Curriculum Map
Course Title:General Music Grade: 6th
Unit (Name/Number):What Are the Elements of Music? / Pacing:45 daysEssential Question(s):
What is Duration/Rhythm? What is Tone Color? What is Pitch? How do the ELEMENTS OF MUSIC work together?
Content/Key Concepts / Standards / Key Vocabulary / Learning Activities/Resources / Evidence of Learning
(Assessments;Performance Tasks)
What is DURATION? / 9.1.8.C, 9.1.8.B, 9.3.8.A /
- Duration
- Rhythm
- beat
- Tempo
- Bpm (technology)
- Metronome (technology)
2. Perform these rhythms to music excerpts from SPOTIFY.
3. Perform these rhythms on various percussion instruments / Student performance
Teacher & Student assessment (positives only!) of group performances
What is PITCH? / 9.1.8.C, 9.1.8.B, 9.1.8.A, 9.3.8.A /
- Treble clef
- Lines & Spaces
- Contour (shape)
- Flat, sharp
- High, low
- Repetition, steps & skips
- Harmony
2. Learning a simple piece on the stepbells, with labelled keys.
3. Teacher made videos to teach/assist specific musical excerpts.
4. Teacher & computerized games to learn LINES & SPACES.
5. Use of Mnemonics & Chants to music for practice.
6. Students play 2 different parts at once to play in HARMONY. / Teacher assessment
Student written notes on teacher provided template of piano keys & treble clef LINES & SPACES.
“Team”of student games & performance in groups
Writing test
SPEEDNOTE computerized test
ERROR ANALYSIS of piece played with ‘correct pitches’ vs. incorrect pitches.
What is TONECOLOR? / 9.1.8.C, 9.3.8.B, 9.1.8.A /
- tone color
- descriptive adjectives (hollow, shimmering, thudding, scratchy)
2. Youtube clips of vocal &instrumental performances
3. youthful (cartoon) movies which explain instruments & Tone Color
4. Adult composers sharing their use of Tone Color for specific scores. / Student writing & assessment i.e.
How can you change the Tone Color on a specific instrument?
What would happen with a different vocal Tone Color.?
How does the Tone Color (sound) affect the mood?
How do I recognize the elements of music just by looking at a piece of music? / 9.1.8.B, 9.3.8.A /
- symbols
- icons (corresponding in GargeBand)
- score
Student provided music excerpts
Musicnotes excerpts (on-line) / Student writing response
Student drawing response
What happens if you make changes to one of the musical elements in a piece? / 9.3.8.D, 9.1.8.J, 9.1.8.B, 9.1.8.C, 9.3.8.A /
- Emotional intensity
- Pitch range
- Accent
- Dynamics, volume
- contrast
- pitch
- tone color
- tempo
2. Students collaborate to compose.
3. Problem-solving activities involving listening, describing, analyzing music examples from various genres. / Student response/Construct Support for their given choice.
What is intensity? / 9.1.8.C, 9.3.8.A, 9.3.8.D /
- Emotional intensity
- Pitch range
- Accent
- Dynamics,volume
- contrast
- pitch
- tone color
- tempo
- repetition
2. Explore the concept of range and Tone Color
3. Explore dynamics & repetition / Student response/Construct Support for their given choice.