According to the Logos, the area of the foundation (439.574)2 is the edge of the Great Cube, that stays in the invisible Metasphere, all the sizes of which were revealed to the Egyptian Priests by the Most High God. The Great Cube is the celestial ideal form, into which the Great Pyramid was inserted.

It is known, that practice is the criterion of verity of any theory. It is necessary to check up, if the actual sizes of the Pyramid coincide with the celestial Sample. Unfortunately, we have never been to El Giza, moreover, to take measurments of the Great Pyramid is the work beyond the tourists' strength. The book Fingerprints of the Gods by G. Hancock will help us to fill the gap. The author adduces many remarkable facts and observations in his research, and, what is very important, indicates the exact parameters of the Pyramid and some of its interior premises.

"The Great Egyptian pyramid", he writes, "is one of the most grandiose and ancient structures built by man. The length of the northern side at the foundation is 230.1 meters; the western and the eastern – 230.2 meters; the southern – 230.3 meters. It means, that the difference between the longest and the shortest sides makes about 20 centimeters, that is less than 0.1 %. Let us sum up an intermediate result. In this case, not a single certain engineering purpose can justify the huge efforts, carefulness and skill necessary for its achievement. Today the experts have no convincing explanation, how the builders of the pyramid always managed to achieve high exactitude".

439.574052 cubits * 11/21 = 230.204931 meters

440 cubits * 11/21 = 230.47619 meters

We converted imperial cubits to modern meters and received a proper outcome. Really, the ancient builders were able to orientate their objects according to stars and to achieve the superexactitude. It is clear now – in the name of what they did it. Their ideal was, certainly, not only the technical purpose, but the True Existing Numbers of the Metasphere, the sacred Monads, and being still higher, beyond the limits, the Prevailing Number, the supersecret "Root of the Seven", and the Fore-Unity. The exact embodiment of the celestial Pre-Image is an expression of higher will and possibility to join the Gods. It was the only way possible to establish reliable connection with the sidereal and supercosmic Divinities. The Priests knew this secret and turned it into reality with extreme diligence.

Apparently, the Egyptian (and Babylonian) Priests managed to displace the study of the movement of heavenly bodies into a theoretical sphere to such a great extent, that they expressed it by means of the prime numbers and the positive integers in the combination with the symbolical formulas. In such cases, where we see decimal places and an amazing exactitude, ratios of skilfully selected simple quantities are hidden quite often. The Priests connected the abstract mathematics with the laws of physics and astronomy in their calculations and expressed these ratios in the secret Law.

Pyramid's Height

The height of the Pyramid – is the most obvious size, which shows a real quantity. Such an opinion took roots a long time ago. Actually, everything is much more complicated. And not only because the height is difficult for measuring. Since the old days it was determined by the shadow from the Sun, comparing the shadow of a building with the length of the shadow of the measuring pole. From the similarity of two triangles an unknown quantity was found. It is considered, that Thales was the first who solved this problem. The truth is, that he was taught geometry by the Egyptian Priests, who were skilful geodesists.

This method, however, allows to determine only a visible size, the cone of the Pyramid, that is raised above the ground, and not quite exactly at that. The measurements show, that nowadays the height is: H=146.64 meters = 280 cubits. There is a temptation to accept this value at once, but it is still necessary to find out, what the top of the Pyramid of Cheops looks like. The Pyramid is supposed to be slightly truncated, though its enormous sizes smooth this aspect over.

Graham Hancock, who secretly ascended the top, describes the things he saw there: "I felt that I was in a privileged position, when I hoisted myself at the top of the last survived miracle of the ancient world, hanging in the sky, like Aladdin on the magic carpet, above the electronic mirage of Cairo.

True, it is impossible to say, that the 203th layer of masonry of the Great Egyptian pyramid looked like a carpet. It is a quadrate with a side of 9 meters (at the foundation it is – 230) which is built of several hundreds of lime-stone blocks, each is about a meter high, and weighs about five tons. The layer is not absolutely even: some of the blocks are absent or are broken, and closer to the southern edge the residuals of the following layer of masonry protrude upwards. In the very centre of the quadrate someone hammered together a triangular wooden planking, from the middle of which a 10-meter pole sticks up; the end of the pole is just at the level appropriate to the initial height of the pyramid, i.e. 146.6 meters. The surrounding lime-stone is entirely slashed with the scribbles of several generations of tourists".

Let us imagine ourselves in the centre of that planking and let us ponder over one thing. On the one hand, we are at the very top of the Great Pyramid, and on the other – we are ten meters below its crown. The description of the planking suggests, that the apex of the Pyramid was smoothed by time, or that it was never constructed. Some scientists suppose, that at the very top there stood an obelisk-pyramidion, and it was called Benben. However, it is not known, if it really was, and if it was, why it has disappeared. We shall take into account this singularity.

HA= hPyramid + hBenben

At the first sight, the scheme of this Pyramid is extremely simple. But it is worth looking closely at.

Staying at the top, it is not out of place to set ourselves the task of thinking such a problem over: how deeply the body of the Pyramid extends under the ground? Really, the part above the ground is open, and the underground part is hidden. There is a descending corridor leading there, which was known from the antique times. The Graeco-Roman geographer Strabo left a description of the underground chamber. It is covered by a 30-meter layer of earth and is almost 180 meters below the top of the Pyramid. In a word, a lot of opinions were expressed about the height of the Pyramid, but it is accepted by everybody, that the height = 146.67 meters (=280 cubits). However, our view is that the Great Pyramid has a more complicated configuration, than it seems to have, and the underground part should be somehow taken into account. In order to come closer to the truth, we shall turn our eyes once again to the celestial Sample, that hovers in the Metasphere.

Form of the Pyramid

The Great Cube comprises all the Space and all the Time, and we have already calculated this quantity = (440) 3. Probably, the Priests-Astrologers pondered over the problem for a long time before they outlined the height of the Pyramid. It had to satisfy all the requirements of the celestial theory and, at the same time to be suitable for the stone construction. The first thing which suggests itself is to transform the Great Cube so that the form of the Pyramid will be ideal and its length-width-height will come to 440 cubits each. What will be the volume of such a Pyramid?

VSample of the Pyramid = 1/3*440*440*440 =

= 28401840 cubic cubits

In such an aspect the outcome says little to us. But we shall take into account, that the Standard of the Priests is universal, that the Space itself contains the Time and keeps it in its volume. Thus, each cubit is also one day. Now we shall determine the number of years, that the ideal Pyramid contains.

ÒSample = 28401840:365.25=77760 years = 3*25920 years

This remarkable quantity is already familiar to us. From the divine Decade the only finishing triad of Great Years is included into the Pre-Image of the Pyramid. Each Great Year is equal to 25920 years of Sirius. The whole volume is all the time of life of the civilization calculated by the Priests of Egypt, or by their predecessors. The past, the present and the future of the Universe are hidden here.

Now, when in the celestial Pyramid a mystical number of 77760 years was revealed, it is necessary to look attentively at the form of the real Pyramid. It is unlikely that the Priests-Astronomers could neglect such a Number. On the contrary, it was the result of a long search according to the universal Law-Logos. But, so to say, it was impossible to realize the intention in its straight meaning and to construct a Pyramid 440 cubits high on earth. The Priests found another solution.

The sketch represents a Pyramid standing on a rectangular foundation. The height of the whole figure is HA – it is, so to say, an absolute height. It consists of three parts: hB – is the height of the pyramidion Benben; hP - is the height of the body of the Pyramid; hU – is the height (depth) of the parallelepiped, the form of which is hidden underground. We suppose, that, when they were designing the Pyramid, the Priests-Astronomers could not deviate from the measure of Time bestowed by the Gods, and they have enciphered 77760 years in the body of the whole figure. Probably, they took into account, that Time by its nature is not the same, it is always moving and is divided into the worst and the best. Everything that is bad and unsuitable is immersed into the underground world, and everything that is perfect and worthy is directed to the sky, is ascended into the super-celestial Paradise. Generally speaking, the Whole figure was divided into two heterogeneous Parts.

At present such a problem seems to be simple, a student of any college is able to solve it. However, the geometry of the Priests is always full of the astral meaning, therefore even a correct solution does not make clear, but condenses the mystical darkness, calls on the new problems. At the same time, the designers of the celestial figure thought quite rationally and divided the volume (i.e. the time of 77760 years) in the following ratio: 7/11 – is actually the Pyramid, and 4/11 – is the underground part. Modern architects will immediately see here the principle of the "golden section", and will be right, because these values – 0.6363636 and 0.3636363 – almost coincide with the proportion of beauty (0.618 and 0.382). Though, the "golden section" keeps only a reflection of the great secret.

In order to assure ourselves of the correctness of this division, we must turn the years of each figure into the days, i.e. into the cubits, they will reveal volumes, and if we know them, it is possible for us to reveal the height of the Pyramid and the depth of the foundation.

Height of the Pyramid

hPyramid + hBenben = (494837/11*365.25)*3:(440)2

= 280 cubits

Depth of the foundation

hu= (282764/11*365.25):(440)2 = 531/3 cubits (=28 meters)

Height of the Pyramid and the foundation

HА = 280+531/3 = 333.3333333 cubits

(=174.67 meters)

The number of 3331/3 is familiar to us, it was displayed in the invisible Metasphere. To tell the truth, it was a divine measure there, an exponent, the fourth part of the Prevailing Number, from which the cosmic Time-Space was formed.

The human measure of the cubit is applied here, but the central column – 280+531/3=3331/3 cubits – together with the guadrate of the foundation – 440*440 – determine the exterior forms and sizes of the Great Pyramid. This grandiose structure was created as a replica of the celestial Sample, and, it is necessary to say, the Priests have solved an extremely difficult problem brilliantly, by means of enciphering all the astral and divine Wisdom known by them in the stone blocks, in the exterior and interior sizes and proportions of the Pyramid.

The Greek historian Herodotus (abt 484–425 BC), staying in Egypt, collected a lot of information about this country. Giving information about ancient times, he indicates, that he heard these stories from the Priests. "So, before the time of the king who had been before Cheops," the priests continued, "under good laws, Egypt had achieved great prosperity. However, Cheops plunged the country into the abyss of distress. First of all, he ordered to close all the sanctuaries and forbade to make immolations. Then he forced all the Egyptians to work for him. So, some of them were obliged to move huge blocks of stones from the quarries in the Arabian mountains to the Nile (the stones were transported by ships across the river), and the others were ordered to drag them further up to the so-called Libyan cliffs. A hundred thousand people carried out this work continuously, being replaced every three months. It took the exhausted people ten years to build a road, by which those stone blocks were dragged, the work, that was, in my opinion, probably as huge, as the construction of the pyramid itself. The matter was, that the road was 5 stades long, and 10 orgias wide, in the highest place it was 8 orgias high, it was constructed of the hewn stones with the figures, cut on them. The construction of this road and the underground premises on the hill, where pyramids stand, lasted for ten years. In these premises Cheops arranged his burial place on an island, and he made a channel from the Nile to the mountain. The building of the pyramid lasted for 20 years. It is a quadrilateral structure, each side of it is 8 plethrons wide and has the same height, and is built of the blocks of stone hewn and carefully fitted to each other. Each stone is at least 30 feet long".