State of New Jersey

Statewide Voter Registration System

Production System Changes

Report Date: Monday June 29, 2009

The following system changes, including bug fixes and enhancements, were put into Production on June 28th, 2009.

Bug Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County
1.  / NJP-5769 / Corrected the SVRS to generate mailing labels for candidates successfully when party is selected exclusively. / Statewide
2.  / NJP-6962 / Corrected the SVRS to delete the Party History successfully and capture the audit history correctly. / Morris
3.  / NJP-7344 / Prob 1: Fixed. The election field is meant to be sticky for the User session. Once an Election is selected in this screen and "Select"/"Non-Reg Voter" button is clicked the user is supposed to see the selection pre populated every time he/she comes back to this screen through search until the session expires (previous/back button not necessarily work the same way, since they use browser cache instead). The rule applies when a pre-selected election is deselected at this screen.
Prob 2: According to CCR-250 (NJP-6264), the "PTD/UOCAVA Rejected Request already exists for the selected voter" message should appear only if an election is selected and "Select" button is clicked.
Problem number 3: ''PTD/UOCAVA Rejected Request already exists for the selected voter' message should only appear when the UOCAVA/Permanently Totally Disabled button is clicked - This is an informative message and is working as per the business rule / Statewide
4.  / NJP-7394 / Corrected the SVRS to stick the Absentee Ballot request type without altering when ever
1.  Using browser back button from the confirmation page and saving the request again.
2.  Executing transactions on multiple voters concurrently from multiple browser windows by the same user.
Data fix has been applied for voter id -110526571 to show request type as "UOCAVA federal General Election only" so that expiration date can be modified / Hudson
5.  / NJP-7362 / Issue is similar to NJP-7394 / Monmouth
6.  / NJP-7396 / Corrected the SVRS to eliminate duplication on “Election District report” / Mercer
7.  / NJP-7520 / Corrected the SVRS to show “Previous Party” “Current Party” and “Change Party” correctly on Party Declaration report. / Statewide
8.  / NJP-7523 / Following issues have been corrected for Poll Worker by MWD and Polling Place report
a) Query Tuned
b) Changed the Work MWD to the Election MWD
c) Corrected the Overlapping of the Report headers. / Cumberland
9.  / NJP-7538 / Corrected the SVRS to show voters on Party Declaration report. / Salem
10.  / NJP-7545 / Corrected the SVRS to pop up reminder only when voter has active Absentee Request in the Current County and some specific VR info got changed. / Ocean
11.  / NJP-7571 / Issue is similar to NJP-7520 / Morris
12.  / NJP-7573 / Corrected the SVRS to display BOE information for the following letter/certificate
1. Assign Poll Worker to Election - Letter /Certificate
2. Poll Worker Training Class Assignment letter
3. Poll Worker Training Attendance letter
/ Ocean
13.  / NJP-7578 / Following issues have been corrected for Poll Worker Payment report.
1.  Totals are shown without truncating the value at the end of the report.
2.  Sorting the export file by “MWD-totals by municipality’ on selection.
3.  Showing up to 2 values after the decimal point on Export file. / Union
14.  / NJP-7579 / The problem here is the Poll Worker whose serving status was disabled did not show up when User logged id is other than BOE Admin, CC Admin, SOE Admin and Statewide User (SA, SU).
To resolve this problem following message has been introduced when ever the search result is one record, and the logged in user is other than BOE Admin, CC Admin, SOE Admin and Statewide User (SA, SU).
Message: Poll Worker is disabled. Please contact the administrator / Gloucester
15.  / NJP-7580 / Corrected the SVRS to show the Voters whose “Remove Sample Ballot” check box is unchecked on Sample Ballot report. / Camden
16.  / NJP-7582 / Corrected the SVRS to capture the User id and time stamp from backend for Poll Place modifications screen. / Middlesex
17.  / NJP-7587 / Data fix has been applied to show “Ballot Request type as “UOCAVA – Federal General Elections only” Instead of PTD for Voter -105682750. / Ocean
18.  / NJP-7588 / Corrected the SVRS to restrict the acknowledgment card generation whenever mailing address is entered /updated for an incomplete voter.
The second part of the issue is not an issue. The voter had residence address at the time generating the rejection letter. Mailing address has been added later on. That being said that rejection letter will display the address that is available at the time of generating the letter. To show latest address on the letter will be part of improvement. / Essex
19.  / NJP-7593 / Following issue have been fixed
1) To display mailing address (if available) on Print List screen of MVC inquiries.
2) To display "State" for residence address on Print list screen of MVC inquiries. / Morris
20.  / NJP-7600 / Corrected the SVRS to show postal municipality instead of municipality if different from municipality on Polling Place List and Label report. / Warren
21.  / NJP-7610 / Corrected the SVRS to maintain consistency in showing the abbreviation for Voter status (Deleted) on both the reports.
1. PTD/UOCAVA/AGE Absentee Voter report
2. Alpha Voter list report. / Cape May
22.  / NJP-7616 / Following issues have been fixed for Polling Place Accessibility report.
1.  Changed from N\A - NOT APPLICABLE to A - N/A- Not applicable.
2.  Typo has been corrected for word “Accessibility “in the title of the report. / Monmouth
23.  / NJP-7621 / Corrected the SVRS to show Poll Worker History under “Inquiries – Voter Registration – Poll Worker History”. / Burlington
24.  / NJP-7630 / All UNA's that have changed to Dem and Rep are show as "Voted in Dec "and "Voted in rep" for the selected election or between the change dates entered.
This is requested as part of CCR-244.
Heading of the report is corrected to show "Party Declaration summary report". / Morris
25.  / NJP-7638 / Following issues have been corrected as part of this fix.
1. Export option shows the Poll Worker Whose home MWD is blanks.
2. Mailing address is shown for export option. (Please make sure include mailing address check box is checked when testing this issue)
3. Comma has been added between Amount paid and assigned party for export option / Union
26.  / NJP-7650 / Corrected the SVRS to view “Voter Registration form” by all County Clerks and the User created by him. / Ocean
27.  / NJP-7655 / Issue is similar to NJP-7675 / Statewide
28.  / NJP-7657 / Issue is similar to NJP-7675 / Statewide
29.  / NJP-7666 / Issue is similar to NJP-7675 / Statewide
30.  / NJP-7669 / Corrected the SVRS to process the statewide “Absentee Ballot Report” successfully. / Statewide
31.  / NJP-7670 / Corrected the SVRS to show grand totals at the end of the county list as a result it will be on the same screen of Statewide Absentee Ballot summary report / Statewide
32.  / NJP-7675 / Following issue have been corrected for Voter Registration Summary report.
a)  Break by MWD when “Break down by MWD” is selected.
b) Break by Voter Status when “Break down by Voter status is selected”.
c) Voter Status multi select box is enabled when break down by Voter status is selected. / Statewide
33.  / NJP-7680 / Corrected the SVRS to show “Non Reg Voters” on Provisional Ballot Report. / Monmouth
34.  / NJP-7694 / Issue is similar to NJP-7630 / Union
35.  / NJP-7695 / Content of the Party Affiliation letter has been modified for the following scenarios.
New Registration – Dem/Rep.
Change Voter’s Party- UNA-Dem/Rep
Transfer Voter – UNA-Dem/Rep
Updating the Party from Election History screen – UNA – Dem/Rep. / Statewide

Data Fixes:

Item / JIRA # / Description of the Fix / Issue Logged County
1.  / NJP-7423 / Data fix has been applied to replace District 34 with 39 for Franklin TWP municipality on Maintain Street screen and also have taken care of the Voters History affecting from this change. / Somerset
2.  / NJP-7506 / Data fix has been applied to show correct data on “Official and Unofficial List of Candidates- Ocean / Ocean

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