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October 1, 2007

NSP Pricing Zone – MISO Network Integration and Point-to-Point Transmission Service Customers

Dear Customers:

The purpose of this letter is to announce a meeting during which Xcel Energy will provide information related to its September 28, 2007 FERC filing to change the methodology used to calculate the NSP Companies’ Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (“ATRR”).

The filing proposed a new formula rate (Attachment O – NSP to the MISO Transmission and Energy Markets Tariff), whereby the NSP Companies’ ATRR will be calculated based on projected data for the current year. As part of the filing, NSP submitted the proposed calculation for calendar year 2008, which would become effective January 1, 2008, subject to true-up in a subsequent year.

The filing also established procedures under which the NSP Companies will post their revenue requirement to be effective the following year and supporting workpapers, each year on October 1 and hold a customer meeting later during October to answer questions about the calculation. This will also be the first customer meeting pursuant to the proposed process. This information for the 2008 rate year is posted at:

- 10/1/07: Attachment O - NSP formula rate to be effective January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008

If you have any difficulty accessing the above referenced files, please E-mail Mark Wehlage at and Mark can provide a copy of the files for your review. Company personnel will be available at the meeting to describe the changes in rate calculation methodology and answer questions about 2008 projected costs.

The meeting information is as follows:

Date:October 11th, 2007

Location:414 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN – Lower Level Bay 1

Time:1-3 PM CST

For those attending in person, after you arrive in the lobby of 414 Nicollet you will be escorted through security to the meeting room. Teleconference capability and data conference access to the meeting will also be provided for those who cannot attend in person. Attached are the teleconference and data conference instructions. Teleconference is necessary to listen to the meeting and data conference is used to view the presentations as they are made at the meeting.

Please let me know if you have any questions at 612-330-2857, or you can call Mark Wehlage at 612-330-7631.


David B. Grover

David B. Grover

Manager, Transmission Regulatory Administration

Xcel Energy

Attachment (teleconference and data conference instructions)

Teleconference and data Conference Instructions:

The teleconference line(s) below were reserved on 9/28/2007.

DateMeeting IDTelephone Number

10/11/20072562612-330-6363 Conference Server 6363

To attend a teleconference:

1) Dial the MeetingPlace server number above. Prefix the number with “8” if you are not calling from Minneapolis.

2) Press 1 to attend the meeting.

3) Enter the meeting ID number above followed by the # key.

4) Identify yourself followed by the # key.

If you are calling from outside of Xcel Energy dial 800-328-8226, then enter the last four digits of the Telephone Number shown above once the recording starts. Please do not use the 800 number if you are calling within Xcel Energy.

To attend a data conference:

1) Set your browser to the web link for MeetingPlace

2) Enter the Meeting ID at the top of the screen and press Enter.

3) Enter your name in the Guest Name field and press Enter.

4) Dial the number shown in the popup window to join the voice portion of the conference.

5) To start the data conference, press Join Web Conference.

6) The Welcome to MeetingPlace window will display in a new window.

7) Wait for the meeting coordinator to start the meeting and share an application.