NS Regional Rally
July 16-17, 2016
Central Nova Horse & Pony Club, Truro
Deadline for Entries: Monday, June 27, 2016
Regional Rally will be held in conjunction with Central Nova Horse Trials. Riders will be competing/participating in both Regional Rally and Central Nova Horse Trials.
Rally is a team competition to encourage teamwork and cooperation and includes riding (dressage, cross country and stadium jumping) and stable management (practical knowledge, oral knowledge and turnout). All participants should be familiar with the Canadian Pony Club 2015 Rally Rules. There may be further updates for 2016.
Since NSPC Rally is being run in conjunction with Horse Trials, the Rules of Horse Trials are in effect for the riding portion. Participants should be familiar with the Equine Canada Eventing Rules where tack requirements (bits and nosebands) and dressage tests can be downloaded.
TEAMS will consist of:
1 Chaperone – required at all times during rally hours and will be needed to help out
1 Captain - recommended to be at least C level and 12 yo – the captain may also be a rider
3 Stable Managers/Grooms of any PC level
3-4Riders - at D2/C/B level (best 3 scores to count)
**Any riders who are NOT at D2 level will be required to complete a waiver (attached) to be signed by a parent or guardian and demonstrate eventing experience (# of events and level). **All horse/rider combinations should have had some experience on cross country prior to the competition.
Stable Management:
Straight stalls will be used for tack rooms and will be judged on functionality NOT prettiness.
Feed stalls will NOT be part of Stable Management. Feed can be stored in horse trailers.
Rider Info:
Riders can compete at any of the levels offered at the Horse Trials event (Entry, Pre Training, and Training).
Entry: Dressage (2016 Canadian Eventing Dressage Test 2); Stadium – 0.85 m
Pre Training: Dressage (2016 Canadian Eventing Dressage Test 1); Stadium – 0.91 m
Training: Dressage (2016 Canadian Eventing Dressage Test 2); Stadium – 1.0 m
Captain & SM/Groom Info:
-A Captain’s Class (optional) for all unmounted team captains. Details to follow.
-A SM/Groom’s Class (optional) will be an equitation flat class. Details to follow
-Captains and SM/Grooms may ride any horse from within their team. Horse/riders to turnout as for Stadium Jumping.
Medical Armbands MUST be worn by ALL participants at ALL times.
Pinny’s MUST be worn by ALL participantsat ALL times.
Canadian Pony Club Pins should be worn at all times except for X-Country
Registration Info and Fees:
Chaperone - Free
Grooms/Non riding Captains - $50
Riders (amount varies as entry fees for Horse Trails varies)
Entry - $75
Pre-Training - $95
Training- $100
Registration includes: Central Nova Horse Trials entry fees, Stall fees, Snacks and Supper
Registration does NOT include: Lunch on July 16 & 17 (Canteen on site July 17 only) & Drinks (water is available on site)
Accommodations: Opportunity Pony Club families may be able to billet members – let me know if you need a place to stay. Local hotels are also available.
Schedule (See Draft Below) July 16 11:00 am - 8:00pm July 17 7:00 am – 6:00 pm
Darlene Stevenson Text/Call: 890-3785 Email:
Forms and Payment DUE JUNE 27, 2016
Email completed forms to:
Mail forms to: Darlene Stevenson 131 Gray Road, Debert, B0M 1G0
Make cheques payable to: Nova Scotia Pony Club ALL Payments are due with Entry Forms.
PC Branch: ______
District Commissioner: ______
Email: Phone/Text:______
Name / Position / PCLevel
Riding / Age
(As of Jan 1, 2016) / Name of Horse / Level
Entry/ Pre-Training/Training
Each Rider is required to submit a completed & signed 2016 Canadian Eventing Entry Form (attached).
All participants MUST be members in good standing with NSPC.
Team #1
ChaperoneTeam #2
ChaperoneIt is NOT necessary to have full teams from each Branch. We want to encourage as many members as possible to participate so complete the registration form based your member’s interest and they will be scrambled with other clubs.
Nova Scotia Pony Club Regional Rally
July 16-17, 2016
CNHP, Truro
Draft Schedule
July 16, 2016
10:30 – 11:00Registration - Club House
11:00 –4:00Stable Management Set Up
X Country Course Walk
Cool Out Stations set up
Prepare for Trot up
3:45 Captains Written Test – Club House
4:00Stable Management Judging Start – Captains are to be in the barns.
4:00 –6:00Stable Management Judging
Finish Preparing for Trot up and setting up cool out stations, Riders can re walk X-country course
5:30Social Break (All team members and captains)
6:00Supper & Feed back from SM
7:00Trot Up
7:30 Night Check
8:00Leave CNHP
July 17Stable Management & Turn Out will be judged throughout the day, All riders must be inspected by Rally Stable Management judges for Tack Check Turn Out AND Horse Trials inspectors for Tack Check. Arm bands must be worn on arm for Horse Trials.
7:00 or beforeArrive CNHP
8:00Dressage Starts
11:30 Cross Country Starts
3:00 (appox)Stadium Jumping Starts
4:30Captains & Grooms Class
Waiver & Eventing Experience Form
For Pony Club members who are NOT currently at a D2 level to RIDE at Regional Rally they MUST:
-Complete the following waiver – to be signed by Parent/Guardian if under 18
-Demonstrate Eventing Experience
-Compete at Entry Level as part of Regional Rally
Member Information:
Name: ______PC Branch:______
Contact: Tel: (h) ______(c) ______Email______
I realize that ______will be riding at the Nova Scotia Pony Club Regional Rally at the Entry level and that this involves jumping at speeds and heights that are beyond the scope of the members current Pony Club Level. I feel that this member has sufficient eventing experience to be competent at the above noted Rally.
Name Parent/Guardian: ______
Signature Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
(or rider if over 18)
Contact: Tel: (h) ______(c) ______Email______
Eventing Experience:
Name of Event / Date / Level Competed / PlacingRequired Memberships for Riders and Horses – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
Rider Membership required to compete at Regional Rally & Central Nova Horse Trails
Rider Level / NSEF / HTNS / Canadian Eventing / Equine Canada Sport License / EC Horse PassportEntry / Yes / Yes / Yes (Day Ticket available) / Bronze / No
Pre Training / Yes / Yes / Yes / Bronze / No
Training / Yes / Yes / Yes / Silver / Yes 2016 stamp
All Pony Club Members have NSEF.
Rider Membership Options & Fees / Temp. 1 Day / Full Jr. (-18) / Full Sn.(+18)Horse Trials Nova Scotia (HTNS) / $15 Entry & PreTraining / $20 / $25
Canadian Eventing-Equine Canada / $10 Entry level ONLY / $20 / $25
Equine Canada Sport License / $45Silver level ONLY / Bronze $25 / Silver $80
Horse Trials Nova Scotia
Membership MUST be completed through Nova Scotia Equestrian Federation (NSEF).
Look for the HTNS section on their membership form under the heading: Optional Programs and Services. Your NSEF card will state that you are also a member of HTNS.
A one day temporary membership is available for $15. This form MUST be signed by the rider in advance of the competition with proof of insurance (NSEF). Make cheque payable to CNHP. A Temporary Membership application is attached.
Canadian Eventing– Equine Canada
Membership can be purchased on-line at: 2016 CE National Membership Form
Canadian Eventing offers a Day Ticket for those who wish to try the sport at Entry Level or below without having to buy a Canadian Eventing membership. If you are purchasing a Day Ticket, print off and complete the form and include it with your registration along with a separate chequefor $10 made out to CNHP.
Equine Canada (EC) Sport License
Sport Licenses can be purchased on-line at:
When completing the form, purchase a Canadian Eventing membership at the same time UNLESS you are purchasing a Day Ticket.
Link for Temporary Sport License is:
Equine Canada Horse Passport required for Training Level ONLY. Provide horse passport number or purchase Temporary Passports can be purchased at the Event Office, please advice if you require one.
This form is available on-line at:
You will need all the referenced memberships and licenses in the table above to be able to complete this form unless you are purchasing Day/Temporary memberships. If you are purchasing temporary memberships, complete the temporary membership forms and provide a separate cheque for payment.
A completed Canadian Eventing Form as an exampleis attached for your reference.
All memberships MUST be completed before registration and MUST be signed by parent/legal guardian for members under 18. Coaches and DC’s are NOT able to sign forms on behalf of members (other than their own children).
PLEASE INCLUDE PHOTOCOPIES OF ALL REQUIRED MEMBERSHIPS (NSEF, Horse Trails Nova Scotia, Canadian Eventing and Equine Canada Sport License). This will make the registration process easier.
Include your payment for Entry fees (Individual or Team) payable to Nova Scotia Pony Club.
Include your payment for any temporary/1 Day Tickets payable to CNHP. (I purchasing 2 temporary memberships the payment can be in one cheque).