Pueblo - Colorado

Emergency Response Plan

Revised 2/10/2012

Work Zone @ Pueblo - Colorado Emergency Response Plan

Work Zone is dedicated to the protection of its team members, contractors, visitors, community and environment from any type of threat, disaster or emergency. An emergency is a sudden, urgent, unexpected event requiring immediate action to ensure the safety of human health and the protection of our environment. When emergencies do occur, our Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is initiated. This ERP is in place to ensure the safety of those on the premises. It provides a written document detailing and organizing the actions and procedures to be followed by team members, contractors, and visitors in the case of an emergency.

  • Natural disasters/weather
  • Fire/explosion
  • Utilities
  • Hazardous material
  • Medical
  • General security

Emergency Response Plan Development Team

The responsibilities of the Plan Development Team are to develop and maintain a written emergency response plan for all employees, contractors, and visitors. The plan and any revisions will be made accessible to all team members, contractors and visitors. Emergency response training will be conducted for all employees and any visitors on site. The following team members were part of the original plan development team:

  • John Volk, Owner
  • Rich Robinson, Owner
  • Michelle Anderson, Site Clerk
  • Jason Bowman, General Manager

Emergency Response Coordinators (ERC)

Once it has been deemed an Emergency, the General Manager will act as Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) in the event of an emergency. Everyone is responsible for all employees on site. In the event the General Manager is not on site, the lead man or clerk will take responsibilities. The ERC should be contacted in every emergency. The responsibility of the ERC includes the following duties:

  • Evaluation of the situation
  • Decision if professional emergency services are required
  • Designate someone to meet outside emergency responders at the gathering area in north parking lot to escort them to the victim’s location
  • Decision whether or not to evacuate the area
  • Account for all employees and visitors during an evacuation

Emergency Response Training

Training provides the means for team members to acquire the skills necessary for them to fulfill their role during an emergency. Not only is training on our emergency response plan critical for effective implementation, individual training to perform certain functions expected in the plan is just as important. Training will be conducted with an emphasis on employee participation, through drills, plan implementation, emergency management and employee health and safety. The training policy is part of overall emergency preparedness but is not specifically detailed in this plan. Individual roles established in the emergency response plan will dictate the type and level of training that is necessary.


Work Zone employees are to assemble in the East end parking lot by Main Entrance.

The following communication must take place:

  • After confirming the site head count, notify General Manager or other responsible ERC.


The ERC will take the headcount or delegate someone to take the headcount. If the ERC is not available to perform a headcount, the Work Zone lead man or site clerk will assume the responsibility of the ERC. The ERC will communicate with all areas to ensure everyone is accounted for.

Natural Disasters

Severe Winter Storms (Ice/Blizzard)

Work Zone has a flat edge skid loader bucket and which will be used for snow removal of main road but may receive notification from other parties requesting assistance for their roads.


An earthquake will usually occur without any type of warning.

Per FEMA, during an earthquake

If indoors you should:

  1. Drop to the ground; take cover by getting under a sturdy furniture; and HOLDON until the shaking stops. Or if furniture isn’t available, cover your face and head with your arms, and crouch in an inside corner of the building
  2. Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
  3. Use a doorway for shelter only if you are close to it, you know it is strongly supported and is load bearing.
  4. Stay inside until the shaking stops and is safe to go outside. Most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.
  5. Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler system or fire alarms may turn on.

If outdoors you should:

  1. Stay there, once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls.
  2. Move away from buildings, light posts and utility wires

If trapped under debris:

  1. Do not light a match or lighter
  2. Do not move about or kick up dust
  3. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing
  4. Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Shout only as a last resort, this can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust

After the earthquake has stopped, the following procedures should be initiated:

  1. All employees should go to their designated gathering area for a headcount.
  2. The ERC should have Maintenance check for leaks and shut off gas, power, etc that poses a hazard, proper utility companies should be notified.
  3. Do not re-enter buildings until damage can be assessed and you are told to do so by ERC
  4. First Responders will attend to any injuries.


In case of a fire or explosion, the immediate supervisor must be notified. Small fires may be contained by employees with proper training. Power to any electrical equipment in the area should be turned off prior to putting out a fire, if safe to do so. If the fire appears uncontrollable or is near a possible explosion risk, the supervisor should immediately call 911 and have them call the fire department. If it can be done safely, utilities and/or energy sources should be isolated. The site supervisor should initiate the evacuation order. Everyone in the area must be evacuated to the designated meeting site as posted throughout the facility and included in this plan. Supervisor will be responsible to assist in evacuation of the employees. Employees are NOT to assist professional emergency crews in the handling of the emergency.

Trained first aid team members should take a nearby first aid kit to the meeting location and the ERC must take attendance. The ERC designates an employee to meet emergency personnel who will direct them to the location of the fire and inform them of any team members who may be unaccounted for.

Utility Emergency/Failure

Isolation or restoration of plant utilities may be necessary to respond properly to a number of emergencies. Proper isolation or proper restoration of these utilities will be handled by properly trained area maintenance or operations employees as well as properly trained on-site contractors. These utility isolation and restoration procedures should be coordinated with the area supervisors and ERC.

In case of a utility emergency or failure, the immediate supervisor must be notified. A utility emergency may be a fire, explosion, leak, uncontrolled release of energy or the potential for any associated risk to our team members and contractors on site. Some utility emergencies or failures may be handled by properly trained employees or contractors. For utility emergencies or failures that are uncontrollable or pose additional risks, the supervisor should immediately call the Nucor Safety who will notify the fire department. Everyone in the area must evacuate to the designated meeting site as posted throughout the facility and included in this plan.

Utility Emergency Numbers

Hazardous Material

In the event of a spill or release of oil, an oil-like substance or other hazardous materials the ERC should refer to the Combined Spill Prevention and Source Control and Emergency Response Plan which is available in the office. The ERC will assess the situation and implement the appropriate responses for the various types of emergencies that are described in the plan.

Medical Emergency

Personal Injury


  1. Contact Work Zone office by calling 719-296-0222, and stating situation.
  2. Office will notify safety officer or General Manager or contact EMS depending on the situation. At some point John Volk or Rich Robinson needs to be made aware there was a situation.
  3. If necessary, remove the victim from the hazard (CAUTION: In cases of electrical shock, first assure that the power source is cut and victim is no longer in contact with the electrical source, then administer first aid.) Unless an exposure to greater injury exists at the scene of the incident, no attempt should be made by non-medically trained persons to move a victim who appears to have sustained broken limbs or back or have head injuries.
  4. Bleeding must be stopped and breathing restored. If heavy bleeding is involved, or if circulation has stopped take first aid action at once and CALL FOR HELP. For serious bleeding, stoppage of breathing or toxic effects, do not delay commencing first aid by going for help yourself—provide at least one minute of aid before calling for help.
  5. If the injury or illness requires transport to the hospital by the ambulance, instruct a bystander to call the 911 who will contact the fire department, then contact General Manager to alert him.
  6. Have someone meet outside emergency responders at the north parking lot of Work Zone to escort them to the victim’s location.
  7. Continue first aid measures until professional help arrives.
  8. Report the injury to supervisor.

Multiple Injuries

  1. Follow the Personal Injury Plan
  2. Immediately notify the ERC
  3. ERC to coordinate with arriving EMS personnel
  4. ERC will provide additional employees to assist EMS personnel
  5. ERC will contact the General manager including Work Zone Safety manager


  2. Follow the Personal Injury Plan and call the Emergency #911 and notify the General manage immediately.
  3. Immediately notify Work Zone Management
  5. Work Zone Management will contact the Owners and Safety Department

Toxic Exposure

  1. In case of rendering assistance to personnel exposed to hazardous materials, consult the MSDS and wear the appropriate PPE. Attempt first aid ONLY if trained and qualified to do so. Call the Emergency #911 to contact outside emergency personnel. Send the MSDS with EMS personnel to the hospital.

Electric Shock

  1. Make sure the person is not still in contact with an electric circuit; or de-energize the circuit.
  2. Follow Personal Injury Plan


In an effort to secure the facility and the people on the premises,

Bomb Threats

In the event a bomb threat is received via telephone, the contacted person should follow the following procedures:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Lock down the facility no one in, no one out
  3. Try to remain on the line with the caller and encourage them to give more details about the bomb such as when it will detonate, location, type, why, etc. Ask questions listed on the Department of Treasury ATF Bomb Threat Checklist; get as much detail as possible.
  4. Pay attention to the sound of the caller’s voice—listen for an accent, is the voice recognizable, etc.
  5. Listen for background noise—laughter, music, street noise, animals, etc.
  6. Signal to another person for help in contacting a supervisor
  7. Notify the following departments via radio or phone
  1. Work Zone safety
  2. Work Zone site Clerk
  3. Work Zone General manager
  1. Work Zone is to call 911.
  2. Follow the Evacuation Plan
  3. Once the police arrive, assess the threat and review any new information with them.
  4. All clear must be issued by someone on the management team before anyone can be allowed to leave or enter the facility
  5. Open the facility
  6. All media communication must be directed to Work Zone Management.

Civil Violence/Intruder

Unfortunately, workplace violence is a very serious reality in today’s stressful society. In almost all cases of workplace violence, victims had some, if not several, warning signs that they may be capable of committing an act of violence against his/her employer or co-workers. All threats of violence must be taken seriously and reported immediately. Comments or actions should never be disregarded or taken as “just blowing off steam”. The following signs may be noticed before an individual commits an act of violence:

  • The individual may show signs of sudden mood swings such as lashing out at other employees, throwing tools or equipment or other acts of hostility
  • An individual may seem uncommonly withdrawn from social conversation or very argumentative in normal conversations
  • Knowing that an individual is having personal, marital or financial problems
  • Has the employee been recently reprimanded at work for something he feels was unjustified or wasn’t his fault
  • Does the individual talk or “brag” about committing acts of violence.

It is important to remember that non-employees commit many acts of workplace violence (ie employee’s spouses, boy/girlfriend, family members, business associates, etc). If a fellow employee tells you that they fear for their safety or are in an abusive relationship, you have the responsibility to take the necessary actions and report it. Even though this may be of an extremely personal nature, it MUST be addressed so action can be taken to help prevent a potential act of workplace violence.

It is everyone’s responsibility to make the facility as safe as possible by being alert to suspicious situations and reporting them promptly to Work Zone management. When reporting a situation, be prepared to include:

  • The nature of the incident
  • Location of the incident
  • Description of person(s) involved
  • Description of property involved

The observer of an incident will assist police when they arrive by supplying them with information pertaining to the events. Should gunfire or explosives be present, you should take cover immediately using all available concealment. After the disturbance, assess the area and seek emergency first aid if necessary.

Intruder(s) with a gun(s) are looking for a particular target and are usually very agitated and unstable. They will harm others that get in their way and may be suicidal. Any witnesses should call the Work Zone site management as soon as they are aware of the threat and should only attempt to keep the intruder(s) in view so they can report their positions. The Work Zone General Manager should call 911 and contact the building that the intruder is heading towards and then other departments should be notified.

Witnesses should remain calm and take notice of the intruder(s) dress and appearance, the kind of weapons they have and other details. The responding officer must be able to quickly find the intruder’(s) location and identify them.

Police personnel will take over the situation and evacuate all nearby employees to a safe, secure site.

Emergency Response Coordinator (ERC) Responsibilities:

  • Maintain communication
  • Maintain communication with all Work Zone Management—send notification phone
  • Monitor weather via internet/weather radio
  • Issue order to “take cover” during a tornado warning
  • Be prepared to shut down the plant
  • Issue order to shut off utilities or start generators
  • Announce evacuations
  • Assist team members
  • Conduct a headcount of team members
  • After danger has passed, check for damage and/or injuries
  • Contact the Work Zone Management to notify outside emergency professionals if necessary or release team members back to operations

Immediate Supervisor Responsibilities (not acting as ERC)

  • Maintain communication with ERC
  • Issue “take cover” announcement
  • Direct/assist team members
  • Provide guidance and instruction
  • Be aware of team members with special needs that may require extra assistance
  • Use the buddy system
  • Avoid hazardous areas
  • Check rooms and enclosed spaces for employees
  • Account for employees—communicate with ERC

Emergency Response Plan-Quick Reference Guide

Work Zone Phone List

Work Zone Emergency #…………....719-296-0222

Work Zone

John Volk




Rich Robinson




Work Zone Injuries or Spills must be report to:
John / cell:719-491-0055
Rich / cell: 719-924-0358
home: 719-564-2411
Jason / cell:719-320-9083
Emergency Numbers
Fire * Police * Medical / Call / 911
National Poison Control Center: 1-800-332-3073
Address at site 1721 East Ilex Street

Work Zone Traffic Control, Inc

Emergency Response and Evacuation Map- Routine


I have read and understand the attached Emergency Response Plan. I agree to adhere to the guidelines set forth in the policy and understand that my failure to do so can lead to disciplinary actions.


Employee’s Name SignatureDate


Employee Name Printed

Revised February 6, 2013Page 1 of 13