CH437 CLASS 10


Synopsis. Spin-spin coupling: JHH and its magnitude. Influence of operating frequency on AB spin-spin coupling pattern. Shift reagents. Spin decoupling.

NMR Coupling Constants

Spin-spin splitting and the accompanying coupling constants are important features of NMR spectra, particularly those between protons in 1H NMR spectroscopy. The major naming conventions for coupling constants use the letter J, with a number written as a superscript to the left indicating the number of bonds between the coupling nuclei, and other information written as a subscript (or in paretheses) on the right, as shown in the following examples.

Vicinal Coupling Constants (3JHH)

For vicinal protons, the magnitude of the coupling constant (3JHH) depends upon their spacial relationship, especially their dihedral angle (), as described by the Karplus equation (equation (1)):

In cycloalkanes, such as cylcohexane derivatives, vicinal coupling constants depend on the nature of the coupling protons (i.e. equatorial-equatorial, equatorial-axial or axial-axial), according to the Karplus equation:

Ring-flipping in flexible cyclohexane and similar ring systems averages eq-eq/ax-ax couplings to 4-9 Hz and eq-ax/ax-eq couplings to 1-6 Hz, but the above values hold for more rigid analogs.

Note that in cyclopropane systems, Jcis ( = 0o) is higher than Jtrans ( = 120o):

For alkene protons, a similar relationship holds, except the coupling constants tend to be larger. Note the generally greater coupling between trans protons. (See also acrylonitrile, Class 9).

For all the above examples, the variation in the quoted coupling constants is mainly due to differing electronegativities of proximate atoms: generally, electronegative substituents attached to the same carbon atom as vicinally coupled protons reduce the value of 3JHH.

Vicinal coupling constants in cyclic systems also vary with the extent of ring strain: 3JHH is lower for more highly strained rings, as shown below.

Similarly, 3JHH falls off with increasing bond distance between the coupling protons, as witnessed by comparison of a typical ortho coupling constant with the

typical cis coupling constant of alkenes (see above).

Geminal Coupling Constants (2JHH)

As noted in class 9, geminal protons undergo spin-spin coupling, although this will only be actually seen (as doublets) if the protons are magnetically non-equivalent. Geminal coupling constants 2JHH are fundamentally of negative sign (3JHH is positive), although when quoting 2JHH, the negative sign is sometimes dropped.

This is because of a combination of the energetic preference for unpaired electron spins for electrons proximate to the same carbon atom and for electron and nuclear spin to be paired when in proximity. Some examples of 2JHH are given below. The geminal protons are equivalent for each of these (except the alkene example), hence 2JHH is evaluated by chemical substitution of 2H (deuterium) for 1H, measuring 2JHD and using the equation 2JHH = 6.55 2JHD.

Long Range Coupling Constants

Long-range coupling constants (4JHH and higher) are (with few exceptions) small, lying in the range 0 – 3 Hz. This is because the spin-spin interactions are weak, as a result of the existence of at least four bonds between the two nuclei. However, long-range coupling is often observed for cases where two or more of the intervening atoms belong to a -bonded system. This is the case with allylic, homoallylic and various couplings associated with benzene rings, as illustrated below.

Also, closer inspection of the 1H spectra para-disubstituted benzene derivatives reveals additional lines: these arise from long-range aromatic proton-proton couplings. An example is shown below.

In saturated systems, long-range coupling is not usually observed, except when the coupling protons are held in a “W” configuration (in rigid systems) as indicated by the heavy outline in the examples below.

It is emphasized that the long-range coupling constants for the above two examples are quite exceptional.

Influence of Operating Frequency on AB Spin-Spin Splitting Pattern

For AB systems, where A and B are very different (/J ration is large: this is strictly an AX system, see diagram below), the following two equations hold:

JAB = 2 - 1 = 4 - 1 (2)

A - B = [(4 - 3)/2] – [(2 - 1)/2] (3)

However, if A ~ B (/J ratio is small), then the frequency difference expression (2) holds as before, but equation (3) does not: A and B are no longer given by the mid point between lines 3 and 4 (A), and lines 1 and 2 (B). Instead, the line pattern is distorted (see class 9) with A and B lying closer to the two central lines. See diagram below.



and the relative intensities of the lines can be calculated from

For example, suppose we have the following spectrum, run at 60 MHz, where JAB = 15 Hz.

From equation (5),

and from equation (4),

Now, A and B will be situated symmetrically about 2 and 3, hence

A = 68 Hz and B = 60 Hz.

For the same spin-spin coupled system at 400 MHz operating frequency, A = 453 Hz and B = 400 Hz (JAB is still 15 Hz). Similar calculations as above give (from equation (4)), 1 = 394, 2 = 409, 3 = 445, 4 = 460 Hz and (from equation (5)), I2/I1 = I3/I4 ~ 1.8. In other words, the spectrum more closely resembles an AB spectrum where the chemical shifts of A and B are more widely separated. In particular, the intensity of the two satellite lines is about half of that of the inner lines.

This example serves to illustrate that spin-spin coupling patterns are much easier to interpret when the NMR spectrum is run at the highest possible operating frequency.

Shift Reagents

In the days before ultra high resolution FTNMR, standard proton spectra were run on machines that operated at 100 MHz and often suffered from overlapping signals (due to similar chemical shifts) and also from second-order spin-spin splitting complexity (again due to chemical similarity of interacting protons). In such cases, it was discovered that the presence of a complexed paramagnetic metal ion (particularly of a “Lanthanide” element, such as Er, Eu or Pr) often resulted in a much larger spread of chemical shifts in the 1H NMR spectrum under investigation. This is because of the formation of loose complexes between the agent (a “lanthanide shift reagent”) and the analyte: the chemical shift of protons in the analyte are influenced by the paramagnetic field according to their distances from the ion in the loose complex. Because Eu (III) is paramagnetic, it has a short electron-spin relaxation time (<10-12 s) and so is able to induce proton NMR shifts without appreciable line broadening. One of the earliest shift reagents was Eu(dpm)3, as illustrated in the example below.

Shifts are induced according to the McConnell-Robertson equation:

Nowadays, with FTNMR spectrometers operating at 400-600 MHz (and higher), there is less need for shift reagents, except for a very useful development that uses chiral lanthanide complexes, known as chiral shift reagents. Because of the chirality of these reagents, the chemical shifts of like protons in different diastereoisomers and in two enantiomers are enhanced to different extents. For example, the norbornene derivative below can exist as both exo and endo forms, each of which exists as a pair of enantiomers, giving (+)-exo, (-)-exo, (+)-endo and (-)-endo.

The 1H NMR spectrum of an endo-exo preparation, on the basis of the aldehyde signals at ca. 9.5 ppm, clearly shows the (expected) predomination of the exo diastereoisomer (below), but no differentiation is seen between aldehyde protons in the enantiomers of either diastereoisomer, since the NMR probe is isotropic. However, on addition of Eu(hfc)3 (see above), not only are the endo and exo CHO signals are shifted by different amounts downfield, but are resolved into doublets, indicating that the sample is racemic. When the norbornene aldehyde complexes with Eu(hfc)3, the protons in each enantiomer experience different magnetic fields due to the chirality of the chiral shift reagent. Thus chiral shift

reagents can be used to check both diasteroisomeric and enantiomeric purity.

Spin Decoupling

Although spin-spin splitting gives very useful information for structure determination, excessive splitting leads to low signal-to-noise ratios and it is sometimes difficult to see all the lines and hence determine for certain the multiplicity. An example is seen in the 1H NMR of HC(CH2CH3)3 below.

The process of removing magnetic coupling between spins is called decoupling and is achieved by the application of a saturation radiofrequency pulse at the frequency of one of the nuclei that it is wished to decouple. The saturation pulse is a relatively low power field (B1) left on long enough to ensure the disappearance of all magnetization concerning that particular nucleus. If it is applied along x’, the nuclear magnetization rotates about that axis several times and T2 processes cause the magnetization (along y’ and z axes) to dephase, so that the net magnetization at the end of the pulse is zero. This means that this nucleus cannot couple with others. Because B1 is long, its frequency range is narrow and it can be set to coincide with any of the proton sets in the above example (i.e. with CH or CH2 or CH3). Part (or all) spin-spin coupling collapses, leading to a simpler spectrum with enhanced signal intensities. This is illustrated for HC(CH2CH3)3 below. Spin decoupling also gives information on which nuclei are interacting, but nowadays there are more sophisticated ways of determining this (see COSY, class 17).