Present – Rena Souten (in the Chair), Steven Selbie, John Wright, Steven Allott, Nora Bradley, Gareth Hart, Richard Hurdley, Graham Phipps. Andrew Thornton. Russell Ramsden.

1.Minutes of last meeting held on 12th July2010

The Minutes had been previously circulated and were agreed, subject to GH & RH were in attendance. 8 Kirklees Shared Care SA should be SS.

2.Matters arising from the Minutes

Dr Jindal to be invited by SS to pre LOC meeting (Oct 18th?) with relevant Kirklees PBC leads, SS to ask Dr J for names.

RS to send PBC info to GP. MP lobby subcommittee to arrange agenda.

SS to revamp web site.


Steve Dando

4.Members’ Declarations of Interest

Rena Souten – Director of WREC, LOCSUand Glaucoma Referral Refinement; Graham Phipps – nothing to declare; Richard Hurdley – Glaucoma and Diabetes; Gareth Hart – Glaucoma Referral Refinement, Cataract Referral Refinement. Nora Bradley, Secretary of Eye Care and occasionally Glaucoma; Steven Allott – Director of WREC and Glaucoma Referral Refinement; ; John Wright – Glaucoma and Cataracts; Steven Selbie – Glaucoma and Diabetes. Russell Ramsden – Glaucoma & Diabetes & Cataract, Andrew Thornton – Glaucoma & Cataracts.

5.Treasurer’s Report

AG was not present at the meeting, but correspondence was circulated, including a statement of the current Bank Balance.

6.Secretary’s Report

JW reported further progress in reducing the surface mailing list in favour of electronic in order to reduce costs. Numerous routine requests for information had been dealt with during the summer break.

7.Children’s Vision

Promises have been made by the PCT representatives meeting with RS & NBto address the lack of progress relating to the development of a service and pathway for children referred into optometry following school vision screening. As the promises have been made on two previous occasions (just prior to PCT re structuring) it was agreed unanimously that a letter should be sent by JW to the PCT CExecs that unless funding was available on this occasion there would be no further engagement on this matter by the LOC in the foreseeable future.

JW also asked to write to all performers and contractors requesting that they STOP providing free feedback via the unsanctioned HES screening forms but continue to give GOS Rx and advice to parents and children when concluding a GOS test.

8. Enhanced Services

RR reported on discussions with PCT representatives relating to GRR and possible development of the scheme to OHT monitoring, pressure only refinement and a relaxation of the protocol as to who can perform visual field analysis. RR is to liaise with OA’s on writing to practices as the current rate of uptake is threatening the survival of the pathway.

AT reported on the Calderdale Cataract RR scheme. Although 100% of practices are signed up a significant proportion are not referring via the pathway and continue to use GOS14. This will have consequences for future viability as an audit is due at the end of the year. AT is to write to practices seeking feedback and encourage more participation. Good audit results are essential if the scheme is to be sustainable and extended to Kirklees in the future.

9. LOC PCT Meeting 2 8 2010 7pm Dean Clough

LOC representatives had little to report back from this meeting.

10.HES Clinic V/A’s

Several optometrists had reported discrepancies in measured HES V/A’s and community optometry V/A’s. on referral feedback letters. The hospital measured V/A’s are often better? JW asked to write informally to new HES consultant Kaye Hollingworth to see if there is a problem to address, copy to OA’s.

11.Vetting & Barring

WYCSA are currently withholding a performer number from a Kirklees optometrist until child protection training has been completed. The contractor involved is continuing to pay the optometrists salary even though the optometrist is unable to submit GOS claims. AOP advice is that this situation is unacceptable, and probably illegal in this context. JW to send strong letter to officer at WYCSA to redress when officers name available.

12.Calderdale Eyecare Group Meeting Report

AT reported details of last meeting. Future enhanced services are likely to be any willing provider model.

13.Invite MP’s to NOC Dinner

JW to invite Barry Sheerman MP, Jason McCartney MP, Simon Reevel MP and Craig Whittaker MP to National Optometric Conference Dinner.

14.NOC & LOCSU Training Day

RS & SS to attend NOC. RR & GP to attend LOCSU training day in Wrexham. Will enrol themselves.

15.PCT AGM’s

JW to attend Calderdale PCT AGM 30 Sept and NB to attend Kirklees PCT AGM 29 September on behalf of LOC.

16.Any other business

Inappropriate Dewsbury Hospital patient post op cat information leaflets being used by hospital. JW to write to OA requesting alteration.

17.Reserved Matters


18. Action Points

SS to contact Dr Jindal re pre LOC meeting

SS to revamp web site.

RS to send PBC contact info to GP

JW Letter to PCT CExecs re childrens eyecare pathway

JW Letter to contractors & Performers re childrens eyecare forms

AT Letter to all practices Calderdale re improving cat scheme uptake

RR Letter (with OA) to all practices re glaucoma scheme

JW Letter (informal) to K Hollingsworth re HES V/A’s

RH contact info to JW

JW Letter STRONG to WYCSA re vetting & Barring new optometrist

JW Letter inviting local MP’s to NOC Dinner

JW Letter to OA re Dewsbury Hospital Post Cat Patient Advice

19.Dates and Location of next meetings

Woodsome Hall 15 Nov, 18 Oct, 13 Dec

Syngenta? 17 Jan, 14 Feb, 14 March

Berties Elland AGM 13 April 2011