Project applicationInterpretation
1 Project details
Project name
Local council name
2Who can apply / Check boxes
I am an individual, or
Local council, or
Acommunity organisation,or
A religious organisation, and
Am NOT a state government agency
3 Your project(25 points) / Provide a SHORT summary statement about what you will achieve with your project
Project aim (max 50 words)
Describe your project / Attach a 1 page summary
Attach a copy of your Interpretation Plan
Project scope & itemised costing / Attach your project scope and itemised costings
Attach other supporting information (please keep to a minimum)
4 Project funding / Total project value ex GST = applicant’s contribution + other contributions + funding requested
Applicant’s contribution/s
Cash / $
In-kind / $
Other contribution/s
Cash / $
In-kind / $
Funding requested
$ for $ grants from $5,000 to $20,000 / $
Total project value ex GST
MUST be more than $10,000 / $ex GST
My project is for / To be eligible for funding you must answer YES to one of the following
An item listed on the State Heritage Register, or / Yes No
A state significant heritage item that iseither
Listed as a state heritage item on your Local Environmental Plan, or / Yes or No
Supported by your local council’s heritage advisor or other heritage specialist as being of state heritage significance / Yes or No
Attach a letter of support
To be eligible for funding you must answer YES to ALL of the following
A heritage item with a completed interpretation plan and am seeking funding for on-ground works implementation, and / Yes or No
I will complete and claim 50% of my project funding by 30 May 2011 / Yes No
I will complete and claim 100% of my project funding by 30 May 2012 / Yes No
I agree to erect a sign at the front of my heritage item/s outlining the project and the funding assistance received / Yes No
I agree to promote my project (eg local newspaper story) during and at the project completion / Yes No
I acknowledge that I may need to arrange Heritage Act and/or local council approvals for these works (separately tofunding offer) / Yes No
I can provide detailed information on my project so that the Heritage Branch can process or advise me on any necessary Heritage Act approvals, (if required) / Yes No
6Funding priorities
Describe how your project meets one or more of the following priorities
Is a State Heritage Register listed heritage item/s
Your heritage item/s is included in a state, regional or local tourism strategy
Is a major heritage site or precinct with tourism potential
Your project utilises digital/social media
7 Common selection criteria for all projects(30 points)
Answer ALL of the following questions
Sustainable long term heritage benefits
Describe how your project will
Describe how you are planning for the sustainable future management of your heritage item/sand how your project contributes to this (eg viable ongoing use or new use, conservation management plan, asset maintenance plan, sustainable management plan eg social, financial, environment, self-funding and self-supporting)
Attach a copy of your plan/s
Public benefit and enjoyment
Describe how your project will
Increase opportunities for people to learn about, access and enjoy their heritage
Increase community involvement and active support for heritage
Innovation and leadership
Describe how your project will
Lead to a positive transformation in community attitudes and actions in response to its heritage
Involve a high degree of innovation and creativity
Capacity & commitment to undertakethe project
Do you have the necessary time and project and financial management skills to successfully undertake this project? / Yes No
Will your project be completed within the 2 year funding time frame and fully claimed by 30 May 2013? / Yes No
Funding equity cost effectiveness
Describe how your projectwill make the best use of the funding provided
I have received government funding support for this heritage item in the last 5 years / Yes No
Will your project proceed without this funding assistance? / Yes No
Are you receiving funding or support from other sources? If yes, name / Yes No
8 Heritage Branch contact
I have discussed my project with the Heritage Branch before lodging this application / Yes No
Name of Heritage Branch contact
9 Applicant details
ABN registered name
GST registered? / Yes No
10 Project director / All correspondence will be with this person
Title (Mr/ Ms /Mrs)
First name
Last name
Mailing address
Post code
Phone day
Fax day
Phone night
11 Ownership / Please complete if applicant is NOT the owner of the heritage item
Owner’s name
Contact name
12 Heritage Specialist / Section 12 must be completed by your heritage specialist eg heritage architect, engineer, etc or local council heritage advisor who is supervising the project.
Project merit / Provide a SHORT summary statement about the merit of this project and how it retains or enhances the heritage significance
Project merit (max 50 words)
Does this project require approval under s57(1) of the Heritage Act? / Yes No Not sure
If YES, select from the following
Heritage Act exemption
site specific or existing exemption
excavation permit
not applicable
I am satisfied that the project scope involves appropriate works to achieve the stated project aim and project merit statement / Attach a signed letter of support from your heritage specialist ORget them to sign this form
Heritage Specialist’s name and signature
Phone day
Fax day
13 Local council heritage advisor or officer project support / I am satisfied that the project scope involves appropriate works to achieve the stated project aim and project merit statement
Attach a letter of support OR sign off from your local council heritage advisor or heritage officer
(sign or scan)
Phone day
14 Applicant’s declaration
I confirm that all the information provided in this project application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge / Yes No
I have completed ALL questions on this project application / Yes No
I have attached ALL requested summaries and attached other information / Yes No
Questions? / Contact Victoria Throp email or phone 02 9873 8577
Submitting your application
Please DON’T send twice!!! / Email your completed project application with attached digital images and other information to
ORPostCD or hard copy to
Victoria Throp
Department of Planning Heritage Branch
NSW Heritage Grants 2011-2013
Locked Bag 5020
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NSW Heritage Grants 2011-2013Caring for our heritage