What is the Matching Process?
The Matching Process is an automated process which runs every evening and compares the Purchase Order raised to the Receipt entered to the Tax Invoice received from the supplier (AP Voucher).
If there are any differences between these three documents then a Match Exception is created and human intervention is required before the voucher can continue to be processed.
If your Match Exceptions are not resolved then your supplier will not be paid.
Why do we use it?
The Matching Process is used to that we are:
• Only paying the quoted price for what has
been supplied.
• Only paying for the quantity that has been delivered.
• Only paying for goods received in good working order.
• Stopping payments being made if the price or quantity are outside the allowable matching ‘tolerances’.
• Maintaining controls via manual intervention to verify and approve any discrepancies before paying Vendors.
Buyers’ Responsibility
It is the Buyers’ responsibility to ensure that what is received is what was ordered and to make sure that changes in the Purchasing system are performed if necessary. It is also the Buyers responsibility to be the point of contact between the University and the Supplier.
Once the Tax Invoice has been received from the Supplier no changes should be made in Purchasing. If there are any changes that need to be made then they must be made in Accounts Payable.
Accounts Payables Responsibility
It is Accounts Payables responsibility to get instructions from you, document any approvals, and over ride the Exception in order for the Voucher to be approved for payment.
If the Supplier tax invoice has not been entered into NSF the changes should be made in Purchasing, if the tax invoice has been entered into NSF the changes should be made in Accounts Payable.
Identifying Match Exceptions
There are several ways you can be proactive about identifying Match Exceptions and even preventing them from happening.
Query Report FUP_PO_RECEIPTS_NOT_INVOICED will return a list of all Purchase Orders that have been receipted for which we have not received a supplier invoice. You can use this report to identify any Match Exceptions that may exist between the Purchase Order and Receipt and allow you to take action on them in Purchasing (because we have not entered the Supplier Invoice).
Query Report FUP_MATCH_EXCEPTIONS_BY_BUYER will prompt you for your Buyer ID and return a list of all Match Exceptions that exist for the buyer. This list will be for Match Exceptions for which we have already entered the tax invoice so if there are any changes necessary they need to be done in Accounts Payable.
Resolving Match Exceptions
There are two ways you can resolve your Match Exceptions.
1. If the tax invoice from the Vendor has not been entered into NSF then you can make changes to either your Order or your Receipt and when they Matching Process runs again the Match Exception will be cleared.
2. If the tax invoice from the Vendor has been entered into NSF then you need to work with Accounts Payable to resolve the exception. In order to find out who to speak to in Accounts Payable look at the report FUP_MATCH_EXCEPTIONS_BY_BUYER report for the column “Voucher Creator”. This is your contact in Accounts Payable for this purchase order. Accounts Payable will document your instructions, request additional approval if necessary, and over ride the Match Exception allowing the invoice to be paid.
Monitoring your Orders
The Purchasing Activity Summary is an excellent inquiry showing you a 360° view of your Purchase Orders Lifecycle.
Once you have entered your Purchase Order details you can scroll through the Purchase Order, Receipt, Invoice and Matching results to identify your Match Exception.
Details – the details of your Purchase Order
Receipt – the details of the Receipt that was entered
Invoice – the details of the Vendor Tax Invoice
Matched – Match Exception results
RTV – any goods Returned to the Vendor.
Where to find Training
Online Training:
Access the Online Training Tool (UPK) from the finance website, select “Training & NSF Knowledge Base” and then “Online Training Tool”.
Classroom Training:
Training schedules are posted on the finance website, select “Training & NSF Knowledge Base” and “Training” then “NS Financials Training”.
Please seek approval from your line manager and follow the normal approval process to register classroom training.
Where to get help
PROCESSING Help – Contact Accounts Payable Help Desk on extension 53356 or email details to .
Technical Help - Contact your local IT support team, if it cannot be resolved; contact the IT Service Desk x51333.
Resolving Match Exceptions
Quick Reference Guide
To access NSF and for all of the
University’s Financial Policies and
Guidelines, refer to the Finance Website: