ENU-6657 Section 05D9



INSTRUCTORS:Lynn Rill, Ph.D. ()

Manuel Arreola, Ph.D. ()

Libby Brateman, Ph.D. ()

Division of Radiological Physics, Department of Radiology

TEXTBOOK (REQUIRED):The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging, 3rd Edition, by Bushberg, Seibert, Leidholdt Jr. and Boone. Lippincot, Williams & Wilkins Publishers, Philadelphia, PA (2012).

LECTURES:Physics lectures: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:30-10:25 am (occasionally 2:00 – 3:00pm for demo labs)

Location: Room G101 (Large Conference Room), Radiology Department, Shands Hospital at UF.

Clinical lab sessions: Radiology Department, Shands at UF, Times TBA

1/8/13 / Introduction and syllabus distribution / LR
1/8/13 / X-ray Production Processes / 2,6 / LR



X-ray Systems I: X-ray Tubes

/ 6 / LR
1/10/13 /

X-ray Systems II: X-Ray Generators and Power Ratings and Heat

/ 6 / LR
1/15/13 / X-ray Systems III: X-Ray Spectra, Beam Filtration / 6 / LR
1/16/13 / X-ray Projection Imaging I:Geometrical Principles / 7 / LR
1/16/13 / (2 afternoon sessions) DEMO LAB I: mA, time, blur / 6 / LR
1/17/13 / X-ray Projection Imaging II: Photon Interactions, Subject Contrast / 3 / WW
1/22/13 / X-ray Projection Imaging III: Scattered and Primary Photons, Anti-Scatter Grids, AEC Systems / 7 / LR
1/23/13 / X-ray Detectors: Image ReceptorMaterials and Mechanisms / 7 / LR
1/23/13 / (2 afternoon sessions) DEMO LAB II: AEC, Noise / 7 / LR
1/24/13 / General Radiology Clinical Lecture: Grantham / JG
1/29/13 / Image QualityIndicators: Noise, Contrast and Spatial Resolution / 4 / MA
1/30/13 / X-rayImage QualityI: Fourier Transforms and Convolutions / 4 / MA
1/31/13 / X-rayImage QualityII: MTF, NPS, DQE / 4 / MA
2/05/13 / X-rayImage QualityIII: Image Quality and Dose tradeoffs / 4 / LR
2/06/13 / MID-TERM I :1-3pm Room CG-28 (material through 1/31/12)
2/07/13 / Radiography Clinical Exam Performance: Jen Sirera, RT(R), CIIP, BHS / 7 / JS
2/12/13 / Digital Imaging I: Basic Concepts / 5 / LR
2/13/13 / Digital Imaging II: Image Processing, Basic Concepts / 5 / LR
2/14/13 / Digital Imaging III: Processing Algorithms / 5,7 / LR
2/19/13 / Digital Radiography I: Computed Radiography / 7 / LR
2/20/13 / Digital Radiography II: Digital Radiography / 7 / LR
2/21/13 / Pediatric Radiology Clinical Lecture: Dubuisson / RD
2/26/13 /

Quality Control in Digital Radiography

/ LR
2/27/13 /

Fluoroscopy I: Image Intensifiers

/ 9 / LR
2/27/13 / DEMO LAB III: CR/DR QC and physics testing / 7 / LR
2/28/13 /

Fluoroscopy II: TV Camera Tubes, CCD Cameras

/ 9 / LR
Spring Break March 2-9


/ Fluoroscopy III: ABC Systems and Fluoroscopic Doses / 9 / LR


/ Fluoroscopy IV: Digital Fluoroscopy, DSA / 9 / LR
3/13/13 / DEMO LAB V: Fluoro / LR


/ Interventional clinical guest lecture- Wiley / SW
3/19/13 / Radiation Protection I: Review / 21 / LB
3/20/13 / MID-TERM II : 1-3 pm Room CG-28 (material through 3/14/12)
3/21/13 / Radiation Protection II: RadiationSafety / 21 / LB
3/26/13 / CT I: Basics of X-Ray Cross-Sectional Imaging / 10 / MA
3/27/13 / CT II: Backprojection Algorithms and Filters / 10 / MA
3/28/13 / CT III: Sequential Scanners / 10 / MA
4/02/13 / CT IV: Helical and Early Multi-slice Scanners / 10 / MA
4/03/13 / CT V: Broad-beam Multislice-scanners / 10 / MA
4/04/13 / CT VI: Components and Instrumentation / 10 / MA
4/09/13 / DEMO LAB VI: CT
4/10/13 / CT VII: CT Dose Indicators:CTDI, DLP / 10 / MA
4/10/13 / CT VIII: CTA, Perfusion and 3D Applications / 10 / MA
4/11/13 / CT IX: Image Quality, Noise and Dose Trade-offs / 10 / MA
4/16/13 / CT X: Cardiac Gating and Applications / 10 / MA
4/17/13 / CT XI: Electron-beam and Cone-beam CT / 10 / MA
4/18/13 / CT XII: CT Artifacts / 10 / MA
4/23/13 / CT Clinical Images (interactive) / 10 / MA
4/24/13 / CT clinical guest lecture - Wymer / DW
4/30/13 / Final Exam 1-3 pm Room CG-28


  1. Examinations:There will be two (2) mid-term examinations (2 hours long) and a 2 hour-long final examination during finals week. All tests will be computer based, and will take place in the Medical School Testing Center, room CG-28, Communicore Building. All material covered (book chapters, reading assignments, lecture notes, demo labs) is considered as eligible material for such exam.
  1. Course grade will be calculated as follows:

Mid-term 1:30%

Mid-term 2:30%



  1. Grading Scale: (93-100 A, 90-92 A-, 86-89 B+, 83-85 B, 80-82 B-, 76-79 C+, 73-75 C, 70-72 C-) Grades will be curved.
  1. Office Hours: by appointment
  1. Academic Honesty: All students are required to abide by the University’s honesty policy as published in UF Rule 6Cl-4.0l7. Students should be familiar with the entire rule which can be reviewed at: and specifically addresses cheating;

Cheating -- the improper taking or tendering of any information or material which shall be used to determine academic credit. Taking of information includes, but is not limited to, copying graded homework assignments from another student; working together with another individual(s) on a take-home test or homework when not specifically permitted by the teacher; looking or attempting to look at another student's paper during an examination; looking or attempting to look at text or notes during an examination when not permitted. Tendering of information includes, but is not limited to, giving your work to another student to be used or copied; giving someone answers to exam questions either when the exam is being given or after having taken an exam; giving or selling a term paper or other written materials to another student; sharing information on a graded assignment.

  1. Class Attendance: Students are expected to attend each class period. Periods which may be missed should be brought to the attention of the Instructor as far in advance of the class period as possible. In the event of an unexcused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain and review the material that was covered during that class period. Students must participate in each laboratory exercise.
  1. Make-up Laboratory and Assignments: Make-up Laboratory exercises and assignments will only be considered for exceptional circumstances and will be implemented by the instructor on a case-by-case basis.
  1. Class Demeanor: Class distractions such as cell phones and pagers are unacceptable. Students will ensure that any such devices that are brought into the classroom will be turned off, or operated in a silent mode, during the class period.
  1. Students with Disabilities: Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.