Nuclear Free NZ, the UN, & War on Iran Warnings

By Larry Ross, Secretary/Founder, NZ Nuclear Free Peacemaking Association, UNANZ Auckland Oct 24, 2006

The Nuclear Free Peacemaking objective is to: (1) Keep New Zealand Nuclear Free, by educating people about its benefits and about the increasing risks of a nuclear war (2) Help create a peaceful, just world, by promoting a pro-active peacemaking NZ foreign policy (3) Support United Nations initiatives for nuclear disarmament. (4) Research, evaluate and educate about war risks.

(For example: The alleged ‘terrorist ‘ problem. We recommend careful investigation, analysis, cooperation, joint intelligence, and UN sanctioned operations – not unilateral wars against states. 16 U.S. Intelligence agencies reported, the Iraq war makes more terrorism – not less. The war cost so far is $300 billion and 655,000 lives, It produces a real terrorist threat to the U.S., world-wide condemnation and suspicion, It’s totally counterproductive and creates a wider war threat. Huge profits for insiders and the arms trade, but bad news for everyone else). .

  1. The Benefits To New Zealand of Being Nuclear Free,

are well summed by Alan Brash, former General Secretary of the World Council of Churches and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. He said in 1992:

“Having spent many years of my working life visiting countries in all continents of the world, I can say with complete confidence that the total anti-nuclear policy of New Zealand has done more for creating international goodwill toward this country than any other thing in our history. Because of it, New Zealanders are greeted with friendship and respect everywhere. Because of it, our “green image” is enhanced and trade relations increased. Because of it, the tourist attraction of this country is increased. Because of it, our international security is far greater than it would be if we became an armed camp. If the policy is changed it will be a serious blow to the international friendship and goodwill on which alone real security can be built.”

From pg 71 of book: “Saving Trees – Stopping Wars” W.J. Foote (Glen Press)

New Zealand is seen as a 'shining star' in the Southern Hemisphere; a 'Beacon of Hope' in a nuclear mad world, and a leader in the field of nuclear disarmament batting above its weight in international forums..

(2) The Disadvantages of losing our nuclear free status,

are loss of these benefits and additional defence expenditures to fight more wars against new U.S-generated enemies. No longer a 'Beacon of Hope', NZ becomes again an active ally of a nation acting like a dangerous rogue elephant, killing thousands of people for no justifiable reason.

If a war became nuclear and global, U.S. warships, and their NZ ports, could become targets. Nuclear ship accidents, or terrorist attacks on anynuclear installation, could release deadly radioactivity, killing people and destroying our agricultural industry.

A 'nuclear defence of NZby the U.S.'increases the likelihood of attack during a global war by the new enemies we will make. Thus a nuclear defence acts more like a 'lightning rod' attracting the fire, than a protection for New Zealand.


It was our colonial heritage to give military support to major allies without question, about NZ real interests,or an alternative role for NZ. The US wants this and many powerful people in NZ would still embrace such a potentially disastrous role.

That is why education about growing nuclear war risks and NZ nuclear free benefits should be a high priority. As yet there is no government awareness or action to fill this need or recognise our precious nuclear free foreign policy asset.

The Hon Phil Goff’s reports that UN Disarmament bodies are “plagued …by political obstacles and blockages”. This indicates how important it is for UNANZ and other citizens groups to support the UN, its disarmament ideals and NZ nuclear free contribution toward them..

(3)We could do this by setting up an 'NZAlternative Defence And Foreign Policy Institute' to develop and evaluatenew proposals including UN supporting peacemaking proposals. NZ could become more of a peacemaking neutral state, and helping prevent or resolve conflicts. NZ could propose solutions, or offer our services to help develop solutionsto conflicts, or asa venue for mediation and peacemaking negotiations, as we did for theBougainville conflict.

Example of Forward Defence Planning: A nuclear war could happen by accident, by unexpected escalation, or by the new pre-emptive nuclear war plans. Expanding illegal and unjustified U.S. Middle East wars create more Islamic resistance and hostility. The U.S. defines this as “terrorism”, blames neighbouring states such as Syria and Iran, then uses it as fuel to justify greater, expanding wars, which could escalate to nuclear war.

NZ is more likely tosurvive a nuclear war if we go on record beforehand as being prepared to undertake a humanitarian orneutral “Red Cross” role for any survivors, - regardless of country or religion if the combatants have stopped before destroying the entire world. NZ could continue a constructive role by offering itself as an international venue for peace negotiations.

We must plan ahead in order to cope intelligently with global war or environmental disaster, and help old friends in trouble, because of their unjustified wars. The many war warnings, global warming and other indicators, show that foresight and planning is essential.

4) “U.S War With Iran". A Google search showed 38 million articles on this subject. A “U.S. Nuclear War With Iran" search showed28 million articles.

Top Republicans, ex-government officials, nuclear specialists and commentators, havewarned about U.S. plans for a war on Iran. Some predicted nuclear war and a sudden nuclear strike in line with the Bush Administration's new Pre-emptive nuclear war doctrine against both nuclear and non-nuclear states. President Bush re-

enforces this belief by often stating "all options are on the table"in regards to a U.S. nuclear attack on Iran. This is theone overwhelming military advantage the U.S. has if it starts another conflict against a much larger, better-equipped foe than Iraq.

PAGE 3 It is bogged down and overextended with existing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

(5) Likely Consequences of Nuclear Attack on Iran.

Anuclear attack could result in 1 to 3 million killed in the first few hours. Clouds of radioactivity from nuclear or conventional attacks on nuclear bunkers could kill more, and make large areas uninhabitable. Escalation to some of the other 8 nuclear weapon states and allies is likely. Then an increase in radicalisation of Islamic peoples everywhere and antagonism towards the U.S and involved allies. U.S.- led wars would be perceived as an unprovokedCrusade by Western Fundamentalist Christianity against Islam using 'Wars on Terror' as their false justification, and 'Freedom and Democracy' as their false motivating war cry and slogan.

(6) Lack of Any Real Justification for War with Iran

As with Iraq, IAEA inspections report Iran has no nuclear weapons or plans.(b) Enriching uranium for fuel is legal under the NPT (c) If Iran withdrew from the NPT to make NW, it would take them 10 years and be no greater threat than the 8 other NW states. (d) In either case, it’s no justification for the U.S. or Israel starting another an illegal war that could kill thousands, if not millions, destroy billions in property and severely disrupt if not end middle-east oil supplies for the foreseeable future.(e) Israel and the U.S. know they could annihilate Iran with their nuclear weapons.(f) Iran is unlikely to take any action which invites ‘wiping Iran off the map’. It could not "wipe Israel off the map" and isn’t a nuclear threat. The UN resolution to stop Iran from enriching uranium seems unjustified by the realities of the situation..

(7). How the U.S. Might Start a War With Iran and Fool the World.

A Google search shows 5,700,000 articles on "False Flag Operations" and

2.1 million articles on “Nuclear False Flag Attack on Iran”. Verify it yourself.


“False Flag” operations have been used by Governments to start wars since 1,600. They can range from false accusations to staging a supposed terrorist attack. They blaming the chosen enemy for the attack, to justify a war against that enemy. Hitler’s burning down of the Reichstag in 1933 and blamingterrorists was one ofhistories most famous and successful“False Flag” operations. The alleged North Vietnamese 1965 attack on U.S. destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin was a U.S.“False Flag” to justify escalating the Vietnam war and bombing North Vietnam. Google “Operation Northwoods” to see an evil Pentagon “False Flag” in 1962 to justify war with Cuba. President Kennedy rejected it.

Many well-known and some prestigious US commentators believe the Bush Administration will stage a “False Flag” operation, and blame Iran to justify making war on Iran, even a nuclear war.

(8)Why Should New Zealand be warned about a ‘False Flag’ that may not happen? People should be warned that many ‘False Flag’ operations have been used and could be used in the future to start wars. Ignorance and denial mean people can easily be fooled into supporting false and unjustified wars, like the U.S. war on Iraq. NZ People, governments and media need to become far more questioning, investigative


and analytical about wars they are expected to support and the real causes of such wars. “Helping allies” wage illegal wars is not a legitimate reason.

9) NZ Relations with the U.S.

We could maintain good relations and trade with the U.S., but continue to act only in the area of humanitarian aid and a UN peacekeeping role.

(9) An enduring policy role for New Zealand would be as a trusted peacemaker, helping prevent threatened wars, staying out of wars, and performing a constructive role in the aftermath of wars as mentioned previously. With no war there would be more creative energy and resources to solve real human problems such as global warming, growing population and dwindling resources.

Wars can make us extinct.. People and governments can be guided by the UN Charter to find a better future, and by humanities hard-won nuclear disarmament treaties and by our own nuclear free laws, that many New Zealanders worked so hard to achieve.

Thank you

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Larry Ross founded the New Zealand Nuclear Free Peacemaking Association in 1981 and continues to campaign to “Keep NZ Nuclear Free” and a neutral peacemaker. He is available to talk to all political parties, and to groups on these subjects. He can be reached at: NZ Nuclear Free Peacemaking Association, P.O. Box 18541, Christchurch, and email: Phone: 03-337-0118.

For information on these and related subjects see:

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