Minutes of the 2003 ICA Board meetings

September 6 (Sat), 2003
09:00-17:00 hrs
The University of Pierre and Marie Curie

Paris, France


1. Opening and Approval of the Agenda

President Daigle opens the meeting at 9:00 am on September 6, 2003 in a Room - University of Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, France with a roll call.

Present were:

Gilles Daigle, President

Suk Wang Yoon, Secretary-General

Volker Mellert, Treasurer

Lawrence Crum, Past President

Ewald Benes

Giovanni Brambilla

Juan Gallego-Juarez

Sonoko Kuwano

Claude Legros

Philip Nelson

Stephen Crandall

Phillipe Blanc-Benon (President of SFA)

Antonio Perez-Lopez (President of SEA and FIA)

Eugeniusz Kozaczka (President of PAS)

Charls Schmid (Exec Dir of ASA)

Regrets were received from George Dodd, Charles Don, Nikolai Dubrovsky, Samir Gerges, Antoni Sliwinski, Ren-He Zhang, Tor Kihlman, Seiichiro Namba, Hideki Tachibana, Anders Bostrom, and Masayuki Morimotto.

2003 ICA Board Meeting Agenda

01.Opening and Approval of the Agenda

03.Minutes of the 2002 Board Meeting held in Cancun (Attachment 1)
04.Report of the IUPAP Council and Commission Chairs Meeting (Attachment 2)
05.Report of Treasurer: Financial Report; Member Dues Status and Expenses
(Attachment 3)
06.Commission New Membership / Resignation
07.ICA Sponsorship of Other Meetings on Acoustics(Attachment 4)
08.ICA Support and Sponsorship of Regional Meetings(Attachment 5)

- Application for the 7th Transport Noise conference

- Application for the 9th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry:


- Report on the XXth Symposium on Hydroacoustics. Support with ASA/CIRE

09.IUPAP/IUTAM Sponsorship of Conferences
10.18th ICA Progress Report, Kyoto 2004

11.ICA Awards and Grants for 18th ICA, Kyoto 2004: Policies for Selection, Committees (Attachment 6)

- Student Support Awards with ASA/CIRE
- Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants with ASA/CIRE
- ICA Early-Career Awards

12.19th ICA Progress Report, Madrid 2007
13.Promotion of International Union for Acoustics within ICSU (Attachment 7)

- Relationship with IUPAP and IUTAM
- Report on the IIAV Board Meeting
- Promotion of Member Society

14.Nominating Committeefor Election of ICA New Board Members (Attachment 8)

Announcement for Officers and Delegates Recommendation

15.Other Business (Attachment 9)

- Invitation for 20th ICA venue:

Acoustical Society of China, Acoustical Society of Korea

- ICA Web Page Revision: Link with ASA/CIRE
- Others

16.Next Meeting Schedule

- 1st Board Meeting: April 3 or 4, 2004

- General Assembly: April 7, 2004

- 2nd Board Meeting: April 8 or 9, 2004
17.Close of the Meeting



Agenda was approved.


French delegate, Legros announced for the lunch and dinner schedules.

03.Minutes of the 2002 Board Meeting held in Cancun (Attachment 1)

President Daigle asked the Board Members for any corrections or comments on the Unconfirmed Minutes of the 2002 Cancun Board Meeting. Daigle corrected that Dubrovsky should be added under regrets.

The Minutes of the 2002 Cancun Board Meeting was approved.

04.Report of the IUPAP Council and Commission Chairs Meeting (Attachment 2)

President Daigle gave a brief report on the IUPAP Council and Commission Chairs Meeting in Trieste,Italy, on 2003 January 24-25. IUPAP will have an orientation meeting for new Commission Chairs or Presidents at Trieste, Italy in October 2003.

Affiliated Commission (AC) for Optics is self-sustaining and agreed not to request the IUPAP sponsorship. However, IUPAP agreed to fund AC for General Relativity because of its short funding. AC3 ICA situates in the middle of them. IUPAP has three-type sponsorships: A-type is for a large congress such as triennial ICA Congress, B-type is around 300~400 attendants, and C-type is around 100 attendants. The nominal support from IUPAP is US$10,000 for A-type, US$4,000 for B-type, and US$2,000 for C-type. IUPAP will not support any types of AC except very special cases.

Crum described some background story about transition from regular Commission to Affiliated Commission. The discussion will be resumed on Item 13.

05.Report of Treasurer: Financial Report; Member Dues Status and Expenses (Attachment 3)

Treasurer Mellert gave the report on the balance of ICA financial account for the period of the ICA Board Meeting. The period of the report was suggested to follow the Board meeting period. ICA received around US $7,000 amount from ICA 2001 Rome income. The balance of ICA account was negative for the no Congress years, but it becomes positive in the triennial Congress year.

Daigle suggested to send our balance sheet to the IUPAP in order to show how reasonably the AC3, ICA is running the Commission with the statement that the ICA unit share membership due is only $25.

06.Commission New Membership / Resignation

The Southern African Acoustics Institute (SAAI) requested to resign the membership of ICA due to its financial difficulties. The Board strongly recommended the observer status for SAAI. The observer status is to keep its membership without vote right in the General Assembly. There will be no change in the number of shares for the Member Societies.

One new application from Belarus was received, but the decision on its membership will be made at Kyoto GA after receiving more information on its Society.

07.ICA Sponsorship of Other Meetings on Acoustics(Attachment 4)

ICA sponsored the WESPAC 8, but ICA did not receive any report from them after the Conference.

General Chairman, Yoon of WESPAC 9 mentioned their intention to apply the ICA sponsorship later.

08.ICA Support and Sponsorship of Regional Meetings(Attachment 5)

Chair of CIRE, ASA Crum proposed the co-sponsorship of $10,000 CIRE, ASA funding per year with ICA. ICA Board approved $6,000 per year at the 2002 Cancun Board meeting. ICA officially sends applications to CIRE, ASA with the copy to Elaine. US$5,000 of CIRE, ASA usually goes to support East European and South American scientists.

- Application for the 7th Transport Noise conference was approved.

- Application for the 9th Meeting of the European Society of Sonochemistry:

ESS9 was approved for granting US $2000 even requested US $5000

Both Daigle and Crum will send the letter for support sharing US $1000 from ICA and US$1000 from CIRE/ASA to the Local Organizing Committees.

Daigle mentioned what he heard from the Chairman of 7th Transport Noise conference at Internoise 2003. The Organizing Committee of 7th Transport Noise conference is very much concerned about lack of conference participants because of the conflict in the schedule with IIAV. ICA strongly encouraged the 7th Transport Noise conference to keep on working on their original schedule. Mellert suggested put some pressure on IIAV for the matter of schedule conflict.

Crum raised concerns on continuing support of consecutive meetings such as yearly conferences. Daigle explained the situation that we did not have enough applications.

Secretary General Yoon read the report on the XXth Symposium on Hydroacoustics cosponsored by ICA with CIRE, ASA.

09.IUPAP/IUTAM Sponsorship of Conferences

Kyoto Local Organizing Committee of the 18th ICA 2004 applied for the IUPAP A-type support. Associate SG of IUPAP acknowledged receiving the application of IUPAP support and ICA gave the full support of 18th ICA 2004 at Kyoto. Its support will be discussed at the IUPAP meeting on 10/10-10/11/03.

International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics was supported as B-type by IUPAP in 2002.

10.18th ICA Progress Report, Kyoto 2004

Secretary General of 18th ICA, Kuwano gave a progress report on 18th ICA 2004. They received the support of JPY10,000,000 from Japanese Science Council for the 18th ICA. There will be plenary and keynote lectures and 50 structured sessions.

Registration fee was not changed after the approval from the ICA Board at Seattle. Difference between the early registration fee $370 and the regular $450 may be charged as administration fee. Reduction of registration fee will be given to some developing countries based on requests.

Exhibition program will bring no extra income because of its own expenditure. Crum mentioned each exhibitor was charged $1000 in 16th ICA 1998, Seattle. Yoon also mentioned that exhibition is big income sources for the conference. Each exhibition booth is usually charged $2000 in many other conference.

ICA 5% levy will be based on the real total income of full registration fee. 1300 participants are expected for 18th ICA Kyoto. Tentative US$1.2M budget with income and expenditure was reported. There is an auditor to verify their budget.

Hard copies of Proceedings should be printed as ordered, and their CD versions are strongly recommended. Block bookings of accommodations were made for the Congress. At present 120 abstracts were received. Extension of deadline was strongly suggested. Satellite conference for music acoustics was scheduled after conference.

Yoon mentioned about VAT for registration. Legally VAT can be avoided if the registration fee is received through the Non-profit organization such as ASJ.

11.ICA Awards and Grants for 18th ICA, Kyoto 2004: Policies for Selection, Committees (Attachment 6)

Nelson will chair the ICA Young Scientist and Student Award Committee. Its members are Crum, Gerges and Yoon.

-Student Support Awards with ASA/CIRE

-Young Scientist Conference Attendance Grants with ASA/CIRE

ICA will request the Member Societies to post publicity of the ICA Young Scientist and Student Award in their websites. We may give 26 grants with the total US$13,000 from US$10,000 of ICA and US$3,000 of CIRE/ASA. Crum suggested Gerges to recruit more applicants from South America. It was strongly suggested to use websites for awards and to send the publicity announcement to all the Member Societies. We suggested RAS to recruit more Russian student applicants.

Crum will chair ICA Early-Career Awards with the members of Daigle, Benes, and Yoon. ICA Early-Career Awards will be selected from the nominated young professionals after 10-15 yrs active career, and will be awarded at the Banquet. More than one can be awarded at the Triennial Congress. The first Award will be given at the Kyoto Congress. If we don’t have an outstanding candidate, then no award will be announced. The Member Societies and individual can nominate the candidates for ICA Early-Career Award. The ICA medal and honorarium will be presented.

ICA will publicize ICA Early-Career Awards through national societies and regional societies EAA and WESPAC. The Award honorarium will be discussed later.

12.19th ICA Progress Report, Madrid 2007

President of Sociedad Espanola de Acustica (Spain Acoustical Society) gave a progress report on 19th ICA Madrid. The 19th ICA Madrid theme is Acoustics for 21 C, will be held for 9/2/07(Sun)-9/7/07(Fri). Post-conferences will be prepared, but the pre-conference will be very difficult to prepare because it is vacation season for most European till the end of August. Traditionally International Musical Conference will be held as a post-conference. King will be the Honorary President

13.Promotion of International Union for Acoustics within ICSU (Attachment 7)

Daigle explained about the questionnaires on ICSU and explained about Canadian council response. Yoon suggested to figure out how much we need to run the Union rather than the Commission. Each Board Member gave his/her societies’ opinions. Crum mentioned that Congress represents the most united acoustics fields. Daigle mentioned “united” rather than “fragmentation” to justify why they should support International Union for Acoustics rather than International Commission for Acoustics

- Relationship with IUPAP and IUTAM
- Report on the IIAV Board Meeting
- Promotion of Member Society

Yoon suggested making a propaganda letter to distribute to the Member Societies.

14.Nominating Committeefor Election of ICA New Board Members (Attachment 8)

Past President Crum will chair the Nominating Committee with the members of Daigle, Alippi and Tachibana. ICA will distribute “Announcement for Officers and Delegates Recommendation” to the Member Societies considering their Board meeting schedules.

15.Other Business (Attachment 9)

- Invitation for 20th ICA venue:

Acoustical Society of China, Acoustical Society of Korea

- ICA Web Page Revision: Link with ASA/CIRE
- Others

16.Next Meeting Schedule

- 1st Board Meeting: April 3 or 4, 2004

- General Assembly: April 7, 2004

- 2nd Board Meeting: April 8 or 9, 2004

The definite schedules for the General Assembly and the second Board Meeting will be announced in March, 2004.

17.Close of the Meeting

The President closed the meeting at 4:50 pm.