November General Meeting Minutes

  • We raised almost $2,000 with our Yankee Candle Fundraiser! Great job everyone!
  • Eric Doerr from Career Services came to speak about interviewing, resume building, and cover letters
  • Resume Tips
  • Content varies upon the field you’re going into
  • Find people in that field to build a network of people who can help you build you resume
  • Everything should shout “I’ve been preparing for this field”
  • Want to know what your SAT score is or ACT score in SAT equivalents
  • Limit to one page
  • Employers skim resumes, so don’t be too wordy
  • Does a cover letter give you an advantage?
  • Employer may not even look at a cover letter, but grad school will most likely look at this
  • May set you apart, but may not
  • Can’t guarantee it will be read
  • Is it bad if you put high school accomplishment on a resume?
  • Move high school accomplishments off your resume unless it REALLY pertains to your field
  • What kind of writing sample should you submit?
  • Employer: any writing sample to show you’re an effective communicator
  • Grad school: a writing sample related to your field
  • How do you sell yourself?
  • Statistically, people find jobs through networking.
  • Social media tools are available to all of us (Linked In – Go make a profile!).
  • Build relationships
  • Start early in your college career to create relationships
  • Interview on campus with My Spartan Career
  • Attend Job Fairs
  • What questions should YOU ask during an interview?
  • What’s the culture of the organization?
  • If you could change something about this organization, what would it be?
  • What are some challenges you’ve encountered at this organization?
  • Do your homework on the company you’re applying to. Know as much as you can!
  • A note from your chapter’s treasurer (Kate Gay):We will be posting a breakdown of expenses (community service, social events, Induction Convocation, etc.) biannually on our chapters website. The posting will be done in December and May. Everyone pays a $75 membership fee. Our chapter receives $2 of that money. The rest of the money goes to the National Office. “Membership fees are used to provide a variety of benefits and services to members. These include funding to the chapter for activities, a personalized diploma and on-campus Induction Convocation, networking and career resources, scholarships, awards, and events (e.g., the annual Leadership Summit and National Convention). The fee also helps offset NSCS' administrative costs. NSCS is a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization, so all income is used for the development and operation of the Society,” ( Please take advantage of these opportunities so you can get the full benefit of your membership fee! If you have questions or concerns, please e-mail me at .
  • Up Til Dawn Letter Sending Party at St. John’s Parish from 5-11pm on November 15th. Helps raise money for St. Jude Children’s ResearchHospital. Bring addresses to send letters!
  • Red Cross Food Bank on Friday, November 19th from 9-11am. Preparing weekend survival kits so school children can have food on the weekends.
  • Please RSVP to our chapter events on facebook. Your attendance affects our STAR status.
  • Thank you to all of our members who attended our Induction Convocation! Welcome to NSCS!
  • See the November Power Point on our website for additional community service events such as Operation Good Cheer and the MSU vs PennState Blood Battleand our December Meeting.