November 2015 Federation Minutes

The November meeting of the Lee County 4-H Federation was called to order at 7:00pm on November 14, 2015 by Proxy President Eric Hembrough.

Pledges were led by Eric Hembrough.

The roll call sheet was passed around. There were 14 clubbers and 9 leaders and parents in attendance representing 6 clubs.

Clubbers in Attendance:

Wyoming Indians: Addison Wetzel, Nathan Shaddick,

Grove-Go-Getters: Madeline Prestegaard,JayneePrestegaard, Haleigh Wilcox

Maytown Comets: Calista Kern-Lyons

Palmyra Hillbillies: Eric Hembrough, Nicholas Hembrough, Katie Cover, Thomas Koski, AJ Koski, Molly Biggs

Sublette Indians: Elizabeth Malach, Libby Sheaves

Leaders/Parents in Attendance:

Kathy Book, Program Coordinator

Wyoming Indians: Lori Wetzel, Heather Cleary, Linda Lysland-Due

Grove-Go-Getters: Kathy Prestegaard, Amy Wilcox

Palmyra Hillbillies: Beth Hembrough, Vicki Cover, David Biggs, Heather Koski


Secretary’s Report: The minutes of the October meeting were read by Calista Kern-Lyons. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes. The motion to approve was made by Nathan Shaddick and seconded by Hailey Wilcox.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was read by Calista Kern-Lyons. The beginning balance was $22,587.15. Withdrawals totaled $1,533.41 and deposits totaled $51. The ending balance was $21,104.74. The motion to approve was made by Katie Cover and seconded by Elizabeth Malach.

Fair Board Report: The Fair Board report was read by Eric Hembrough. The grandstand schedule was reviewed. They were looking into carnival options for the fair next year. There was a $90 professional cleaning being done. They were looking into getting new lawn mowers. They also donated for the King & Queen Scholarships and congress scholarships.

Old Business:

Awards Banquet Recap: The overall consensus was that the banquet went well but there seemed to be far more volunteers present than clubbers. The venue at Cimino’s was very crowded and so we discussed booking the fairgrounds for next year around Oct. 29th.

Winter Fest: This was tabled

Federation Shirts:Nick Hembrough’s design was chosen. Federation decided on the colors of the shirts. Grey for polos, orange for t-shirts, and grey for hoodies. Nick Hembrough made a motion that Federation would pay for one t-shirt and people would have to pay for others on their own. Nathan seconded and the motion passed.

New Business:

Jr./Sr. County Outstanding:Federation decided to plan the next year’s trip ahead. We discussed ideas such as skiing, Westwood, and the Scrooge Dinner Theatre.

Citizenship Washington Focus: For 4-H’ers 14-18.

What is Federation?:Federation worked on coming up with goals for the year and deciding what our purpose was. We decided on 4 main goals for the year. 1. More community outreach & activities. 2. More speaking/advocating opportunities. 3. Better organization/fun at meetings. 4. More people involved in Federation meetings

Gift Exchange:Will be done at the Jan. Meeting.

Other Business:Katie made a motion for sundaes at the Officer Training in the December meeting. Elizabeth seconded and the motion passed


Upcoming Dates:Upcoming Meetings:

.January 6th State Awards due to office . Jan. 11th, 7:00pm, Amboy

.March 5th, Project Pools . Feb. 8th, 7:00pm, Amboy

Nathan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:36pm. Molly seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Approved: ______


Calista Kern-Lyons, Secretary

Lee County Federation