TUESDAY,JULY26,2016 – 9:00 A.M.
COMMITTEE PRESENT: Bernie Faith, Bob Bake, Ed Janke, Debbie Konitzer, Lisa Mahoney, Patrick Scanlan, Tim Magnin
ALSO PRESENT: Bryon Benson, TransCanada; Kevin Strom; Karen Lefevre, Sheriff Admin
Time Meeting Began: 9:00 a.m.
1.Approval of Agenda
- Change of Sequence - None
- Removal of items – None
Motion by Bake/Scanlan to approve agenda. The motion was voted on and carried.
2.Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion by Faith/Bake to approve minutes of 03/29/16. The motion was voted on and carried.
3.Communication - None
4.Northeast Wisconsin Emergency Management Regional Director
The new Director is Teresa Erler. She was formerly the Forest County Emergency Management Director.
5.Pipeline Safety
Presentation given by Bryon Bensen, TransCanada. Packets with updated information were distributed to committee members. Tim has extra copies for those not in attendance today.
6.By-Laws, Term Change for LEPC Chair and Vise Chair (Enc.)
By-Laws reviewed. Tim Magnin recommended amending (4a)-Two year terms for Chair & Vice Chair; changing the commencement date from October to August 1st; and the expiration date from September 30th to July 31st. Motion by Scanlan/Bake to approve by-laws as amended. The motion was voted on and carried.
7.Election of LEPC Chair and Vice Chairperson
Motion by Bake/Scanlan to retain John Salschieder as Chair. The motion was voted on and carried. Motion by Magnin/Bake to retain Debbie Konitzer as Vice-Chair. The motion was voted on and carried.
8.Update Committee List With Alternates
Committee list reviewed. Chief Deputy Ed Janke will replace Clark Longsine; Kevin Strom will be listed as Alternate for Bob Bake. Motion by Faith/Bake to approve and forward to County Board as amended. The motion was voted on and carried. Will be presented to County Board in August.
9.Update on Code Red and LEPC Contact List
The county is now on the updated version. LEPC contact list reviewed. Motion by Bake/Scanlan to recommend to continue with Code Red. The motion was voted on and carried.
10.Discuss 2016 Spill Response for Oconto County
Tim Magnin provided updated spill summary. Thus far in 2016 we have had 11 spills; compared to 13 in 2015.
11.Approve Plans - No plans to approve.
12.Informational Items
Debbie Konitzer informed committee Human Services is working on sheltering plan with the Red Cross. Also on how notifications would be made to Human Services staff if activated. Konitzer reported all Human Services staff have completed ICS700 and are compliant. Human Services will be starting school-based clinics.
Pat Scanlan informed Committee the emergency generators have been installed. They need to hook up natural gas yet then they will be fully functional.
13.Set Next Meeting Date
Tentative date is set for September 27, 2016, 9:00 a.m.
Motion by Bake/Scanlan to adjourn. The motion was voted on and carried.
Karen Lefevre, Recorder
Date Posted: August 5, 2016