FFY2007 WIC Services Plan (WSP) Guidance Document (v 2.0)
Division of WIC & Community Nutrition Services
WIC Services Plan (WSP) & Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Guidance Document
Author: Virginia WIC Program
Creation Date: 19 July 2005
Last Updated: 17 July2006
Version: 3.0
Document Control
Change Record
Date / Author / Version / Change Reference19 July2005 / A. D. Baack / 1.0 / Create document
Position / Title / NameDWCNS Management Team / Lisa Armstrong, Sheila Brewer, Anne Massey, Lisa McCullen, Donna Seward
State WIC Advisory Committee (SWAC) / Bill Berg,Milton Carter,Bobby Cassell, Carolyn French, Melanie Gibson, Susan McLeod, Lee Perkins, Kathleen Walters
Date / Name / Position / Title17 July 2006 / / LA Coordinators & Back-Ups (approx. 70)
17 July2006 / / Local Agency District Directors (approx. 35)
17 July2006 / / Local Agency Business Managers (approx. 35)
Table of Contents
Purpose of WSP / MOA------4
WSP Document------5
Personnel Worksheet------6
Rent Worksheet------6
General Comments / Overview------6
Summary of Changes------8
Budget Allocations------8
Help & Assistance------9
Definitions / Acronyms------9
- Purpose of WSP / MOA
Itis the policy of the Division of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) & Community Nutrition Services (Division) to ensure the United States Department of Agriculture’s federal regulations addressing the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (7 CFR Ch. 11, §246, pgs. 304-390 (01-01-04 Edition)) are followed.
Per §246.6(a);
“...the State agency shall enter into a signed written agreement with each local agency, including subdivisions of the State agency, which sets forth the local agency’s responsibilities for Program operations as prescribed in this part. Copies of the agreement shall be kept on file at both the State and local agencies for purposes of review and audit in accordance with §246.19 and 246.20. Neither the State agency nor the local agency has an obligation to renew the agreement. The expiration of an agreement is not subject to appeal. The State agency shall provide local agencies with advance written notice of the expiration of an agreement as required under §246.5(e)(3)(ii) and 246.18(b)(1)...”
In direct response to §246.6(a), this document, in conjunction with all noted and referenced sub-documents, serves as the Division’s formal guidance ensure that both the state agency (State WIC Office - SWO) and the local agencies (LA) enter into a signed written agreement that sets forth responsibilities for Program operations.
Via receipt of this guidance document, all local agencies are hereby notified that all funding allocations for federal fiscal year 2006 (FFY2006) will expire on Friday, September 29th, 2006. In order to prevent an interruption to WIC Program services for your local agency, it is critical that a complete and signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) be received in this office no later than Friday, September 22nd, 2006.
- Timelines
In order to ensure continuity of services utilizing State WIC Office funding, it is imperative that the following timelines be adhered-to:
WSP / Responsible / Due Date / NotificationWSP Package & Guidance Documents posted on website / State WIC Office
Lisa Armstrong / July 17, 2006 / Email to:
- wic-c;
- chsdir; and
- chsadm.
Package documents due to Michael Burns at the SWO / Local Agency
(or designee) / August 18th, 2006 / Email requested documents to Michael Burns
MOA / Responsible / Date / Notification
Individual MOA sent to District Director / State WIC Office
OFHS Business Office / BeginningSeptember 1st,2006* / Signed copy in mail and copy emailed toDistrict Director
Signed MOA due to Lakeisha Austin at the SWO / Local Agency
District Director / September 22nd, 2006 / Mail signed copy to Lakeisha Austin
* Individual MOAs will be emailed to the appropriate District Director beginningon September 1st, 2006 assuming that the LA has secured approval of the WSPpackage. Delays in securing approval of the WSP shall result in delays in issuing the MOA.
- Components
There are basically three (3) parts to the WSP package that must be completed:
- FFY2007 WIC Services Plan (WSP) Document (and all related documents);
- FFY2007 Personnel Worksheet; and
- FFY2007 Rent Worksheet.
Once approved, the WSP Document will be posted on the WIC website under “Funding Opportunities” ( Once posted, an email will be sent to the following distribution lists to alert them of the release:
- ;
- ; and
- .
The final approval of your WSP, and subsequent issuance of the MOA, cannot occur until all required documents have been received, reviewed, and approved by the SWO.
- WSP Document
The local agency is responsible for completing all applicable sections of the WSP document prior to it’s submission to the SWO. These areas include, but are not limited to the following:
- Section I...... Local Agency Name;
- Section III...... Contact Information;
- Section IV...... WIC-C Notifications;
- Section V...... Site Specific Information;
- Section VI...... Extended Hours by WICNet Site Number;
- Section VII...... Goals & Objectives (please note that objectives identified within the WSP cannot be in conflict with applicable goals as identified in the LA’s Maternal & Children’s Health (MCH) federal grant).
- Personnel Worksheet
The local agency is responsible for completing all applicable sections of the Personnel Worksheet prior to it’s submission to the SWO. These areas include, but are not limited to the following:
- Row 1...... Local agency name;
- Column A...... Personnel last name;
- Column B...... Personnel first name;
- Column C...... Working title;
- Column D...... Annual WIC salary;
- Column F...... % of time from Administrative funds;
- Column H...... % of time from Nutrition Education funds; and
- Column J...... % of time from Breastfeeding funds.
Please note that fringe benefits should NOT be included as part of the annual salary reported in column 5.
- Rent Worksheet
The local agency is responsible for completing all applicable sections of the Rent Worksheet prior to it’s submission to the SWO. These areas include, but are not limited to the following:
- Row 1...... Local agency name;
- Column A...... Site number;
- Column B...... Total square footage of the facility;
- Column C...... Square footage of the WIC portion of the facility;
- Column D...... Rent charged to WIC only; and
- Column E...... Rent charged for the rest of the facility (NOT including WIC).
Please note that if WIC funds are not spend for any leased physical space, there is no need to enter square footage or dollar amounts. Simply enter “n/a” in the appropriate data fields.
- General Comments / Overview
The FFY2007 WIC Services Plan (WSP) represents the Virginia WIC Program’s continued efforts to maximize use of the Outcome Funding Model. The forms and tools referenced in this guidance document represent increased efficiencies in the planning, documenting, and tracking overall progress towards achieving your individual objectives in support of the Program’s state-wide goals.
l. In FFY2007, there are four (4)goals, and a minimum of four total objectives required (fourgoals witha minimum of one (1)objective per goal). Please note that the local agency may choose to complete up to a maximum of three (3) objectives per goal.
Similar to last year, the SWO is requiring that all local agencies complete thePersonnel & Rent Worksheetsas part of their WSP submission in lieu of a detailed spending plan. The SWO will also be monitoring your spending patterns throughout the year, and providing feedback if and when trends are identified that would negatively impact yourlocal agency’s budget, both current and future.
Throughout the document, you will notice that there may be additional spaces than what is required at your particular local agency. For example, on page five of the WSP, there are twelve (12) tables for extended hours per site. If your local agency only has one site that offers extended hours, you need only complete one of the tables. Additionally, on the Personnel & Rent worksheets, there are fifty (50) lines in which to enter your personnel’s data. If you have twenty (20) personnel, you need only complete the first twenty lines.
To assist you in developing your WSP, the SWO has included a Sample Goal and related objectives to assist you as you begin to develop your objectives, customers, milestones, etc. This sample document should help to visually demonstrate the basic principles of Outcome Funding as they relate to the Virginia WIC Program. As always, the SWO Nutrition and Operations Liaisons are available to assist you in creating an objective, comprehensive WIC Services Plan.
Please be aware that your completed WIC Services Plan Document and Personnel & Rent Worksheets must be e-mailed no later than 5:00pm on Friday, August 18th, 2006. Once final approval of the WSP has been secured, your local agency’s Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) will be released to your District Director for signature.
Again, please do not hesitate to contact your Nutrition or Operations Liaison for any assistance in developing your WIC Services Plan.
- Summary of Changes
This year’s WSP does not contain the Quality Assurance section. This year in lieu of submitting calendars of nutrition education topics for the district, WIC coordinators will be asked to submit quarterly calendars of planned nutrition education topics to their Nutrition Liaisons. Guidance for these calendars will be provided before the beginning of FY07.
Goals for FY07 Outreach and Operations are new. The goals for Nutrition Education and Breastfeeding are essentially the same as FY2006. The SWO is providing baseline reports to the districts to assist in their planning of objectives for these goals. These reports will be produced on a monthly basis thus enabling districts to see their monthly progress in reaching these important goals.
- Budget Allocations
FFY2007 budget allocations are contained within the MOA that will be released to the LA District Director upon final approval of the WSP.
- Miscellaneous
Please note that the WSP document is a password-protected form and allows the user to move from section to section by simply hitting the “tab” key. The formatting of the document has been locked to protect the integrity of the document, and the consistency across local agencies. Don’t worry if your typing into the cells creates a page to shift or creates other “anomalies”; the SWO will address any of these issues that may develop.
Also, please note that to create an extra line within the form, simply hit “return” while in a form cell. For example, on page 3 under “Site Specific Information” in the ‘mailing address’ column, simply press ‘return’ after entering the first line of the address to create the next line.
- Help & Assistance
The SWO is committed to assisting you in any way possible to develop meaningful, measurable objectives and milestones for your WSP. Please do not hesitate to contact your Nutrition or Operations Liaisons with any questions you may have. Contact information as follows:
OPERATIONS Liaisons / Email / PhoneBarss, Dana / / (804) 864-7839
Burns, Michael / / (804) 864-7834
Clark, Ron / / (804) 864-7838
Jumper, Christina / / (804) 864-7816
NUTRITION Liaisons / Email / Phone
Garrett, Meghan / / (804) 864-7846
Hamlett, Lisa / / (804) 864-7845
Garrett, Paula / / (804) 864-7847
Carr, Carol / / (804) 864-7848
- Definitions / Acronyms
The following definitions / acronyms may assist you as you complete your FFY2006 WSP and MOA documents:
- Local Agency (LA) - One (1) of thirty-five (35) Health Districts throughout Virginia, responsible for implementing the Virginia WIC Program within its jurisdiction.
- Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)- Signed written agreement between the State WIC Office and the local agency, including all subdivisions of the State WIC Office, which identifies responsibilities for Program operations.
- State WIC Office (SWO) - Headquarters for the Virginia WIC Program, located in Richmond.
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Federal agency responsible for implementation of the WIC Program throughout the United States.
- Virginia WIC Policy & Procedures Manual (P&P)- The policy manual for the Virginia WIC Program, maintained by the State WIC Office and located on-line at
- Virginia WIC PENDING Policies (Pending P&P) - The list of approved policies that have been approved by the USDA but have not yet been implemented, maintained by the State WIC Office and located on-line at
- WIC-C - The official email distribution list of the Virginia WIC Program.
- WIC Services Plan (WSP) - Document outlining the local agency’s specific objectives and strategies utilized to meet the State-wide goals.
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