Notton Parish Council



Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 3rd September 2015

In the Village Hall, Notton at 7.30

In Attendance

Parish Councillors:-Peter Taylor, Stephen Jaggar, Maureen Eames.

Parish clerk:-Julia Talbot

District Councillors: Maureen Cummings/George Lister WDMC

Members of the Public: 1 present.

Police Present: PC Saddique

1.  Public Consultation

Safe Scheme

PC Saddique reported to the Parish Council and the public present the finding of the safe scheme from July and August. During this time there has been a high police present at Bleakley Lane monitoring speeding in the area. Residents had approached the Police officer present to inform them of the speeding issues in the area and that they were happy to see a police presence dealing with the speeding on Bleakley lane.PC Saddique also reported on an incident at Bleakley lane where youths were in a residents gardens. It was reported and extra night patrols were made in the area.

Residents raised concerns regarding the trees at the back of Manor Close, District Cllr Cummings updated the meeting as she has been dealing with the issue from the last Parish Council meeting. The resident of the property has been contacted from planning, with enforcement to carry out the work, in which they have 28 days to carry out the work. If care work is not carried out, Wakefield Council will carry the work out and invoice the resident accordingly.

A resident raised concern regarding the trees as you leave manor close are obscuring the view to the right. Also at George Lane the foliage is over grown and scratching the cars as they pass by. District Cllr Cummings is to contact the land owner as it is private land.

2.  Apologies Received

District Cllr Manifield, Heptinstall, Cllr John Lumb, Cllr Colin White.

Reasons for apologies accepted by the Parish Council

3.  Declarations of personal or prejudicial interests

None were declared.

4.  Parish Information to and from District Councillors

Fly tipping

District Cllr Cummings introduced George Lister from WMDC, Mr Lister is dealing with the

issues regarding fly tipping in the area. With a 16% increase in fly tipping, it is becoming an

increasing problem with people coming from out of the area fly tipping around areas in

Notton and Woolley.Mr Lister updated the parish Council on work carried out to eradicate

fly tipping in the area.

PACT meeting

Consideration was made when to hold a PACT meeting, all agreed that the beginning of next year

In March.

Litter Pick

Cllr Jaggar requested equipment from District Cllr Cummings for the litter pick being arranged,

Cllr Jaggar to advertise in the newsletter to generate interest and let residents know the date

and time arranged.

Street Surgery

The District Councillors carried out a street surgery at the Oval and Bleakley area. Issues

raised were the drainage issues around the Bleakley area, District Cllr Manifield to liaise

with Yorkshire water to resolve the issue.

Dog Fouling

A letter drop has been carried out in the Oval from the dog warden to make residents aware

of the problem.

5. To confirm the minutes.

All agreed the minutes to be a true and accurate account of the meeting on Thursday 2nd July 2015.

5.  Matters Arising


Cllr Taylor confirmed that the date of printing would be the end of September.Cllr Jaggar will take over posting the newsletter in the agreed areas.

6.  Highways

The foliage coming on the A61 has not been cut as requested to show the signage approaching the crossroads

On George Lane the foliage on the path needs pushing back to give more pathways, this is

an issue

With the road being narrow often vehicles need to mount the path to pass, also there is a similar

Issue on the entrance to the field of Grim pit Hill.

The final draft letter to be sent to Highways was agreed, the clerk to send to District Councillors,

Cllr jaggar raised further concerns regarding the speed limit through the village to be lower

to 20MPH,Cllrs raised concerns that that would require signage throughout the village green.

8. Planning

Planning Applications-September

Validated Applications.


3, Notton lane, Notton, WF4 2PA

Single storey extension to side and rear.

Case Officer-Alicia Hunston-Comments required by 12/8/15


Address: 8 Ingswell Drive Notton Wakefield WF4 2NF.

Proposal: New build - bungalow.

Case Officer: Alicia Hunston - Comments Required by: 4 September 2015.


Address: 2 Bleakley Lane Notton Wakefield WF4 2NR.

Proposal: Two storey side extension to provide additional Accommodation and a detached garage. Case Officer: Alicia Hunston 01924 30660

Comments Required by: 4 September 2015.


Address: Plot 9 Bleakley Lane Notton Wakefield WF4 2NU, Proposal: Modification of house type on plot 9 by addition of a conservatory.

Case Officer: Alicia Hunston

Comments Required by: 28 August 2015.

Planning Decisions


26, Applehaigh Lane.Notton, WF4-2NA

Raised roof high of bungalow, internal alterations.

Application Approved


Address: Oliver Twist Public House (Former) 64 Bleakley Lane Notton Wakefield WF4 2NU.

Proposal: Removal of condition 10 of App No: 14/00865/FUL.

Case Officer: Alicia Hunston



Monckton Manor Chevet Lane Wakefield WF4 2PD

Proposal: Conversion of former pit winding house to a single dwellinghouse-.Approved

9. Financial Matters

The Clerk made available to the Parish Council, up to date financial documentation for

inspection and approval.

The payments identified were considered against the agreed budget for 2015/16

Payments to be approved-:

Cheque Number / Payee / Details payment / Amount / VAT
Julia Talbot / Salary / 202.51
Julia Talbot / Expenses / 31.20
Zurich / Parish Council insurance / 377.97
RMS Consultancy / Parish Council laptop / 499.00
Total Payments / 1,110.68
Bank Balance / 17,029.29

Bank Mandate.

Confirmation has been received from the bank regarding the change of signatures on the bank


The clerk informs the Parish Council that the form to pay cash into the post office has been posted now the mandate has been received.

10. Correspondence

Correspondence received by post and e mail was presented to the meeting to consider.

·  YLCA-Grants and funding special bulletin.

·  WMDC-Christmas tree light provision.

·  LDF/Neville Ford-WMDC-Guidance for the applications of wind turbines.

·  Unity Bank-Undated mandate confirmed.

11. Allotments

The clerk present the Councillors with the inspection paperwork to carry out allotment inspections prior to the rents bring due.

·  All agreed letters to be sent out notifying the tenants of the inspection to be carried out to ensure cultivation of the plots.

·  All agreed the letters for the rents to be sent out for the end of September, the new rents for this year 2015/16 are £15.00 and £7.50 for senior citizens as notified in last year’s letter.

·  Plot 4 has been monitored due to non-cultivation. All agreed to send a letter of termination for failing to comply with the allotment agreement.

·  The next person on the waiting list to be notified.

12. Grounds Maintenance.

The Clerk to contact the grounds maintenance contractor regarding the overhanging trees

at Manor Close as reported by a resident in the public consultation.

13. Parish Issues.

Grit Bins

·  Two grit bins required at Bleakley Terrace and Hudson Avenue, quotes obtained.

Resolved-The clerk to order two grit bins from the quote obtained by Cllr Eames at £78.68 for each bin from Parker Merchanting.

·  Grit for the bins were discussed, suggestion was made that more snow wardens in these areas could add their grit to the bins to use in bad weather.

Christmas Tree

·  The village hall to make a donation towards the Christmas tree as they did last year, quotes required for the Christmas tree to supply, erect and dispose. The lights were purchased last year and WMDC dressed and connected the lights all agreed to contact them to carry this out this year.

·  Quotes for the trees to be presented to the next Parish Council meeting.

14 .Matters for inclusion at the next meeting:

·  To consider quotes for notice boards

·  Register of interests on the WMDC website

·  Update from the Cllr Lumb regarding the website

·  Paper work for appraisal confirmed and arrange date for The Clerk

15. The date and time of the next meeting.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 1st October 2015.

Meeting end- 10.00pm