NREM 301L Natural Resource Mgt. Lab

Spring 2008

NREM 301L Natural Resource Management Lab (W)

Spring 2008 – Course Syllabus

Friday 1:30pm – 5:20pm, Sherman 207


NREM 301L Natural Resource Mgt. Lab

Spring 2008


Dr. Greg Bruland

Assistant Professor

Sherman 226

Phone: 956-8901


Dr. Creighton Litton

Assistant Professor

Sherman 239-240

Phone: 956-6004


Teaching Assistant

Ben Laws

Sherman 202

Phone: 956-6707



NREM 301L Natural Resource Mgt. Lab

Spring 2008


  • NREM 301 Natural Resource Management.


  • NREM 210 or equivalent course(s),
  • CHEM 151+L or CHEM 161+L or equivalent course(s), and
  • BIOL 171+L or BIOL 172+L or equivalent course(s).

Course Description Objectives

This is the laboratorysection of NREM 301, an intermediate course on natural resource management. The laboratory focuses on deepening students’ understanding of biological and physical principles and concepts taught in the co-requisite lecture course (NREM 301), through “hands-on” field and laboratory experiences. In particular, students will learn basic field measurement techniques andcomputer skills that are commonly used in managing natural resources. In addition, students will learn to develop scientific lab reports. After completing the laboratory section of this course, students will be able to:

  • Use spreadsheet software for basic data manipulation and graphing
  • Record in situ data and organize them effectively
  • Measure key physical and chemical properties of typical Hawaiian soils
  • Predict soil erosion by water using the USLE equation
  • Assess stream conditions and stream water quality
  • Explain classification of treated water and current trends in wastewater recycling activities
  • Use a global positioning system (GPS) device and Geographical Information System (GIS) software for resource assessment and inventory
  • Quantifyforest timber resources, including tree height, density, basal area, and volume
  • Gain and understanding of current coastal ecology and management issues in Hawaii
  • Analyze and understand trends in global change of atmospheric constituents

Grading Assignments


Quizzes / Short-essay Assignments20%

Data sheets20%

Lab reports40%

Final Grading


NREM 301L Natural Resource Mgt. Lab

Spring 2008

A+x ≥ 95

A95 > x ≥90

A-90 > x ≥ 87

B+87 > x ≥ 84

B84 > x ≥ 80

B-80 > x ≥ 77

C+77 > x ≥ 74

C74 > x ≥ 70

C-70 > x ≥ 67

D+67 > x ≥ 64

D64 > x ≥ 60

Fx < 60


NREM 301L Natural Resource Mgt. Lab

Spring 2008

Writing Intensive (W) Assignments

Data Sheets

Some lab exercises will require students to submit their data sheet at the end of each exercise. The purpose of this requirement is for students to learn to effectively and accurately record data while it is being collected. The instructors and TA will provide assistance on how to take notes and record data efficiently during the lab exercises. The data sheets are to be turned in at the end of the lab session.

Short-essay Assignments (Quizzes)

Some lab exercises will require students to answer several short essay questions either during or at the end of exercise. The purpose of these short-answer questions is to help the students understand several key points conveyed by each exercise by having them articulate their answers in a concise,scientific style of writing. The quizzes are to be turned in the same day at the end of the lab session.

Lab Reports

Four lab exercises will require students’ submission of a 4-page report which must include a brief introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references. Figures and tables will also be required for effective presentations of ideas. Appropriate conventions to be used for developing reports will be introduced by reviewing and discussing scientific journal articles. A template will be provided for each lab report assignment to assist students in developing an effective report.

The first two reports will be returned to students after review by the instructors. Students will revise their reports based on these comments. Final grades will be given on the revised reports.

No reviews or comments will be provided on the last two reports. Students will develop thesereports based on what they have learned through the first two reports.


  • Attendance is mandatory! You will receive no credit for any missed lab exercises, and there will be no make-up opportunities.
  • Late submissions of lab reports will only be accepted for the following cases:

1)Emergencies (e.g., doctor appointments, family emergencies); require a prior approval of the instructor with a doctor’s note, a copy of student’s itinerary, etc.

2)Absences due to illness or sickness without a doctor’s note; require student’s contacting the instructor before or within 24 hours after missed events (i.e., report due or lab).

  • Students are fully responsible for obtaining handouts and for keeping track of assignments, due dates, and grades.

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to act with the utmost integrity. The University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Student Conduct Code ( defines cheating and plagiarism as follows:

Cheating includes but is not limited to giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during an examination; obtaining unauthorized information about an examination before it is given; submitting another's work as one's own; using prohibited sources of information during an examination; fabricating or falsifying data in experiments and other research; altering the record of any grade; altering answers after an examination has been submitted; falsifying any official University record; or misrepresenting of facts in order to obtain exemptions from course requirements.

Plagiarism includes but is not limited to submitting, in fulfillment of an academic requirement, any work that has been copied in whole or in part from another individual's work without attributing that borrowed portion to the individual; neglecting to identify as a quotation another's idea and particular phrasing that was not assimilated into the student's language and style or paraphrasing a passage so that the reader is misled as to the source; submitting the same written or oral or artistic material in more than one course without obtaining authorization from the instructors involved; or "drylabbing," which includes obtaining and using experimental data and laboratory write-ups from other sections of a course or from previous terms.”

If you ever have any questions about what constitutes fair academic play, please come and talk to the instructors or the TA! Cheating or plagiarism will result in an F for your final grade in the course. It may also lead to other serious academic repercussions beyond this course.

Accommodations for Disabilities:

If you feel you need reasonable accommodations because of the impact of a disability, please 1) contact the KOKUA Program (V/T) at 956-7511 or 956-7612 in room 013 of the QLCSS; 2) speak with me privately to discuss your specific needs. I will be happy to work with you and the KOKUA Program to meet your access needs related to your documented disability.

Final Caveat

All material on this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructors to suit the needs of the course.

Course Schedule

Week No. / Date / Lab Exercise
(F 1:30pm – 5:20pm) / Assignments / Group
1 / 1/18 / Introduction – Lab Overview / Grouping [Sher 103] / All*
2 / 1/25 / Basic Properties of Hawaiian Soils [Sher 207]
  • Measure and compare several “key” physical and chemical properties of typical Hawaiian soils
/ Data Sheet
DUE 1/25 / 1/2**
3 / 2/1 / Measuring Soil Erosion Parameters [Sher 207]
  • Learn to measure soil erosion parameters in field
/ Data Sheet
DUE 2/1 / All
4 / 2/8 / Predicting Soil Erosion by Water [AgSci 215]
  • Estimate soil loss by water erosion using the USLE equation
/ Data Sheet
DUE 2/8
4-pg Lab Report 1
DUE 2/15 / All
5 / 2/15 / Field Trip: Mānoa Stream Quality Assessment [Sher 207]
  • Learn to assess stream water quality
/ Data Sheet
DUE 2/15 / 2/1***
6 / 2/22 / Field Trip: Honouliuli Water Recycling Plant [Sher 207]
  • Learn about water shortage issues in Hawai‘i, obser-ve technologies for recycling wastewater[Sher 207]
/ 4-pg Lab Report 2
DUE 2/29
Revised Report 1 DUE 2/29 / All
7 / 2/29 / Global Positioning System (GPS) [AgSci 215]
  • Learn to use another basic tool in resource management, GPS
/ Data SheetQuiz
DUE 2/29 / All
8 / 3/7 / Geographic Information System (GIS) [AgSci 215]
  • Learn to utilize and analyze spatial geographic data
/ Quiz
DUE 3/7
Revised Report 2 DUE 3/14 / All or 1/2**
9 / 3/14 / Field Trip:Forest Measurements [Sher 207]
  • Learn to obtain forest inventory data in the field
/ Data SheetQuiz
DUE 3/14 / All
10 / 3/21 / No Lab: Good Friday / None
Spring Recess (3/24 – 3/28)
11 / 4/4 / Forest Inventory and Analysis [AgSci 215]
Process and interpret forest inventory data / Data Sheet
DUE 4/4
4-pg Lab Report 3
DUE 4/11 / All
12 / 4/11 / Field Trip: Coastal Ecology & Management[Sher 207]
  • Visit Hanauma Bay, do orientation, watch video, snorkel on reef
/ Data Sheet
DUE 4/11 / All
13 / 4/18 / Field Trip: Coastal Ecology & Management[Sher 207]
  • Tour Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology at Coconut Island & learn about reef ecology, research, mgmt.
/ Data Sheet
DUE 4/18 / All
14 / 4/25 / Global Change Biology & Natural Resource Mgt.
  • Become familiar with long-term data of atmospheric constituents such as CO2 and CH4
/ Data Sheet
DUE 4/25
4-pg Lab Report4
DUE 5/2 / All
15 / 5/2 / Course Evaluation [Sher 103] / None / All

*All = all the students come to class at 1:30pm.

**1/2 = Group 1 meets at 1:30pmGroup 2 meets at 3:30pm.

***2/1 = Group 1 meets at 3:30pm Group 2 meets at 1:30pm.