Dear District 11 Parent/Guardian,

The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a multi-year process for all students in grades sixth through twelve. It is an essential component for every secondary student to complete. Completion of an ICAP is a graduation requirement for all seniors, per school board policy, beginning with this year’s class of 2017.

Last fall, an introductory letter was sent home that detailed what an ICAP is, the benefits of an ICAP, and how ICAP development may be completed by the student with support from home.

The ICAP is a personalized plan. It is designed to guide and prepare students to ensure studentsuccess for Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR). The ICAPis designed to help students:

  • Identify individual strengths and interests
  • Discover and explore after high school education and career opportunities
  • Aligncoursework and curriculum to self-identified goals
  • Understand the application and acceptance process into trade schools, the military, two-year, and four-year colleges.
  • Acquire knowledge and steps to take to secure financial aid for entrance into PWR opportunities.

Colorado Springs School District 11 automatically creates accounts for all sixth through twelfth grade students in The website is a comprehensive online career and college planning resource. It can help students select a college, apply for admission, understand eligibility requirements, identify opportunities for financial aid, and develop career planning skills.

If your student will attendSwigert Aerospace Academy, North Middle School, or Palmer High School, your student will use a similar online postsecondary readiness resource calledNaviance.

Actions and knowledge to support your child’s ICAP involvement:

  • Visit the District 11 homepage and click on the “Parents” tab for detailed topics, information, and requirements for your child regarding completing the ICAP throughout the school year.
  • Have your child “invite” you to login with you into their College in Colorado or Naviance account.
  • Acknowledge that the ICAP is not about completing a “form”. It is about prompting students and parents in having meaningful discussions in your child’s educational journey.
  • Recognize that an ICAP is required through state legislation.
  • Recognize that ICAP is a District 11 graduation requirement, beginning with the class of 2017.

Colorado Springs School District 11 looks forward to supporting your child’s development through their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).

Your child’s school counselor will be a support in the ICAP process. Please reach out to them or to me at the contact information listed below:

Logan Laszczyk,Postsecondary Workforce Readiness (PWR) Counselor

2560 International Circle Suite 235

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80910
