Emergency Telephone System Board

Effingham County

Effingham, IL. 62401

1. Project Introduction

Effingham County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) is seeking proposals for a consultant to provide an efficiency study of the operation of the 911 system of Effingham County, Illinois.


The Effingham County 911 Board operates with two PSAP’s. The PSAP’s are located in the City Police Building and the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office. ETSB currently provides funding for necessary telecommunication equipment, computer hardware, software, and training expenses for all personnel that work in the PSAP. In addition, ETSB provides an annual stipend to the city and county of Effingham to help defray the personnel costs associated with the two PSAP’s.

The ETSB employs four part-time employees, System Administrator, Addressing Specialist, IT, and Administrative Assistant. All Telecommunicators are the employees of either the City of Effingham or Effingham County.

The current system is also faced with the need to accommodate multiple radio communication systems being used by various emergency agencies. Communication problems have been identified between the StarCom system used by the Effingham City Police and the analog trunking 800 system used by the Effingham County Sheriffs department.

3. Independence

TheConsultantmustbeindependentandnotengagedinorassociatedwiththebusiness ofconstruction, selling,servicing,orrentingcomputer-assisteddispatch (CAD)hardware orsoftware,voiceordataradiocommunicationsequipment. Consultantsmustclearly certifytheindependenceoftheConsultantaspartoftheproposalresponse. Proposals withoutthiscertificationshallbeconsiderednon-responsiveandwillberejected.


Overview: Develop a recommended 911 system serving Effingham County that considers the legislated mandates, local needs, operational realities and available budgets. The recommended system should be economically and operationally efficient, involve equitable (but considerate of agency resources) sharing of costs, and propose a plan for adoption by involved entities. The current level of service provided to the public should not be compromised.

5. Tasks

  • Conduct On-site Agency Visits with stakeholders to become familiar with local resources and needs
  • List advantages of current system.
  • List impediments of the current system that reduce efficiency or restrict optimum services.
  • Give consideration to future changes in funding, legislated mandates, and technological innovations, including “next-gen” that will impact operations.
  • List all feasible options for providing the required dispatch services, including outsourcing of services to another entity, without reducing the level of service.
  • Study and recommend PSAP “consolidation” if found feasible, more efficient, and financially advantageous. This study should consider questions listed in the APCO published guidance entitled “Communications Center Consolidation Considerations”.
  • Recommend appropriate equipment and technology to support the recommended dispatch system: consoles, telephone, radio system, software, PSAP equipment, infrastructure development, and procurement guidance.
  • List “non-911 required” services currently being provided and how these impact the budget of 911 and the budgets of the other entities.
  • Evaluate the equity of the current Intergovernmental Agreement and suggest improvements. Suggest appropriate cost shares for your recommended system.
  • Evaluate and recommend improvements to existing emergency communication plans, policies and procedures to ensure accurate and efficient 9-1-1 call processing and dispatching of emergency services to the general public in accordance with applicable industry standards.
  • Provide a strategic 911 plan for the ETSB.

6. On-siteAgencyVisits and Interviews

These visitsmustinclude,butarenotlimitedto, thefollowingentities and staff:

  • Effingham County Sheriff’s Department Effingham, IL 62401
  • Effingham Police Department Effingham, IL 62401
  • EffinghamFire department
  • TeutopolisFireProtection District
  • Watson Fire Protection District
  • Shumway Fire Protection District
  • Teutopolis Police Department
  • Dieterich Fire Protection District
  • Montrose Fire Protection District
  • Effingham/Altamont City County Ambulance Service
  • Altamont Fire Protection District
  • Altamont Police Department
  • Bi County Fire Protection District (Edgewood)
  • Tri County Fire Protection District (Beecher City)
  • Emergency Telephone System Board Members
  • City of Effingham Mayor
  • Effingham County Board Chairman
  • MABAS DIVISION 54 Chairman

7. Elements of the Study to be reported

The efficiency study shall expand on each element using various types of data collection methods.

1.Benchmarking of current conditions

  1. Organizational structure
  2. governance

2.Technological Feasibility

  1. Current equipment
  2. Future/upgrade equipment

3.Feasible Facility Options

  1. Current facilities
  2. Consolidated site
  3. Possible site locations if consolidated

4.Projected Call Volume/Workload

  1. Non-emergency
  2. Administrative
  3. 911/emergency
  4. Walk-in/radio/phone traffic

5.Projected Staffing Levels

  1. Administrative/Management/Supervisors
  2. Support staff (GIS, IT)
  3. Training Officers
  4. Telecommunicators

6.Projected Cost Estimates for ETSB/County/City Governments

  1. Current Budget
  2. Future Budget
  3. Salaries/pay scales
  4. Benefits
  5. Unions
  6. Building expenses
  7. Furniture expenses

7.Training Programs and Quality Assurance practices

8.In or Outsourcing Options

9.Funding Mechanisms, including sources of grants.

10.Political Feasibility

11.Oversight and Management by the 911 Board

8. TechnologicalFeasibility

Examine andidentifyanytechnologicalroadblocks.Thisshall include,ata minimum:

  • CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch)
  • RMS (Records Management System)
  • Radio consoles
  • Telephone Consoles (including upgrade to NG)
  • Mapping
  • 911 ANI/ALI data base (including upgrade to NG E911)
  • Logging recorders (including NG)
  • Technological connectivity of the telephone network
  • Voice and data radio infrastructure of multiple systems
  • Connections to local, state, and federal computer systems
  • LEADS and NCIC database connections
  • Emergency Notification System
  • Jail connection
  • Fire House software

9. ConsolidationModels

Discussthevariousconsolidation models(full,partial,co-location,hybrid or outsourcing) andmakearecommendationbasedonthefindingsofthestudyandthehistory of others.

10. ProjectedCallVolume/Workload

a. ProjecttheworkloadfortheconsolidatedPSAPforthepurposeofestablishing


  1. Processingincoming911 calls
  2. Processing non-emergency public safety calls
  3. Incomingandoutgoingadministrativecalls
  4. Eventsdispatchedtoparticipatingagencies
  5. All duties handled by Telecommunicator and staff

b. Projectionsshallbe madefor fiveand ten-yearPSAP operations as an option

c. Projectedvolumeof police/fire/EMSradiotraffic

d. Projectionsshallconsiderpopulationtrendsandotherknownfactorsthataffect

911 callvolumesaswellaspublicsafetyradiotraffic and non-911 duties.

11. FacilityOptions

Identifyfacility locations and optionstomeetcurrentoperationalneeds,aswell asfutureoperationalneedsbasedon 20-year county-widegrowthpredictions.

Provideacostforrenovationof theexistingfacilitiesand/ornew construction sites. Thiscostestimate isforpreliminary planning purposes only, it isunderstoodthatanin-depth analysis will requireanarchitectand/orengineerindependentfromthisstudy. Identifybackupandredundantfacilitiesandequipmentavailablein theeventof aprimaryfacilityfailure.

12. ProjectedStaffingLevels

Usingindustrystandards, estimatethenumberandtypeofstaffthatwillbe requiredtooperate and managetherecommended PSAP. Thisshouldconsiderfactorsthat impactstaffingsuchascallforservicevolumeandshiftreliefinatwenty-four hour/sevenday perweekdispatchcenterenvironment. Consider part-time staff positions in your calculations.

13. Identificationof projectcosts

Whereverpractical,theuse of existingequipmentshallbeconsidered with comparison of current and future costs

  1. Facilityconstructioncosts,toincludecapitalcostsassociatedwith newfacilities.

HumanCapitalManagementCosts(training,selection,payroll, etc.)



Ten-yearprojectionsofoperationscoststhatwillidentifywhat costsavingsareachievable.

Costs to cover non-dispatch related tasks, if no longer provided by PSAP personnel.

  1. Prepare operating and capital budgets for a PSAP(s) with recommended Backup capacity.

14. Non-DispatchTasks

Identifyanynon-dispatch tasksthatarecurrentlyperformedthatcannotor shouldnotbeperformedin the recommendation. Consider:



Sex Offender’s Registration

Managementof keyholderor contactfiles

Enteringrecords,tickets,permits,or localgovernmentlicenses

Functioningasaswitchboardorreceptionistforothergovernment operations

Prisoner searches at Jail (Opposite Gender)

How the assisted entities would be affected if such services were terminated or transferred back to the assisted entity

Crime Stoppers calls

Emergency Notification System

Dayto day radio traffic (motor assists, traffic stops, business checks, etc.)

15. FundingMechanisms & Finances

Identifyvariousfundingmechanismstosupportthe recommendation of thePSAP(s).

Recommendations should be sensitive to available resources. The funding


Illinoislaw. Identificationofpublic/privategrantfundsavailable for any

aspectof thisprojectshouldbe included.

16. OrganizationalStructure

Recommendaneworganizationalstructurefor anyconsolidatedPSAP. Include:

  1. Administrative
  2. Management
  3. Supervisory
  4. Technical support
  5. Quality Assurance
  6. Training
  7. Clerical/secretarialneeds
  8. Facilitysupportneeds
  9. ContractualObligations/RiskMitigation(jointemploymentissues)
  10. SOP’s and Policies

17. HumanResources

Identifyand includerecommendationson:

  1. Payscaledisparities
  2. Employeebenefitspackages
  3. Paidtimeoff disparities
  4. Seniorityissues
  5. Job titlesand jobdescriptions
  6. Retirementpackages (impact on current retirement plans)
  7. Union contracts (FOP)
  8. Automaticemploymentor re-hireof existingemployees

18. PoliticalFeasibility

Provide an accurate measurement ofthecurrent political environment.

Identify Key Stakeholders, both individuals and groupsshallbe surveyed interviewtodetermineifconsolidationeffortsarelikelytobesuccessful.

Evaluate the current make-up of the Emergency Telephone System

Board (ETSB). Identify all necessary modifications to the Board

if any type of revision efforts are likely to be successful.

19. ETSB Oversight and Management

Provide guidance to the ETSB with respect to

Periodic and special reports (statistical, financial and other records) necessary for monitoring operations

All staffing levels, job descriptions and duties assigned

Development of a long term capital budget plan to maintain and upgrade the ETSB system

20. Status Reports & Final Report


Thesuccessfulbiddershallprovide aminimumofone (1)writtenandone(1)oralstatus report(s). The oralreportsshallbeataregularmeetingof the Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB).The written report shall beattheapproximatemid-waypoint in thestudyand the verbal report shallbeapproximately ¾’s of the way through thestudy.


Thesuccessfulbiddershallpresentafinalreportintwoforms,aformalwrittenreport andanoralpresentation.

Fifteen (15)exactcopiesoftheformalwrittenreportandtwo(2)digital

exact copiesshallbeprovided.Thewrittenreportshallinclude,butisnotlimitedto:

  • ExecutiveSummary
  • Commentaryon thepresentsystem
  • Recommendation onhow the ETSBshould or should not precede with consolidationefforts,with considerationgiventoallofthe

elements in the Efficiency StudyRequirements.

Theoralpresentationshallincludevisualsandmustbeasynopsisoftheformal writtenreport. The oralpresentation will beprovided onatleasttwo separateoccasions duringatwo-day period,includingdaytimeandeveningpresentations.

21. RFP Bidders Guidance

a. TentativeCalendarof Events

ProjectRFPreleased……………………..…………………….....Jan.11, 2013

Datefor lastquestions………………………………………….. . Feb.8, 2013

ProjectRFPDueDate(4:00PM)……………………………..March 11, 2013

Oralpresentationsby selectedconsultant(ifrequired)………..…April 9, 2013

Consultant Evaluation Complete ……………………………….May 13, 2013

Award Contract………………………………………………….May14, 2013

TheContractshallbeeffectiveonthecontract executiondateandshallexpirewhenall phasesof theContractarecompleted.

b. RFP Questions

AllquestionsrelatedtothisRFPmustbeinwritingandreceivedbyFeb 8th,2013 nolaterthan5 p.m.localtime(thetimeattheCountyofEffinghamoffices). E-mail . Clearlymarkthee-mail:“QuestionsforEffingham CountyETSBEfficiency Study.” Phonecallsandfaxedquestionswillnot beaccepted.

QuestionsreceivedafterFeb 8th, 2013 willnotbe answered.

c. Proposal Delivery Details

One(1)writtenoriginal, fourteen (14)writtenexactcopies, andone(1)digitalexact copyof theproposalaredue onMarch 11, 2013, 4:00p.m.localtimeattheEffingham County Board Office.Proposalsmustbemarkedreceived bythedue dateandtime. Proposalsnotmarked receivedbytheabove duedateandtimewillberejected. Thosewishingtosubmit proposalsareencouraged toverifythelocaltimeattheCounty ofEffingham,asthisisthe officialtimeusedforacceptingallproposals. Timediscrepanciesbetweenwallclocks, watches,cellphones,etc.willnot behonored. Oncereceived,alloriginalandcopiesoftheproposalbecome propertyof Effingham County ETSBandwillnotbereturned. Copieswillbe destroyedatthecompletionof theproject;originalswillberetainedperapplicable recordsretentionlaws.

DeliveryAddressfor HandDelivery,USPS,UPS,DHL,FedX,etc.:

Effingham County 911 Efficiency Study

ATTN: Joyce Worman

c/o Effingham County office Building

P.O. Box 6009

Effingham, IL 62401

Allproposalsshallbeclearlymarked“Effingham CountyETSB Efficiency Study RFPResponse– TimeSensitiveMaterial”on theoutsideof theproposalpackage.

d. Proposalsshouldbetypedandsubmittedon8.5by11inchpaperandboundsecurely.

Use thefollowingorganizationfor theproposal:








  1. Any additionalmaterialor brochures
  1. GeneralProposalRequirements

1. Introduction/CoverLetter. Statethefullnameandaddressof yourfirm,including thename,addressandtelephone numberofthepersoninyourfirmwhohasthe primaryresponsibilityfordeveloping thisproposalandtowhomtechnical questionscan beaddressed.

2. OrganizationalCapabilities. Provideanoverviewofthefirmandadescriptionof similar consultantservicesprojectsyour firmhascompleted.

3. StaffQualifications.Proposalsshallidentifyonlymember(s)ofthe firm’s staff who wouldbeassignedtoworkonthisprojectandtheroletheywouldperform. A resume’ stating thebackgroundandqualificationsof each individualnamedshould beincludedinthissection. Particularattentionshallbegiventotheindividual namedas theprojectcoordinator.

4. Experience/References.Proposalsshall includea descriptionofthe firm’soverall experienceinhandlingprojectssimilarincharacterorscopetothisproject. Alist ofreferencesofsimilarprojectsfromatleastthreedifferentprojects,including thecustomername,address,projectvalue,telephonenumberandcontactperson. Oncereceived,alloriginalandcopiesoftheproposalbecome propertyofthe ETSB andwillnotbereturned. Copieswillbe destroyedatthecompletionof theproject;originalswillberetainedperapplicable recordsretentionlaws.

5. Project Schedule. Aspartofthisproposal,theconsultantmust submitaproposed project schedule. Theconsultant mustidentifyallassumptionsandconstraintson whichtheprojectschedule isbased. Theconsultantmustprepare anestimateof hours for theproject.

  1. Requirements. Thefollowingrequirementsmustbeaddressedintheproject descriptionandschedule:
  1. Provide an explanation of your understanding of the tasks believed to be necessary to accomplish the objectives outlined in the RFP.
  2. Discuss the overall approach the consultant proposes to use with this project
  3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of current state-of-the art design practices and operations of PSAPs in the state of Illinois.
  4. Illustrate the firm’s experience with public sector consolidation feasibility studies.
  5. Describe the firm’s knowledge of applicable environmental regulations, archeological survey requirements, regulating agency license application and approval process, applicable electrical and building codes, next generation 911, and available grant funding sources for PSAPs.
  6. Demonstrate the consultant track record with successful consolidation strategies that have been implemented by public entities clients over the past five (5) years.

22. Cost Proposal

The cost proposal shall be submitted separately in a sealed envelope, should include but not limited to:

  • Point of contact
  • Pricing basis to support the scope of work outlined in the RFP
  • Project duration, timeline of scheduled Plan to complete RFP request
  • Process of billing of services based upon progress
  • Outline expenses related to scope of work planned

23. INTERVIEWS, Proposal Selection PROCESS, Proposal Award

Bidders may be requested to interview at the option of the ETSB. Selection shall be made of one Consultant deemed to be fully qualified and best suited among those submitting proposals. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole determining factor. Other factors to be considered are the working knowledge of a 911 emergency response system, its agencies, personnel, infrastructure, and operations. Interviews may be requested. Selection criteria include but are not limited to Knowledge of the latest technology and technology trends associated with Emergency Public Safety Dispatch, to include but not be limited to:

  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of 9-1-1 systems…..Present and emerging (NG).
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of public safety work environment to include but not limited to:
  1. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)
  2. GIS Mapping Applications
  3. Mobile Data Terminals & Field Reporting
  4. Telephone networks/systems
  5. Paging and Alerting systems
  6. Satellite tracking and Automatic Vehicle locator (AVL)
  7. Records Management Systems (RMS)
  8. Emergency Notification Systems
  9. Phase II wireless, Voice over IP, Next Generation (NG) 911
  10. LEADS and NCIC
  11. Address Numbering Identification/Address Location Identification (ANI/ALI)
  12. Jail Management& fingerprinting Software
  13. Fire House Software
  14. Field Reporting
  15. Radio interoperability (digital & analog trunking, high band)
  16. Dispatch Radio Consoles
  • 911 Dispatch industry standards from professional organizations
  • Association of Public Safety Communications (APCO)
  • National Emergency Number Association (NENA)
  • National Academy of Emergency Medical

A selection committee will review all proper submittals, then will rank all such submittals based on the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP. From the rankings, a recommendation for the most highly qualified firm will be selected or a short list of leading candidates will be developed for presentation to the ETSB.TheETSBmayormay notawardthecontracttothe selectedconsultant.The ETSB reserves the right to reject any or all responses and to waive all informalities.

The ETSB reserves the right to select the most highly qualified consultant based solely on the written response to the evaluation criteria. Interviews are not a mandatory part of this process, but may be necessary. The ETSB will be the sole judge in the determination of the most highly qualified firm. Previous clients may be contacted as part of the evaluation process. The ETSB reserves the right to reject any and all submittals at any time with no notice and with no penalty what so ever.

General Information

The ETSB intends that the firm awarded a contract will perform the work commencing upon notice to proceed and will terminate the work upon project completion. The firm awarded a contract from this RFP may not be involved in any way as an equipment vendor or supplier, or as an application software and platform supplier, or any tier as a subcontractor.

The firm will be responsible for any federal or state taxes applicable to this contract and complying with the requirements of all federal and state laws pertaining to income tax withholding, unemployment insurance and other insurance applicable and necessary for its employees. All benefits provided to contracted employees are provided by the firm.

The firm hereby agrees to release, indemnity defend and hold harmless the Emergency Telephone System Board, Effingham County, Il., as well as their officials, employees and agents from and against all judgments, damages, penalties, losses, costs, claims, expenses, suits, demands, debts, actions and/or causes of action of any type or nature whatsoever, including actual and reasonable attorney’s fees, which may be sustained or to which they may be exposed, directly or indirectly, by reason of personal injury, death, property damage, or other liability, alleged or proven, resulting from or arising out of the performance under this contract by the firm, its officials, employees, or assigns. The Emergency Telephone System Board, Effingham County, Il., does not waive, and specifically reserves the right to assert all affirmative defenses and limitations of liability as specifically set for in Illinois Statues.

It is expected that key employees upon which the firm based its qualifications to perform the work of the RFP will be the ones who perform the services on behalf of the firm.

Submittals received in response to this solicitation become property of the ETSB and are subject to Public Disclosure Laws.