2016 Fairfield County Outstanding 4-H’er Form
- General Requirements (Must Meet All)Met all 3
__X___ At least a Senior in High School as of January 1 of the current year
__X___ 4-H Member in good standing for the current year
__X___ Completed an Ohio 4-H Achievement Record
- Leadership(Total points for Leadershipmust have at least 75 points, count each item only once)
Club (5 points each)
Updated March 2016
Sec F,09-11Club Officer (5)
____Club Committee Chair (5)
____ Host/Organize Club Tour (5)
Sec E, 12Taught Club Workshop (5)
____ Mentor younger member with
project (5)
____ Club Other
Updated March 2016
County (10 points each)
Updated March 2016
Sec F, 09 County Club Officer (10)
_____ County Committee Chair (10)
_____ Host/Organize County Tour (10)
Sec F, 10Taught County Workshop (10)
Sec F, 12Volunteer at County Event (10)
Sec E, 13Emcee Event (Panorama,
Advisory Banquet, Officer
Training, Summerfest, etc.) (10)
Sec A, 07-10 Junior Leaders (10)
_____ Junior Fair Board Member (10)
_____ Junior Fair Board Jr. Advisor (10)
_____ 4-H Advisory Board Youth rep. (10)
_____ Endowment Board Youth Rep.
_____ Senior Fair Board youth Rep. (10)
Sec F, 12 Show Committee (10)
_____ Sale Committee Youth Rep. (10)
Sec F, 10-14County Camp Counselor (10)
_____ Fashion and Nutrition Board (10)
_____ County Other (10)
Updated March 2016
State (15 points each)
Updated March 2016
____ State Club Officer (15)
____State Committee Chair (15)
____ Host/Organize State Tour (15)
Sec F, 10Taught at State Workshop (15)
Sec F, 10Volunteer at State Event (15)
____ Emcee Event (State Banquet, Style
Review, etc.) (15)
____ State Junior Fair Board (15)
____ State Fashion Board (15)
____ State Camp Counselor (15)
Sec F, 06 State 4-H Ambassador
Member (15)
____ State Teen Advisory Council
Member (15)
____ Healthy Living Youth Advocate (15)
____ State Other (15)
Updated March 2016
- 4-H Promotion (Complete any Two (2) of the following items)3 items
Sec F, 09 4-H Day Assistant
____ Assist with educational display/exhibit at the Fair
(Jr. Fair Board Posters, calf petting zoo, Ag Adventures display, etc)
____ Fair Queen or Attendant/ Livestock Queen, Ambassador, Representative
Sec E, 12 Host and or maintain Club website (Social Media, Website, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
____ Have written or published news articles (at least 3)
Sec F, 14 Successful completion of the Ohio 4-H Ambassador Program
____ Successful completion of the Ohio 4-H Teen Advisory Council Program
____ Radio or TV Appearances promoting 4-H (at least 2)
____ Participate in organized member recruitment efforts (at least 2) (School visits,
4-H week activities, etc.)
____ Other
- Project Work (Have completed work in at least Five (5) areas)
Updated March 2016
____ Beef & Steer
____ Child Care
Sec A, 06-14Clothing
____ Communications
____ Conservation/Nat. Res.
____ Dairy
____ Dogs
____ Field Crops/Gardening
Sec A, 10Food & Nutrition
____ Goats
Sec A, 13 Health
____ Home Decorating/Design
____ Home Equipment
____ Horses
____ Introduction to 4-H
____ Leisure Activities
____ Llama/Alpaca
Sec A, 11Money Management
____ Personal Development
____ Poultry
____ Rabbits
Sec A, 06-13Sheep
____ Small Animals/Pets
Sec A, 11 Tech/Mech Science
____ Veterinary Science
Updated March 2016
____ Shooting Sports ____ Swine
____ Leadership ____ Miscellaneous
- Citizen and Community Service (Must have two (2) of the following)
Sec DParticipate in at least three (3) different community service projects with your 4-H club
09-Campgrounds Clean Up with JL, 10-12-Mended Flags w/ club, 09--Donated Items to Lighthouse w/ club
____ Participate in at least two (2) different community service projects as part of your
4-H project
Sec D Plan, organize, and conduct a major community service project with a 4-H club
06-Contacted State 4-H Office OMK Coordinator to present to 4-H Club, organized supplies needed and notified members
of program
____ Participate in at least three (3) different community service projects as part of a 4-H
Program(teen conference overnighter, camp, etc.)
Sec DCitizenship activities (complete at least one (1) of the following items
4-H International Study Program or Host Family, Washington Focus/Heritage Tour,
Election Day Teen Volunteer, Volunteer for a Political Campaign, Assist with
Voter Registration Drive, Visit and Observe a session of the Ohio House of Representatives,
Ohio Senate, or U.S. Congress, Observe a local government official at their job for a day,
observe at least three county or municipal court trials, tour a local government agency,
attend a County Commission meeting, attend a School Board meeting, attend a township
trustee or city council meeting, Citizen Washington Focus Inaugural Trip 06-Attended School Board Meeting
- Participation(Must have at least 150 points count each item once)210 Points
Club (5 points each)
Updated March 2016
_____ Cloverbud Member (5)
_____ Club Scrapbook (5)
_____ Club Educational Tour (5)
Sec F, 09Club Committee Member (5)
Sec B, 04 Club Workshop (5)
Sec B, 05 Club Demonstration (5)
_____ Club Other (5)
Updated March 2016
County (10 points each)
Updated March 2016
Sec B, 08County Educational Tour (10)
____ County Committee Member (10)
Sec B, 05County Workshop (10)
Sec B, 07 County Demonstration Contest(10)
Sec B, 04-10County Summer Judging (10)
Sec B, 04-10 County Fair Exhibitor (10)
Sec B, 04-10 County Showmanship (10)
____ County Super Showmanship (10)
Sec B, 01-10County Skill-a-thon (10)
Sec B, 07County Livestock JudgingContest (10)
____ County Speaking Contest (10)
____ County Officer Training (10)
____ Horse PAS Show (10)
____ Interview for Fair Queen/Livestock
Queen, Representative,
Ambassador (10)
Sec F, 06County Fair Asst. (Display Barn
Guard, NOT show committee) (10)
____ County 4-H Camp (10)
____ Citizen Washington Focus (10)
____ Leadership Washington (10)
Sec B, 07Carving New Ideas (10)
____ Talent Show/Skit (10)
____ Ohio 4-H Conference Overnighter
____ Summerfest (10)
____ County Other (10)
Updated March 2016
District/State (15 points each
Updated March 2016
____District Speaking Contest (15)
____ State Committee Member (15)
____ State Speaking Contest (15)
____ State Workshop (15)
____ State Demonstration Contest (15)
____ State Summer Judging (15)
Sec B, 06-09 State Fair Exhibitor (15)
____ State Fair Showmanship (15)
____ State Fair Super Showmanship
Sec B, 06-09State Livestock Judging Contest
Sec B, 06-09 State Skill-a-thon (15)
Sec B, 09 Ohio 4-H Conference (15)
_____ Ohio Leadership Camp (15)
_____ Sea Camp (15)
_____Ohio Forestry Camp (15)
_____State Junior Fair Board (15)
_____State Fashion Board (15)
_____ Ohio Fair Manager Conference
Sec B, 09Operation/Ohio Military Kids (15)
_____Ohio Dairy Goat Conference (15)
_____District/State Other (15)
Updated March 2016
National (20 points each)
Updated March 2016
_____ National Livestock Show (20)
_____ National 4-H Conference-D.C. (20)
_____ National 4-H Congress-Atlanta (20)
Sec C, 08National Dairy Conference (20)
____ Host an Exchange Student (20)
____ 4-H International Travel
Abroad/Exchange Student (20)
____ National Other (20)
Updated March 2016
- Non 4-H Activities(Must have involvement in at least Four (4) items)Met 5
____ Boy/Girl Scouts Sec G, 07-10 Honor Roll ____Part-Time Job
____ Breed Association ____ Music (choir/band) ____ School/Co-Op Club Member
____ Campfire Sec G 07-10National Honor Society ____ Officer/Volunteer(non 4-H Sec G, 04-10Church MemberSec G, 08-10Sports Team (member/coach) Group/Activity)
____ FFA Member ____ Student Council Member Sec G, 09-10 Student Tutor
____ Grange ____ Non 4-H Travel Abroad _____ Other
Update for Chris Clover, 4-Us 4-Hers (to be submitted by August 15h)
Section A: Project Work
2016Club Teen Leadership- Completed all activities in the areas of building relationships, decision making, planning, working with committees, organizational skills, and took various leadership roles. Made three different scrapbook pages to share with the judge. Spent 3 hours creating display for the 4-H display barn at the county fair to spark an interest in encouraging kids to join the club.
Section B: 4-H Participation
2016Teen Conference- Attended the Ohio Teen Conference and attended sessions on Ohio Achievement Forms, Games to Go, and Noodle Ballooza
2016Citizenship Washington Focus- Toured our Nation’s Capital, engaged in workshops on how to write a bill, served on the Derby Committee, and came up with games for participants
Section C: Major 4-H Honors
2016Certificate- Received a certificate for successful completion of being an Ohio 4-H Ambassador
2016Certificate/Trip- Honored at county-wide banquet to receive a trip to Citizenship Washington Focus
2016Scholarship- Awarded the “Fairfield County Friends” Scholarship
Section D: 4-H Community Service/Citizenship
2016Cards for a Nursing Home- Organized and prepared supplies for members of the Junior Leadership Club to make summer holiday cards; dropped off the cards which were then delivered to residents of the Landfair Nursing Home in Lancaster
Section E: Leadership: Educational/Promotional
20164-H Day Assistant- Prepared a display on Dairy Cows. Had an interactive display on how to milk-a-cow. Chatted with over 50 individuals about 4-H and what is involved in carrying a dairy project
2016Awareness Team- Visited 2 elementary schools and spoke to approximately 325 youth about the benefits of joining the 4-H program
Section F: Leadership: Office/Committee
2016Ohio Teen Council- Assist state leaders in working with and training Ohio Ambassadors, introduce speakers at the Ohio Teen Conference, and led the pledges at the State Recognition banquet
2016Junior Fair Board Junior Advisor- 1 of 3 individuals selected as a past JFB member to assist Junior Fair Board members in deciphering Junior Fair proposals, creating innovative activities for the fair, and educating members on board responsibilities. Took leadership on organizing a visit to another county’s fair.
Section G: Non 4-H Experiences in School, Church, and Community
2016School Board Meeting- Attended Bloom Carroll School Board meeting which discussed ideas to encourage voters to pass a levy
2016Part-Time Job- Work at the Go-Getters Supermarket; stock shelves, bag groceries, and ask general questions about items locations in the store
Updated March 2016