NSW Residential Aged Care Sprinkler Upgrade Program

Application Package for

Complying Development Certificate


§  BM+G Documentation Requirements for Complying Development Certificate

§  CDC Application Form

§  Notice of Commencement & Appointment of PCA Form

§  Pro forma design statement

§  Sprinkler Upgrade Program - Statutory Milestone Flow chart

BM+G Team Leader: David Blackett

Ph. 02 9211 7777

M: 0417 247 344


BM+G Project No.: 130……….

Date Issued: …………………. 2013

Please complete and include this checklist when submitting the documentation for Complying Development Certificate to BM+G.

Subject RESIDENTIAL AGED CARE FACILITY: ………………………………………………….

Documentation / b/r/ N/A
1.  Complete and return the attached Complying Development Certificate application form. / r
2.  Complete and return the attached Notice of Commencement & PCA Appointment Form. / r
3.  Section 149 Planning Certificate for the subject property
(as issued by the relevant Council). / r
4.  A report from an appropriately qualified Town Planner confirming that the proposed works can be assessed as Complying Development under the SEPP (Exempt & Complying Development Codes) 2008 or relevant Council policy. / r
5.  Written confirmation from the building owner (or authorised representative) that the:
o  The building/tenancy has an existing legal use,
o  The works/new use will not contravene any condition of an existing development consent. / r
6.  Three (3) copies of the relevant building work plans and details.
The building works plans are to detail & include:
a)  Architectural floor plan for the existing residential aged care facility
b)  Site plan
c)  Fire and smoke compartment plan (if available)
d)  Services drawings to indicate the location of the key components of the system (including sprinkler heads, valves, pumps, boosters and test connections) and associated alarm signalling equipment, and
e)  The layout of pipework associated with the system; and
f)  Any other building work that is necessary to install the fire sprinkler system (including fire separation works);
The specifications of:
a)  The fire sprinkler system to be installed (including the flow and pressure of the water supply), and
b)  Any other building work that is necessary to install the fire sprinkler system / r
7.  Consultant’s design statement’s will be required for the installation or relocation of the following services:
Design Statements are required to reference the relevant Australian Standards, & BCA Clauses (pro form design statement attached for consultant use).
o  Fire services (sprinkler system & associated services) / r
Note: Where the above services will be undertaken on a D&C basis then design statements of intent by services contractors will suffice. / r
8.  Where the cost of works exceed $25,000, please provide evidence of payment of the Long Service Levy (0.35%) to the Long Service Levy Corporation.
A CDC number will need to be obtained from BM+G prior to making the payment. Payment can be made online at www.lspc.nsw.gov.au. / r
9.  For any required structural alterations and additions to existing buildings, provide certification from the structural engineer to the effect that the existing building is capable of withstanding any new loads to be imposed. / r
10.  Provide a copy of the current Annual Fire Safety Statement for the existing building listing all the existing fire safety measures. Also, if applicable, please provide any Fire Engineered alternative solution reports which have been implemented for the existing base building.
If the development may impact on any existing fire engineering for the base building then statement from an accredited fire safety engineer will be required confirming that the proposed fitout works will have no implications on previous fire engineering undertaken for the building.
Note: Where the Annual Fire Safety Statement is not available, please provide a list of existing fire safety measures that will be retained / r
11.  For alterations and additions to an existing residential aged care facility that is subject to an alternative solution relating to a fire safety Alternative Solution in place, a written report must be obtained from an A1 Accredited Building Surveyor which includes a statement that the proposed development is consistent with that alternative solution.
BM+G to coordinate and obtain the required statement in this instance. / r
12.  Where fire engineered Alternative Solutions are proposed:
o  Fire Engineering Brief (FEB)
o  NSW Fire Brigades Comments of FEB
o  Final Fire Engineering Report / r
13.  Stamp plan from Sydney Water or Sydney Water Quick Check agent.
Further information can be obtained from www.sydneywater.com.au/BuildingDeveloping/QuickCheck / r

Note: Complying Development Restrictions

Please note that Complying Development Certificates cannot be issued for sprinkler system installations in residential aged care facilities in the following situations:-

(a)  The land is located in an environmentally sensitive area

Environmentally sensitive area includes:-

i.  the coastal waters of the State,

ii.  a coastal lake,

iii.  land to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 14-Coastal Wetlands or State Environmental Planning Policy No 26-Littoral Rainforests applies,

iv.  land reserved as an aquatic reserve under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or as a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 1997 ,

v.  land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands or within a World heritage area declared under the World Heritage Convention,

vi.  land within 100m of land to which paragraph (c), (d) or (e) applies,

vii.  land identified in this or any other environmental planning instrument as being of high Aboriginal cultural significance or high biodiversity significance,

viii.  land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or land to which Part 11 of that Act applies,

ix.  land reserved or dedicated under the Crown Lands Act 1989 for the preservation of flora, fauna, geological formations or for other environmental protection purposes,

x.  land identified as being critical habitat under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 .

(b)  The land is critical habitat (as defined under the Council Planning Instrument)

(c)  The land is a wilderness area (as defined under the Council Planning Instrument)

(d)  The land comprises, or on which there is, an item of environmental heritage:-

i.  that is subject to an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977 , or that is listed on the State Heritage Register under that Act, or

ii.  that is identified as such an item in an environmental planning instrument,

BCA Assessment

In addition to the above, an assessment of the sprinkler upgrade works against the requirements of BCA and the Fire Sprinkler Standard will be undertaken by BM+G prior to issue of the Complying Development Certificate.

As such, please forward one copy of the following for our review:-

·  Architectural floor plan for the existing residential aged care facility, and

·  Services drawings to indicate the location of the key components of the sprinkler system (including sprinkler heads, valves, pumps, boosters and test connections) and associated alarm signalling equipment, and

·  The layout of pipework associated with the system; and

·  Any other building work that is necessary to install the fire sprinkler system (including fire separation works);

If you have any questions regarding any of the above or would like to discuss any matter in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9211 7777 or 0417 247 344.


David Blackett

Director - Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith Pty Ltd