How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Context Clues:words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word

Using context clues, define the unfamiliar words from the story.

Vocabulary in Context: To figure out what an unfamiliar word means, closely read the sentence(s) containing that word. Read the options and figure out which of the words would be the most suitable replacement. Think of how the word is being used, or perhaps what kind of feeling that word evokes.

(A good test-taking strategy is to find which of the choices is definitely NOT the correct answer, and then go from there)

1. “The younger sister was piqued, and in turn disparaged the life of a shopkeeper, and stood up for that of a peasant.”

Based on the context of the sentence, the word “disparaged” most likely means:

a. Scorned b. Accepted c. Supported d. Encouraged

2. “They met twice to discuss it, but could not settle the matter; the Evil One sowed discord among them, and they could not agree. So they decided to buy the land individually, each according to his means; and the lady agreed to this plan as she had to the other.”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “discord” most likely means:

a. Music b. Agreement c. Conflict d. Peace

3. The case was tried, and re-tried, and at the end of it all Simon was acquitted, there being no evidence against him. Pahóm felt still more aggrieved, and let his anger loose upon the Elder and the Judges.”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “aggrieved” most likely means:

a. Saddened b. Furious c. Thrilled d. Obnoxious

4. “Communal land for the purpose and what he had already used was not available; for in those parts wheat is only sown on virgin soil or on fallow land.”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “fallow” most likely means:

a. Shallow b. Unplanted c. Educated d. Flooded

How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Context Clues:words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word

Using context clues, define the unfamiliar words from the story.

5. “Pahóm turned them out again and again, and forgave their owners, and for a long time he forbore from prosecuting any one. But at last he lost patience and complained to the District Court...”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “forbore” most likely means:

a. Refrained b. Instigated c. Sought d. Ignored

6. “They had joined the Commune, and had had twenty-five acres per man granted them. The land was so good, he said, that the rye sown on it grew as high as a horse, and so thick that five cuts of a sickle made a sheaf...”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “sheaf” most likely means:

a. Bundle of grain b. Basket c. Meal d. Bread

7. “Of the Communal land alone he had three times as much as at his former home, and the land was good corn-land. He was ten times better off than he had been. He had plenty of arable land and pasturage, and could keep as many head of cattle as he liked.”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “arable” most likely means:

a. Dry b. Fertile c. Mountainous d. Barren

8. 'All one need do is to make friends with the chiefs. I gave away about one hundred rubles, worth of dressing-gowns and carpets, besides a case of tea, and I gave wine to those who would drink it; and I got the land for less than three kopecks an acre”

Based on the context of the passage, the word “kopecks” most likely means:

a. Goods b. Servants c. Women d. Money

How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Prefix- a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word

Suffix- a group of letters added after a word or base.

Define the following prefixes, suffixes and root words from the story:














How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Prefix- a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word

Suffix- a group of letters added after a word or base.

Knowing the meaning of the suffix -ure helps the reader understand that legislature means
A) / legislates before.
B) / incorrectly legislates.
C) / a body that legislates.
D) / legislates from a distance.
Knowing the meaning of the prefix inter- helps the reader understand that the word interacted means

Knowing the meaning of the suffix hood helps the reader to know that the word adulthood means:

  1. the act of being an adult
  2. the state of being an adult
  3. the way to be an adult
  4. the process of being an adult

Knowing the meaning of the root word jud/jury/jus helps the reader to understand that the word judicial means:

  1. enforced by law
  2. to bring order to
  3. created from
  4. watched by

A) / acted against.
B) / incorrectly acted.
C) / acted between.
D) / excessively acted.

Knowing the meaning of the prefix trans helps the reader to know that the word transcontinental means:

  1. across the continent
  2. within the continent
  3. away from the continent
  4. toward the continent

Knowing the root word vir helps the reader to know that the word virile means one who is:

  1. feminine
  2. masculine
  3. selfish
  4. petty

The prefix dys- helps the reader understand that the word dysfunction means a function that is
A) / false.
B) / typical.
C) / large.
D) / abnormal.

How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Answer these questions as you read the story

Based on the title and the photograph on page 138-139, what do you think the story will be about?

How much land do you think a man needs?

Pg. 139 What advantages does the country life have, according to the younger sister?

Pg. 140 What do you predict that Pahom will do after hearing this news? Explain your answer.

Using what you know about Pahom’s character, predict whether he will be happy now?

Pg. 141How are Pahom and his wife able to buy the land?

Pg. 143What information does the stranger who comes to visit give to Pahom?

Pg 145What key characteristic does Pahom show here?

How does Pahom find out about the Bashkirs’ land?

Pg. 146Predict how much land Pahom will try to get.

What does Pahom ask of the Bashkirs in return for the gifts he gives them?

Pg. 148Pahom does not stop to analyze his dream. Is that action more typical of a round or flat character? Explain your answer.

Pg. 149Based on Pahom’s behavior so far, what do you think he feels and thinks as he looks at the land?

How is Pahom to mark the land he is claiming?

Pg. 150Predict whether Pahom will try to include any more land.

Pg. 151How does Pahom’s physical state change as the day goes on?

EndHow much land does Pahom end up needing?

Do you sympathize with Pahom? Why or why not?

Do you think that Pahom deserves what he gets? Explain why or why not?

How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

“How Much Land Does a Man Need?” by Leo Tolstoy is a parable. Parables are simple, brief stories that are meant to teach a lesson about the way people should act or think. Generally, parables focus entirely on one or two characters and deal with a specific circumstance that motivates their actions.

Directions: The following questions concern both characterization and parable elements in the story. Fully answer each of the questions.

  1. Use the flow chart below to fill in the action in the parable.
  1. (a) What is the lesson Tolsoty’s parable teaches us?

(b) How much land does a man need?

  1. Parables are often used as a means of moral instruction. How might this story be used for this purpose?

How MuchLand Does a Man Need?

Characters: There are different types and classifications for characters in a short story. Fill out the following worksheet using what you know about the characters fromHowMuchLand Does a Man Need?


I know that ______is the protagonist because:

I know that ______is a flat/round character because:

I know that ______is a static/dynamic character because:


I know that ______is the antagonist because:

I know that ______is a flat/round character because:

I know that ______is a static/dynamic character because: