Touching Spirit Bear Vocabulary List

Chapter 1

defiant (p.3) Marked by defiance; boldly resisting (adjective)

banishment (p.3) state of exile; being sent away from your home (noun)

skiff (p.3) A flat-bottom open boat of shallow draft, having a pointed bow and a square stern and propelled by oars, sail, or motor. (noun)

vicious (p.7) cruel, fierce (adjective)

Circle Justice (p. 12) a form of justice designed to rehabilitate and heal youth rather than contain them in detention centers (noun)

Chapter 2

grudgingly (p.15) give or let have unwillingly (adverb)

moseyed (p.16) shuffled along; ambled (verb)

at`oow (p.19)a tradition of passing on a gift which cannot be owned - only cared for before passing it on to another person (noun)

devil's club (p. 17) A spiny deciduous shrub of western North America, having wide palmate leaves, greenish-white flowers, and scarlet fruit clustered in umbels; a plant whose thistles will infect skin and cause swelling. (noun)

barrage (p. 24) a rapid attacking outpouring or something (gunfire, words, etc) (noun)

fantasized (p.22) imagined in fanciful way (verb)

venomous (p.24) spiteful; poisonous (adjective)

Chapter 3

sullenly (p.26) indicative of gloomy behavior or ill humor (adverb)

scoffed (p.33) filled with scorn, mockery (verb)

Chapter 4

symbolizes (p.38) To represent or identify by a symbol. To use symbols (verb)

obligations (p.38) - A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow (noun)

Chapter 5

illusion (p.41) deception; false impression (noun)

dignity (p.44) The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect (noun)

isolate - To separate (verb)

devoted (p.46) dedicated (verb)

Chapter 6

taunted (p.48) to provoke, ridicule or tease (verb)

persistent (p. ) Insistently repetitive or continuous: a persistent ringing of the telephone. (adjective)

scrounged (p. ) to acquire something by begging or borrowing without intending to give back (verb)

manipulated (p.57) to control or influence somebody in an ingenious or devious way; to operate, use or handle something (verb)

Chapter 7

remote (p. ) situated a long way away; far from civilization (adjective)

vanished (p.59) to disappear suddenly or without explanation (verb)

boughs (p.60) - branches in a tree or bushy plants (noun)

shrouded (p.60) - Something that conceals, protects, or screens: under a shroud of fog (adjective)

fetal (p.60) pertaining to womb like character, curled in a ball (adjective)

incessant (p. 63) - Continuing without interruption (adjective)

Chapter 8

gluttonous (p. 68) Indulging in something, such as an activity, to excess; voracious (adjective)

brazenly (p.68) boldly, shamelessly (adverb)

mauling (p.69) - being tackled, attacking (verb)

seeped (p.71) oozed; passed gradually (verb)

bile (p. 72) - Any of the liver-generated steroid acids, such as cholic acid, that commonly occur in the bile, or a feeling of bitterness or irritability (noun)

Chapter 9

haphazard ( p.75) - By chance; casually (adjective)

stupor (p.76) state of deadened sensibility; apathy (noun)

detonated (p.77) - To explode or cause to explode (verb)

Chapter 10

squandered (p.84) wasted (verb)

grueling (p.85) exhausting, tiring (adjective)

Chapter 11

replenish (p.89) fill again (verb)

forage (p.91) to hunt or search out (verb)

Chapter 12

meager (p.95) sparse, scanty (adjective)

silhouetted (p.96) – shadowed, outlined (adjective)

bizarre (p.98) - Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd (adjective)

Chapter 13

antibiotics (p.104) a substance able to kill bacteria in the body. Antibiotics are widely used in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (noun)

mauled (p.110) handled or used roughly (verb)

Chapter 14

hobbled (p. 115) A hobbling walk or gait, walked with a limp (verb)

violated (p.123) broke a promise, showed disrespect (verb)

prosecution (p.124) carry on a lawsuit (noun)

Chapter 15

diminished (p.126) to make or become smaller or less important (verb)

sarcastically (p.129) - ...Expressing or marked by sarcasm (remarks that mean the opposite of what they seem to say and are intended to mock or deride) (adverb/adjective)

resignation (p.130) patient acceptance; quiet submission (adjective)

Chapter 16

irked (p.134) irritated, annoyed (adjective)

savoring (p.139) to enjoy something with unhurried appreciation (verb)

Chapter 17

vulnerable (p.144) capable of being wounded (adjective)

Chapter 18

wearily (p.150) exhausted, without energy (adverb)

redemption (p.157) deliverance, forgiveness (noun)

Chapter 19

dawdled (p.165) wasted time, idled (verb)

Chapter 20

stifled (p.169) smothered, suppressed (verb)

Chapter 21

desperate (p.178) no hope; despair (adjective)

depression (p.182) gloominess, sadness (noun)

ancestry (p.183) somebody’s ancestors regarded as a line linking the modern generation to its past (noun)

totem (p.183) 1. an object, animal, plant, or other natural phenomenon revered as a symbol of a tribe and often used in rituals among some tribal or other traditional groups of people 2. a carving or other representation of a totem (noun)

Chapter 22

ingenuity (p.186) cleverness; skill in planning (adjective)

Chapter 23

meandered (p.190) followed a winding course (verb)

ceremoniously ( p. 191) - ...Strictly observant of or devoted to ceremony, ritual, or etiquette; punctilious: borne on silvery trays by ceremonious world-weary waiters (adverb)

writhed (p.193) twist and turn (verb)

welled (p.194) rose up, flowed out (verb)

Chapter 24

treacherous (p.198) not reliable, deceiving (adjective)

routine (p.204) fixed, regular method of doing things (adjective or noun, depending on usage)

Chapter 25

hesitant (p.209) doubtful; undecided (adjective)

rehabilitation (p.213) restoration to good use (noun)

Chapter 26

assaulted (p.217) sudden, vigorous attack (verb)

custody (p.219) charge or care (noun)

smirk (p.224) self-satisfied smile (noun or verb, depending on usage)

Chapter 27

maneuvered (p.229) skillfully planned movement (verb)

indifferently ( p. 229) 1. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: indifferent to the sufferings of others. 2. Having no marked feeling for or against: She remained indifferent... (adverb)

mesmerize (p.230) hypnotize (verb)

Chapter 28

pummeled (p.236) beat (verb)

massive (p. 238) - Large or imposing, as in quantity, scope (adjective)