NR.CHD.LUBS.SMNM. 2009-10 Date : 30.04.2009

Closing Date / Time: 21.5.2009 / 3.00 p.m.

To : ______




Subject: Tender for Disposal of Old Oils & Greases at Lubricants Depot, Jammu on “As it where is basis”.

We invite your Highest Offer in sealed envelope as per the format for disposal of Oils & Greases (as per Schedule of Materials in Annexure A) from our Jammu depot, on “As is where is Basis”. The address of the Depot is given below:

Jammu Lubes C&F,

M/s Shyam Lal & Co.,

BPCL – Mak Lubricants C&F

98, Transport Nagar, Narwal,


The rates should be filled in the enclosed rate sheet and the offer should be strictly as per our terms & conditions.

The rates should be submitted strictly as per the format enclosed (Annexure B) and should be mentioned both in words (in English or Hindi) and in figures. Any correction should be clearly signed by the tenderer. In the event of any violation, BPCL reserves the right to reject the offer without assigning any reasons thereof. BPCL also reserves the right to cancel the tender at its own discretion.

Your offer should reach us at the following address along with necessary documents and EMD of Rs.50,000/- on or before 21.05.2009 at 1500 Hrs. Any tender received after the due date / time shall be rejected. All those who wish to witness the opening of tender, may do so at the same address. No separate communication will be sent in this regard. The tender would be opened at 1530 Hrs same day.

Tender should be complete in all respects. Completed tender documents should be addressed and sent to:

The Territory Manager (Lubricants)

M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,

Tel Bhawan, Sector-19A,

Madhya Marg,


Terms & Conditions:

1.  The tender should be filled strictly as per the format and no variation is allowed. Tenders of party not submitted with complete details as required hereunder or not giving details as per format may be rejected by the Corporation.

2.  The notarized copy of certificate for registration under state “pollution control board”/Ministry of Environment & Forest, for reprocessing of waste /used oil/off-spec and contaminated oil” must be enclosed with the offer.

3.  You have to submit an undertaking on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs 20/-, duly notarized (at time of submission of offer) for the following :

a.  About your credentials i.e. Name, Address, Fathers name and Firms name

b.  That you have spare capacity available (within your overall quantity permitted by Pollution Control Board / Ministry of Environment & Forest) for processing of quantity under this tender

c.  That you will reprocess (as per and within norms of Pollution Control Board) the above waste / old / contaminated oils (in the said tender) to meet the requirements of their intended applications, within 60 days of upliftment of product, if contract is awarded to you

d.  That you understand that these products (in this tender) are old stocks which have exceeded their shelf life and/or are leaky and/or are not fit to be used for their intended applications as such.

e.  That you also understand that these products (in this tender) could be contaminated with water / extraneous matter / other products.

f.  That if contract is awarded to you, you will not resell these products (in this tender) in brand name of MAK/Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited in any form whatsoever.

g.  That you have seen the condition of all products (in this tender) and that you will not make any claims for compensation/and stay firm on your offer, in case of leakage / deterioration in quality due to handling / storage from time of this tender up to actual upliftment.

4.  The offer must accompany EMD in the form of Demand Draft from any scheduled bank in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. payable at Chandigarh for Rs. 50,000/-. The EMD shall be refunded after the finalization of the tender only to unsuccessful tenderer. The EMD of the successful tenderer would be held till the job is completed. EMD would be forfeited if any of the tenderer refuses to accept the offer.

5.  The inspection of materials would be allowed till the day before close of tender i.e 21.05.2009. Inspection should be done on week days (from Monday to Friday), except holidays if any during the period from 30.04.2009 to 21.05.2009 between 10-30 am and 3-00 pm. If you wish inspect the stocks at the depot, prior intimation should be given to the undersigned. The Location’s complete address and the name of contact persons along with Telephone no. & Fax no. is as under.

Jammu Lubes C&F,

M/s Shyam Lal & Co.,

BPCL – Mak Lubricants C&F

98, Transport Nagar, Narwal,


Mr. Tickoo/ Mr. kamal : 0191-2476755; 2476796

Contact Official : Mr. Inderjit Singh, TM (Lubricants), Chandigarh.

Mr Rohit Wadhawan, Asstt Mgr (Jalandhar)

Mr. Maninder Singh, Marketing Executive ( Jammu )

Telephone No. –94170-11057; 09419147261

6.  You would be required to uplift the material strictly on “As is Where is Basis”, ex Depot (transportation to be arranged by you ex Depot)

7.  The rate should be Basic price Rs. / Litre in case of oils and Rs / Kg in case of greases. Taxes (and local levies, if any) should be added extra as applicable.

8.  Payment would be required to be deposited a day in advance from the date of Upliftment through DD from any of the scheduled bank payable at Chandigarh, in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.

9.  The Rate should be valid for minimum of 90 days from the due date.

10.  The contract shall be awarded to H1 party. The composite amount for both Oils / Greases combined (for entire quantity) would be considered for ascertaining the H1 party.

11.  The successful party shall be required to uplift the material within 30 days from the date of LOI, failing which the EMD shall be forfeited.

12.  The successful party would be required to submit an undertaking (Annexure C) as per the format enclosed on a non judicial stamp paper of Rs 20, duly notarized, before the upliftment of product from the depot.

13.  While handing over the product the grade name would be defaced suitably by BPCL.

14.  In case of any dispute the decision of the Location In-Charge / Undersigned, shall be final and would be binding for execution.

15.  The quantity mentioned in the tender is not exhaustive. The final quantity will be frozen after inspection by the party.

In case of any further clarification you may contact at the aforesaid address on any working day between 10 am and 5 pm.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,

For Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

Territory Manager, Lubricants,




Tender no.& dt. / NR.CHD.LUBS.SMNM. 2009-10 DT 30.04.2009
Depot / Jammu
Due date of tender / 21.05.2009
Schedule of Materials
S.No. / Grade / Qty.
1 / Oils / Ltrs
Lubricating Oils / Jammu : 3495
2 / Greases / Kgs
Lubricating Greases / Jammu : 314



Tender no.& dt. / NR.CHD.LUBS.SMNM. 2009-10 DT30.04.2009
Depot / Jammu
Due date of tender / 21.05.2009
Schedule of Rates
S.No. / Grade / Qty. / Rate (Rs.)
1 / Oils / Ltrs
Lubricating Oils / 3495
Basic Price before Tax
VAT / other levies
2 / Greases / Kgs
Basic Price before Tax
VAT / other levies
Total for Oils & Greases / 3809

Signature of the Tenderer Date :

Name & Address of the Tenderer :

Seal of the Tenderer :

Telephone No & Fax :



I/We ------have entered into an agreement no. ------dated ------with

M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited to procure old non-moving /slow-moving stocks of lubricating oils/greases in different packages on as-is-where-is basis from ------depot / installation located at


I/We ------understand that these products are old stocks which have exceeded their shelf life and are not fit to be used for their intended applications as such. It was also explained to me/us that these products could be contaminated with water /extraneous matter / other products.

In view of the above, I/we ------give the following undertaking:-

1.  As the packages of these products have deteriorated substantially, I/we ------will not make any claims for compensations from M/s. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited towards losses incurred due to leakage / deterioration in quality due to handling /storage from the time of entering into the above cited agreement.

2.  None of these products, as such or repacked or reprocessed or any other form, will be resold by us in the brand name of M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.

3.  That all these products would be reprocessed to meet the requirements of their intended applications before being sold / marketed by us.

4.  I/we shall at all times keep the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. indemnified from all losses suits, damages, cost, charges, expenses, claims and demand whatsoever, to which the Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. may become subject to or suable on account of any claim put forward by any party due to non compliance of this Undertaking and said agreement.

5.  I/we also agree to indemnify Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., if they incur any expenses for defending their case against any claim lodged by any party due to deponent’s activity.


Verification :

I/we ------son/wife of ------do hereby verify that the contents of above Undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Nothing material has been concealed therein and no part of it is false.

I, Solemnly affirmed at ------this------day of ------200_.


Notary Public/Judicial Magistrate :



Some old stock of automotive and industrial Lubricants / Greases for sale on ‘ as is where is’ basis. Approximate quantity at the location is given below :

Tender Sr No / Location / Quantity
Oil in Kgs / Gr in Kgs
1. / Chandigarh / 7116 / 2489
2. / Jallandhar / 5287
3. / Jammu / 3495 / 314
4. / Sangrur / 2710
Total / 18608 / 2803

The Tender forms are available at the following office address between 10.30 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday on payment of Rs. 100/- by a Demand Draft drawn on a scheduled Bank, in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation limited payable at Chandigarh :

The Territory Manager (Lubricants)

M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,

Tel Bhawan, Sector-19A,

Madhya Marg,


The stocks will be available for inspection at the depot during Monday to Friday till the day before close of the Tender.

Parties registered with CPCB/State Pollution Control Board only may send their quotation on or before 21.5.2009 / 3.00 p.m. The Tender shall be opened at 03.30 pm the same day.

Tender documents are also available on our website www.bharatpetroleum.in Tender Room-Category-Lubricants-Others. The same can be downloaded & submitted alongwith DD fees of Rs. 100/- ( non refundable ) payable at Chandigarh.