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Machesney Park, IL61115

First Sunday after Trinity

June 5-6, 2010

A special thank you to Angel Jaramillo, a fourth grade student at ConcordiaLutheranSchool.

She drew the cover art for today. The title she gave to it was “God hears our prayers”.


We are trying something a little different. The information needed for the worship services is printed on the yellow insert. We hope you like this change. Pastor Mumm


June 6-12, 2010

NOTE: MLB has been moved from

June 8 to June 15.

Time / Event
Today / 8 & 10:30 / Worship Services
Today-Thursday / 6 – 8 PM / VacationBibleSchool
Wednesday / 9:30 AM / Quilters
Saturday / 12-4 PM / Burger/Brat Day
5:00 PM / Worship
6:30 PM / Square Dancing

Next Sunday

Why do so many people want nothing to do with Jesus? That is the question we will explore next weekend. Our message will be based on the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14:16-24. Other lessons for the day are Isaiah 25:6-9 and 1 John 3:13-18.

Statistical Information

General Information:


Last Weekend: 21+ 63+ 48 = 132

Tithes and Offerings:

Last Week:$4,422.25

Debt Fund:$135

Reclaim the Future

(Capital Campaign)

Amount Pledged:$531,839

Three year total Rec’d: $475,697

Received – this week:$50

Birthdays and Anniversaries


Jim Johnson6/8

Sharon Horton6/9

Bruce Mayer6/9

Robert Horton6/10

Linda Fringer6/12


Brad & Judy Heinrich6/9

Bill & Cindy Strong612

Management Moment

A Thought for Stewards

The most important act of giving
is to first give ourselves to the Lord.

"...they gave themselves first to the Lord." (2 Cor. 8:5)

Serving in the Lord’s House

This Weekend

Music Leaders / 5 & 10:30 / Karen Dhuse
8:00 / Karen Dhuse
Lector / 8:00 / Shirley Ling
10:30 / Rhonda Gunn
Elder / 5:00 / Don DeLacy
8:00 / Norm Clark
10:30 / Gary Thompson
Communion / 8:00 / Linda Jones
Janet Phillips
10:30 / Larry & Barb Stenzel
Usher Team / 8:00 / #3 Harper
10:30 / #7 Massier
Acolyte / 5:00 / Cole DeLacy
8:00 / Kylie Anderson
10:30 / Evan Nesemeier

Serving in the Lord’s House

Next Weekend

June 12-13, 2010

Music Leaders / 5 & 10:30 / Elaine Grimes
8:00 / Karen Dhuse
Lector / 8:00 / Eileen Gifford
10:30 / Cathie Koselke
Elder / 5:00 / Don DeLacy
8:00 / Austin Burns
10:30 / Royce Fringer
Communion / 8:00 / Dan Ling
Lyle Bennett
10:30 / Ron & Pam Schultz
Usher Team / 8:00 / #4 Warren
10:30 / #8
Acolyte / 5:00 / Cole DeLacy
8:00 / Caleb Anderson
10:30 / Sarah Smith


  1. NEXT SATURDAY, June 12th: Please join us for Burgers & Brats and music by “Epiphany”.There’s still time to sign-up to help volunteer as well. Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.
  1. Altar Flowers: The flowers on the altar were given today by Brad & Judy Heinrich in honor of their wedding anniversary.
  1. Summer Office Hours: The Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday8-1.
  1. LFL Quote: "The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families … How is it possible that Children can have any just Sense of the sacred Obligations of Morality or Religion if, from their earliest Infancy, they learn their Mothers live in habitual Infidelity to their fathers, and their fathers in as constant Infidelity to their Mothers?" John Adams, former president of the United StatesThis "Life Quote" is from Lutherans For Life –
    Concordia’s Mission

“Serving Christ from Cradle to Crown” faithfully communicating the saving Word of God, and providing excellence in ministry for the benefit of all people of all ages, is the mission of Concordia.


(If you are not a member and wish to receive Communion, please read the following)

We welcome all members of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations who are baptized and who have confirmed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who desire forgiveness for all their sins, and strengthening of their faith in the hope of everlasting life in heaven; and who believe that with the bread and wine of Holy Communion they are receiving the very body and blood of Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins and strengthening of their faith are welcome to partake. Others are asked to please refrain from partaking until they have had opportunity to discuss Communion participation with the pastor.

Distribution of the wine is by common cup and/or individual cups. If you choose the individual cup, please hold the cup in front of you until the communion assistant has come past you. Grape juice for those who cannot have wine, is available in the center of the individual tray. Those desiring a blessing from the pastor, but not Communion, are asked to please place two fingers over their lips to alert the servers of their desire.

Senior Staff at Concordia

David P. Mumm, Sr. Pastor

815-633-4983 – ext. 224

Cell-Phone: 815-315-2338

Doris Holecek, Principal

815-633-6450 – ext 222

Tressie Nesemeier, Asst. to Sr. Pastor

815-633-4983 – ext. 223

Andrea Garrison, Asst. to the Principal

815-633-6450 – ext. 221

Marisa Cruz, ECC Director

Desk: 815-654-8263 – ext. 230

Harold Huber, Business Manager

815-633-4983 – ext. 223

Joy Chappell, Bookkeeper – ext. 225


Ministry Leadership Board (MLB)

Charles O’Brien, Acting President

Ron Schultz, Acting Vice-President

Bill Strong, Acting Treasurer

MaryJo Shickles, Secretary

Jeff Kobernat, at-large

Alan Spiegler, at-large

Brad Heinrich, at-large

Robert Edmiston, at-large

Dan Ling: at-large

Kris Molitor: at-large

Laura DeLacy: at-large

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