NPQ Self Review Tool

NPQ Self Review Tool

The Diagnostic Tool describes a range of behaviours and a widening sphere of leadership experience and opportunity. Level One might be typical of a middle leader and Level Four might be more appropriate for experienced senior leaders. Think not just about what you do but how you do it. Think about any examples you can use to illustrate your choices. Record your responses and reflect on how your behaviour changes during the programme. Use the descriptors to assess your leadership behaviours at the start and position yourself on the scale of Emerging - Exceptional. Invite a colleague to offer his/her own perspective and compare responses. The tool is best used as a series of prompts for discussion.

Emerging / Effective / Highly Effective / Exceptional
Commitment / You commit to improving school learning experience for all pupils and staff.
You build relationships with pupils and parents/carers to engage them and others in the community in supporting pupils’ learning / You work to create an ethos and culture of high expectations for all pupils’ aspirations and achievements.
You foster equality of access and take account of diversity within the school and the wider community.
You ensure that the needs, expectations and performance of pupils are monitored effectively using effective systems for assessment and progress / You seek to understand the power of world-class teaching to improve social mobility, wellbeing and productivity
You lead and participate in professional development focused on improving quality of teaching / You remove barriers to learning and consistently challenge low expectations in the school and community.
You show a deep understanding of the issues pupils and parents face both in and outside school, including safeguarding, and take action to improve these.
You ensure preconditions for learning are met by ensuring high standards of attendance, punctuality and behaviour
Collaboration / You collaborate with others to share expertise and achieve common goals.
You express positive attitudes and expectations of team members / You seek to strengthen a broad range of relationships with stakeholders and partners.
You are open to different
perspectives and viewpoints / You work with a range of people in schools and the wider community building a culture of co-operation
You create purpose, clarity and focus on shared goals and ways of working / You work to build a shared vision and sense of belonging with diverse groups to tackle complex issues
You take the lead in diffusing conflict and ensuring a beneficial resolution
You promote inter-group harmony regardless of personal likes or dislikes
Personal Drive / You set personal goals to improve your effectiveness
You take responsibility for personal and school performance / You set challenging personal goals and strive to be effective
You regularly measure your own and school performance against targets
You account for your own and school performance to the governing body or other stakeholders / You take a disciplined approach to work and demonstrate effective time management
You are self-motivated and take a creative, problem-solving approach to new challenges / You adopt a high personal profile and are clearly visible as a leader both internally and externally
You use a range of strategies and techniques to enhance your own and others’ effectiveness and motivate others to achieve results
Resilience / You manage your own emotions well
You are able to respond positively when managing
uncertainty and adversity. / You are honest and transparent in your interactions with all key stakeholders
You listen to negative feedback and react appropriately.
You are able to manage and recover from set-backs. / You remain courageous and positive.
You stay optimistic in the face of setbacks.
You seek out and act on constructive criticism learning from it to improve performance. / You remain focused on personal and organisational values, and adhere to these, even in difficult, long-term situations.
You epitomise optimism and confidence in the face of challenging situations.
You are resilient, focused and tenacious when faced with the demands of the job and continually challenging
Awareness / You are aware of your own feelings
You recognise your own strengths as a leader and identify your development needs
You express your own thoughts and emotions appropriately / You express your own thoughts and emotions appropriately
You reflect on your own and others’ practices
You know your own values and goals and align these with those of the school / You continuously seek to understand your leadership capabilities and how your behaviour impacts on others
You seek feedback to improve your performance
You understand how best to approach difficult or sensitive issues / You demonstrate self-control and challenge your own performance to improve
You strike a balance between confidence in your own ability and humility
You present well and have presence
Integrity / You are honest
and transparent in your interactions with pupils and colleagues / You voice ethical concerns
You appropriately express your own thoughts and opinions when faced with an issue / You act on values even when it is not easy to do so.
You speak out about unethical or unprincipled practices with the best interests of pupils or the school in mind / You appropriately challenge senior colleagues to act in accordance with your own and the school's values.
Respect / You have the respect of
pupils and staff because your actions are consistent.
You keep promises and are honest with others.
You respect the rights, views, beliefs and faiths of pupils, colleagues and stakeholders / You have the respect of
pupils and staff because your actions are consistent with your values.
You lead with a clear sense of moral purpose / You openly admit your own mistakes and communicate lessons learned. / You have the respect of
stakeholders because your actions are consistent with your own values and the values of the school.
You make tough decisions in the interests of the school.