NPHC Minutes

Date: 09-16-2013

*NPC members came asked if the sororities of NPHC would like to take part in a “Strocial”. NPC Greeks would learn a stroll from the NPHC sorority they are paired with and the sororities would compete for who is the best (to be discussed at next meeting).

  1. Call to Order
  2. Meeting was called to order at 5:05pm.
  3. Invocation
  4. Invocation was led by Argeron
  5. Roll Call
  6. The following people were in attendance:

Alpha Kappa Alpha (1)

Alpha Phi Alpha (1)

Delta Sigma Theta (2)

Kappa Alpha Psi (1)

Omega Psi Phi (3)

Phi Beta Sigma (1)

Sigma Gamma Rho (4)

  1. Adoption of Minutes
  2. The adoption of the minutes was suspended because they were not present at the meeting.
  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. Byron Johnson moved that the agenda be accepted as printed.
  5. Jasmine Davis seconded that motion.
  6. Executive Board Reports
  7. President: Byron introduced everyone to all of the council’s members as an ice breaker. Byron informed every one of the absence policy and the fines a council member could be charged with as well as the penalties of excessive absences.
  8. Vice-President: Alicia announced that all committees should meet outside of NPHC meetings.
  9. Secretary: No report.
  10. Treasurer:Jenessa informed everyone about NPHC’s account balance.
  11. Parliamentarian: No report.
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Fundraising/Social

Fundraising ideas that were come up with are as follows:

-Car wash

-Plate sale

-Donut sale

-Raffle items away for Greek Expo (iPad and/or gift cards)

  1. Community Service

For Thanksgiving the committee proposed the following:

-Thanksgiving baskets

-Adopting a dorm

-Adopting a nursing home

-Becoming more involved with New Hope, specifically for the young boys who need male role models

  1. Constitution

The committee is trying to come up with ideas of how to implement specific penalties and fines for the organizations as well as loss of privileges if necessary

  1. Old Business
  2. Meet the Greeks:
  3. September 19, 2013.
  4. All Greeks are expected to be there for 6:30.
  5. 30% of your chapter must be in attendance.
  6. Please leave the room if you are not presenting.
  7. Greek Expo
  8. If anyone is not stepping, the decision needs to be made before October 1st.
  9. New Business
  10. New spot for stroll-offs
  11. Shaded areas (with water provided)
  12. Rose Garden
  13. Band Field
  14. Area by Randolph Hall
  15. Area by Martin Hall by Walk of Honor
  16. Yard Show
  17. Make stroll-offs a competition sometimes
  18. Involve crowd in these yard shows
  19. Try “Yard Shows” after we have the earnings from Greek Expo.
  20. Sigma Lambda Gamma participating in stroll-off
  21. Everyone in the council is open to Sigma Lambda Gamma strolling at stroll-offs.
  22. Greek Affairs Report
  23. September 17, 2013

-Grilling With the President: for chapter president’s and advisors at the President’s house at 5 pm.

  1. January 24-25, 2014

-Mandatory Greek Leadership Retreat: for all chapter president’s, IFC, NPC, NPHC, and Greek Council Executive council members.

  1. February 7,2014

-Excellence Packets Due

  1. Chapter Announcements
  2. Delta Sigma Theta will be having a coin drive for Alzheimer’s on September 30, 2013.
  3. Kappa Alpha Psi would like to thank everyone who came out to their party September 14, 2013.
  4. General Discussion
  5. Antoinette Harris proposed the idea of every organization having a plot on campus and the possibility of that happening.
  6. Adjournment
  7. This meeting was adjourned at 6:06pm.