Integrative Learning Experiences - Application Overview

Blugold Bundles are Expanded – More Inclusive

The 2012-2013 academic year Integrative Learning Blugold Bundle Application is designed to give instructors from across campus the opportunity to explore a wide range of structures for integrative learning. The best structure for a Blugold Bundle is the one that meets its targeted student audience, be that first-year, continuing, transfer or non-traditional students. The basic requirements for Blugold Bundles are as follows.

· They consist of two or more credit-bearing courses or degree requirements (e.g., service learning). At least one of the components of a bundle must be a credit-bearing course with a disciplinary or G.E. prefix (e.g., POLS, IDIS, etc.). The bundle components may be offered in a single semester or between two semesters.

· Faculty are encouraged but not required to include bundle components that address other aspects of the University liberal education goals, such as multi-cultural diversity and global learning.

· Bundles that target first-year students must include at least one component comprised exclusively of bundle students. First Year Experience and First Year Seminar courses are particularly well-suited for first-year bundles.

· All bundles must identity a targeted student audience. Applicants interested in teaching bundles that will include continuing students need to identify existing curricular, residential and/or degree programs that will be served by the bundle. Student constituencies also include students engaged in a service learning project or participating in an immersion experience.

· All bundles must identify a theme that will integrate the bundle components. Themes can take the form of a central question, problem, or concept.

· All Blugold Bundles must address the five UWEC integrative learning outcomes listed below (UWEC Integrative Learning outcomes are in the pilot phase and originate from the AAC&U Integrative Learning Rubric). In other words, the outcomes are to be addressed by the entirety of the bundle - individual bundle components do not have to address all five learning outcomes.

1. Connections to Experience: Student connects relevant experiences and academic knowledge.

2. Connections to Discipline: Student sees/makes connections across disciplines and/or varied perspectives.

3. Transfer: Student adapts and applies skills, abilities, theories, or methodologies gained in one situation to new situations.

4. Integrated Communication: Student demonstrates ability to utilize communication forms appropriate to the situation.

5. Reflection and Self-Assessment: Student demonstrates a developing sense of self as a learner.

Mentors will be available to answer questions and guide proposers in putting forward successful proposals. It is not necessary to include specific assignments or lesson plans in the application. It is expected that instructors will tailor their existing courses to meet integrative learning outcomes. Successful applicants will participate in faculty/staff development discussions and 1-day workshops to build more intentional integrative learning into their existing pedagogical and assessment practices.

Compensation: First-time bundle instructors will receive a stipend of $2000 ($1000 summer 2012, $1000 summer 2013) to develop, implement, and assess their bundle.

Applications are due January 10, 2012 to . Contact Bob Eierman () for more information.

Join the Blugold Bundles Facebook Page ( to connect with others.

Integrative Learning Application – Release Date November 21, 2012