Title: Flatman and Bobbin #7 – The Grinch who stole Easter

Author/Source: Jon Houzet


Topic: Easter

Summary: Flatman and Bobbin rediscover Jesus’ death and resurrection

“Flatman and Bobbin” characters created by Karl Bastian.

Flatman enters by himself.

Flatman (like he’s speaking over a radio): Bobbin, get down to the Flat-cave!

Bobbin (from behind curtain): Holy just-waking-up, Flatman! What is it? You sound troubled.

Flatman: That’s because I am troubled, Bobbin! I seem to be suffering from some sort of memory loss.

Bobbin (appearing): Agitating amnesia, Flatman! What have you forgotten?

Flatman: If I could remember that, Bobbin, I wouldn’t have amnesia now, would I?

Bobbin: Melancholy madness! I think I have amnesia too, Flatman!

Flatman: Yes, apparently you forgot that I have forgotten what I can’t remember.

Bobbin: Jumping jellyfish, Flatman! You’re making no sense.

Flatman: That’s the pot calling the kettle black, Bobbin!

Bobbin: Miserable water moccasins, Flatman! I think you’ve finally lost it!

Flatman: But I have lost it, Bobbin! My memory, I mean! I have this nagging feeling I should be remembering something…, something very important, but I can’t.

Bobbin: Now that you mention it, I also have that feeling, Flatman! What could it be?

Flatman: Turn on the Marvelous-Brain-Massager, Bobbin, and let’s see if it can restore my lost memories.

Bobbin winds up the Marvelous-Brain-Massager, making machine-like noises.

Flatman: I’m going to put on the helmet now, Bobbin (make eerie ’60s sci-fi noises)

Bobbin: Is anything happening, Flatman?

Flatman: I’m getting nothing, Bobbin. (sighs) I still have this feeling that I should be remembering something important, that this is an important time of year…

Bobbin: Me too, Flatman. Great gumballs, I have an idea! Let’s turn on the TV monitors and see if there’s anything in the news.

Voice from behind the screen: This bulletin just in: There have been reports of selective memory loss among massive sections of the population. Experts have been unable to determine what exactly these people have forgotten. Police suspect criminal activity…

Flatman: Hmm… Flip channels, Bobbin, and let’s see if there’s anything else on the situation.

Another voice: … reports coming out of Sesame Street right now of a costumed villain who claims to be responsible for stealing people’s memories. The villain goes by the name, the Anti-Easter-Man…

Bobbin: For crying in a bucket! What a lame name for a villain, Flatman!

Flatman: That may be true, Bobbin, but we can tell a lot about a person from their name. If this villain is Anti-Easter, then what is Easter?

Bobbin: Hmm, isn’t it that strange holiday where people hunt for chocolate eggs, Flatman?

Flatman: Correct, Bobbin, but I have this feeling that Easter is about more than chocolate eggs.

Bobbin: Dueling swordfish! Of course! It’s about the bunny that delivers the eggs, Flatman!

Flatman: I think it’s about even more than the bunny, Bobbin. Look, here’s another report!

TV voice: Sightings have been made of the villain the Anti-Easter-Man, who thus far has eluded police. Our reporters caught the following declarations on tape from the villain: (sinister laugh) I have stolen what is most important to you and you don’t even know it. I have stolen something more precious than gold or diamonds, you poor, wretched people! You will feel hopelessness setting in and you won’t even know why. (laughs)

Bobbin: Suffering cats! That guy gives me the creeps, Flatman!

Flatman: Me too, Bobbin, but we can’t let him get the better of us.

Bobbin: What will we do? Should we go out and fight the Anti-Easter-Man?

Flatman: There’s something about that name, Bobbin, like he’s taunting us. I’m going to look in my Bible.

Bobbin: Great thinking, Flatman! But isn’t this a time for action, not Bible-reading?

Flatman: Reading God’s word is one of the most important things we do, Bobbin. It holds the answers to many of life’s questions.

Bobbin: Can you find “Easter” in the concordance, Flatman?

Flatman: No, Bobbin, but I have a strong feeling that the meaning of Easter is in these pages. (flip pages next to microphone)

Bobbin: Are you getting warm?

Flatman: Hmm… Ahh… Hmm… Ah, here it is! It’s amazing! It’s fantastic! It’s the best news ever!

Bobbin: What is it, Flatman? I’m dying of anticipation!

Flatman: Bobbin, the memories that Anti-Easter-Man stole from us are about Jesus, God’s Son.

Bobbin: Jesus?… God has a Son? I can barely remember.

Flatman: That’s because the Anti-Easter-Man stole the most important memory of God from our minds, Bobbin! The story of Jesus, who fulfilled God’s prophesies of salvation that is available to all humankind. Jesus died for our sins, but he was raised again so that we too may be raised from the dead one day! Here, read this, Bobbin…

Bobbin: “5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

6Who, being in very natureA God,

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

7but made himself nothing,

taking the very natureB of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to death--

even death on a cross!

9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. [1]

Flatman: Once we get this message out on the TV and radio, and in the streets, door to door if we have to, people will remember, and the Anti-Easter-Man will be defeated!

TV voice: Reports of massive celebration are coming in as people remember the story of Jesus, his death and resurrection. This station thanks Flatman and Bobbin for foiling the villain, the Anti-Easter-Man, and helping us to remember what Easter is all about, the most important story of all.


[1]Philippians 2. Excerpted from Compton's Interactive Bible NIV. Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 SoftKey Multimedia Inc. All Rights Reserved