NSAND Meeting

February 20, 2016

  1. Meeting called to order at 2:03 pm.
  2. Attendance


Cody Barta (2016 President), Lindsey Stein (2015 President), Adrienne Freije (2016 1st VP), Karen Schaff (2015 1st VP), Victoria Holman (2016 2nd VP), Rachel Thorson (2015 2nd VP), Alexandra Hemingson ( 2016 Secretary), Alphonse Schoeneberger (2015 Secretary), Heather Bird (2016 Treasurer), Brooke Lewton ( 2015 Treasurer), Jenna Fossum (2016 Publicity), Andrea Johnson (2016 Publicity), Andrea White (2015 Publicity), Sylvia Wages (2016 Legislative Education), Miranda Miller (2015 Legislative Education), Laura Hellmuth (2016 Breakthrough to Nursing), Kelly Lenhrke ( 2016 Funds), Trisha Hoffart (2015 Funds), Andrea Steinberger (2016 Membership), Kirby Greger (2015 Membership), Lea Sollman (2016 Community Health), LakenKittleson (2015 Community Health), Anna Devorak (2016 Local Arrangements), AlliGreff (2015 Local Arrangements), Kristen Durand (2015 Local Arrangements), Leah Hermanson (2016 SNOY), Lindsey Holter (2015 SNOY/2016 Grad Consultant), Sara Robley (2016 Grad Consultant), Kayla Kaizer (2015 Grad Consultant), Joann Lindemann (Advisor), Connie Geyer (Advisor)


Payton Borud (2015 Publicity), Kristen Bortke (2015 Breakthrough to Nursing), Tonya Schiele (2016 Local Arrangements), Jennifer Chevalier (2015 Grad Consultant)

  1. Approval of Agenda – Trisha Hoffart motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by AlliGreff. No discussion. None opposed. Motion Carried.
  2. Approval of Last Minutes- Trisha motioned to approve the minutes from last meeting. Andrea White Seconded. No discussion. None opposed. Motion carried.
  3. Trisha Hoffart has left over T-shirts from the state convention that board members can take back to sell at local chapters or buy themselves. Variety of sizes are still available and each T-Shirt is $15.00.
  4. Description of Duties
  5. President
  6. 1st Vice President
  7. 2nd Vice President
  8. Secretary
  9. Treasurer
  10. Publicity
  11. Legislative Education
  12. Breakthrough to Nursing
  13. Funds
  14. Membership
  15. Community Health
  16. SNOY
  17. Grad Consultants
  18. Local Arrangements
  19. Advisors
  20. Officer Reports
  21. President
  22. 2015 – Thank you to the 2015 Board for their service.
  23. 2016- Welcome to the 2016 Board.
  24. Treasurer
  25. 2015 –Taxes are done
  26. 2016
  27. Checking Balance- $9305.84
  28. Savings Balance- $6398. 55
  29. Other Reports
  30. Annual tax Return- $1235.59
  31. Annual Charitable Organization Report
  32. Annual Charitable non- profit Report
  33. Quarters Challenge-$ 1192.25 + 1.00 Canadian
  34. Fundraising – $1949.00 (This includes silent auction)
  35. Registration-$ 11035.19 (includes Vendors), Kaplan donated $100.00
  36. Brooke Lewton made a motion to change the mailing address for NSAND from North Dakota Center for Nursing in Fargo to NDNA’s address in Bismarck. Kirby Greger 2nd. Discussion. None opposed. Motion carried.
  37. Old Business
  38. Review of Bylaws- Bylaws should be on flash drive and in Dropbox. Review and make proposed changes in red for next meeting.
  39. Attendance Policy- The NSAND Board may terminate officers and directors of the NSAND Board of Directors, including ex-officio members, absent from two (2) or more meetings during a yearly term of office, with or without submitting a report.
  40. Revisions:
  41. Publicity Article- Quarterly article for North Dakota Nurse for March 17th. This was decided on at a previous meeting
  42. Advisors- Wording change to include higher education faculty member. Table this revision and any other suggested revisions until next meeting. Bylaws must be revised annually.
  43. Conference Wrap Up
  44. Surveys (Kristen Durand)
  45. Things we did well
  46. Venue was liked- there was a suggestion to use the civic center
  47. Good Vendors
  48. The dot system worked well
  49. Areas of improvement
  50. Suggestions for more vendors:
  51. Travel Nursing
  52. Variety of employers
  53. Advanced Practice Nursing
  54. Specialty Nursing
  55. Shorten the day on Friday
  56. Discussion on how to allow more ways for schools to mingle and get to know students from other schools. Board Suggestions were:
  57. Discuss involvement at school, promote NSAND and the state convention.
  58. Host board meetings on a rotating schedule at schools instead of just in one place – invite local chapters and legislation to these.
  59. Faculty Facebook page to help advocate among faculty members for days off for convention.
  60. New Business
  61. Binders/ Flash drives – each board member should have received a binder and flash drive. Access to Dropbox will be set up soon.
  62. Bank Account names- Rachel made a motion to change the names on the bank account to Cody Barta, Rachel Bird and Joann Lindemann. Kristen 2nd. Discussion. None opposed. Passed.
  63. Local board contact information up to date- Lindsey will upload to this to Dropbox.
  64. National Convention-
  65. March 30th-April 3rd Orlando, FL.
  66. Great Convention to attend with a lot to experience including vendors, excellent break out sessions and the house of delegates.
  67. The board pays for the president to attend.
  68. 2016 Goals
  69. Increase conference attendance
  70. Think of more goals and bring them to next meeting.
  71. State Convention 2017
  72. Date Discussion
  73. Legislation date for NDNA has been selected for Monday February 20th, 2017 which is President’s day.
  74. Adrienne Freije made a motion to make the convention dates February 19th (evening) to February 21st. Kelly L. 2nd the motion. Discussion. None opposed. Passed.
  75. Kayla will put a proposed condensed schedule on Dropbox.
  76. Questions for the 2015 Board
  77. Schedule Next Meeting
  78. April 16th in Dickinson at 1 pm Mountain time (2pm Central time)
  79. Schools will rotate using the same rotations for the convention.
  80. Travel reimbursement
  81. Cost of travel
  82. .20/ mile if driving alone, .25/mile if carpooling – use google maps for distance calculation. Brooke and Heather have the mileage forms.
  83. Joann does not receive mileage, but was wondering if she could be reimbursed for her convention hotel. This used to be in the by laws and will be discussed at the next meeting to re-add to bylaws. Laura Hellmuth made a motion to reimburse Joann, LeaSollmann 2nd the motion. Discussion. None Opposed. Passed.
  84. Motion to adjourn by Victoria Holman, 2nd by Karen Schaff. No discussion. None opposed. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 3:38 pm.


Alexandra Hemingson- Secretary 02/23/2016

Approved By President Cody Barta 03/04/2016

NEXT MEETING: April 16TH, 2016 in Dickinson at 1 pm Mountain time (2pm Central time)