First ELMS Walk-a-Thon For Cancer Research – September 29 @ ELHS

“Finding a Solution To Cancer as We Find Solutions in Math”

Dear Parents and Guardians:

As students start their first math unit this year, we will be exploring linear relationships which, quite simply, are relationships, that when graphed, form straight lines. Students will take an in-depth look at these graphed lines and take the next step to develop linear equations that describe them, calculate slopes of the lines, and determine y-intercepts. They learn to translate information and data into a table, into equations, and onto graphs using any of these three mechanisms as a starting point. This is a very rich math unit with plenty of opportunities for real-world applications.

In order to make this unit become more realistic and meaningful to the students, we have decided to create a real-world situation for our students that will apply directly to this unit. The activity we have created is an actual Walk-a-thon for Cancer Research which mimics the exact lessons in the math textbooks. Not only will students gather real-time data to use in this unique math classroom activity, but they will also work toward a rewarding community service activity, which, in itself, is a valuable experience for any middle school student.

The walk-a-thon will be held on Saturday, September 29 at the East Lyme High School. Students are asked to walk from 9:00 to 12:00, or for as much of this time as possible. We realize that some students may only be able to walk for a portion of this time and this is acceptable. Students will obtain both donations and pledges (the difference between the two is explained on the next page) which will be used in the classroom and for a required culminating project that will be used as the unit assessment. Please note that students are highly encouraged to participate in this event as the data will used in their project, but if there are extenuating circumstances where students cannot attend on Saturday, September 29, other convenient options will be made available. Please indicate on the parent permission slip if this is an option you would like to explore for your son or daughter.

The walk-a-thon will take place on the East Lyme High School track. Students are asked to be dropped off starting at 8:45 to be ready for an official start at 9:00. Late comers will be added to the walk when they arrive but it will be more eventful if everyone starts at the same time! Pick-up is at 12:00. The track is completely fenced off, thus students will be chaperoned in a controlled area at all times by teachers and parent volunteers. Parents will be asked to sign students in upon arrival and sign out upon pickup so we help maintain accountability of all students. Water and snacks will be provided, however students can also bring their own. If I-pods, other music devices, phones or personal belongings are brought to the event, they will be the responsibility of the students who brought them.

We look forward to a great day. Parents and other family members are welcome to walk with us, but please let us know who will attend so we can plan appropriately.

First ELMS Walk-a-Thon For Cancer Research – September 29 @ ELHS

“Finding a Solution To Cancer as We Find Solutions in Math


As students prepare for the walk-a-thon, think of family members and friends of your family who can support your community service efforts with a donation or a pledge to cancer research. ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TO CANCER RESEARCH (that means…no overhead costs, which is a term that will be discussed as we further investigate linear equations)

Please remember:

1)Students should only ask for support from family and friends who they have first discussed with their parents or guardians. No student is to simply go door-to-door looking for donations.

2)A PLEDGE is when someone agrees to give a student a SET AMOUNT for EVERY MILE they walk. An example would be Aunt Sally agreeing to give $3 per mile walked. If Matthew walks 4 miles then Aunt Sally would provide $12 to the cause.

3)A DONATION is a flat amount that someone agrees to give you NO MATTER how far you walk. An example would be Uncle Chris agreeing to give $15 no matter how far someone walks. If you walk 3 or 6 miles, Uncle Chris still gives just $15 to the cause.

4)Students will soon learn that a donation and a pledge will take two different forms when written into a linear equation, and thus will appear differently when graphed. For this reason, students are asked to have at least ONE DONATION and ONE PLEDGE so that we can fully apply the mathematical principles.

5)If severe weather is a concern, that decision will be made on Friday, September 28 and information will be sent home with your child.

6)Permission slips should be signed and returned by Thursday, September 20.

7)Students can begin obtaining sponsors today. All Pledge Sheets with sponsor information must be turned in by Friday, September 28.

8)Additional information regarding the end-of-unit assessment will be sent home for your information. Please continue to discuss this information and project with your son or daughter.

First ELMS Walk-a-Thon For Cancer Research – September 29 @ ELHS

“Finding a Solution To Cancer as We Find Solutions in Math

Parent Permission Slip

My son or daughter ______

(Print name)

has my permission to participate in the East Lyme Middle School Walk-a-thon for Cancer Research on Saturday, September 29, 2007 at the East Lyme High School. I understand that all personal belongings that my child brings to this event are their responsibility to keep in their possession.

I agree that I will drop off my child in the high school parking lot and then sign them in at the checkpoint, as well as sign them out upon pick-up.

I also understand and agree to the guidelines provided for obtaining donations and pledges for the walk-a-thon.

Estimated Drop off Time: ______

Estimated Pick-up Time: ______

______Please check if other family members will walk.

List names of any additional walkers and relationship:

______Please check if you would like to be a parent volunteer. If you can volunteer or make donations, please send in the VOLUNTEER FORM that is attached to this packet.


Parent SignatureDate


______Please check ONLY if your son or daughter CANNOT attend and if you would like to discuss other options for walking and obtaining data. Information will be sent home for you to review.


Parent SignatureDate

First ELMS Walk-a-Thon For Cancer Research – September 29 @ ELHS

“Finding a Solution To Cancer as We Find Solutions in Math”

PLEDGE FORM for: ______

(Writte student’s name here)

As you prepare for the walk-a-thon, think of family members and friends of your family who can support your community service efforts with a donation or a pledge to cancer research. ALL DONATIONS GO DIRECTLY TO CANCER RESEARCH (that means…no overhead costs)

Please remember:

1)Only ask for support from family and friends who you have first discussed with your parents or guardians. No student is to simply go door-to-door looking for donations.

2)A PLEDGE is when someone agrees to give you a SET AMOUNT for EVERY MILE you walk. (example: $3 per mile x 4 miles = $12) – You need at least one pledge for the math lessons we will complete.

3)A DONATION is a flat fee that someone agrees to give you NO MATTER how far you walk. (Example: $15 no matter if you walk 3 or 6 miles) – You need at least one donation for the math lessons we will complete.

4)Fill in the first 4 columns before the walkand bring your form with you to class EVERY DAY so we can use it as we write and solve equations. (Last day: Sept 28)

5)Checks can be made out to East Lyme Middle School or simply ELMS. Collect pledge money AFTER you know the distance you walked that day! Have fun!!

Name / Address / Pledge / Donation / Paid (Cash) / Paid (Check)
Totals for all of your Pledges and Donations as of Sept. 28: / $ / $