HRIA Form 1 – V2
NOTIFICATION OF STRIKE ACTION FORM (Week 1 – Thursday 22nd February and Friday 23rd February)
Please complete this form in full and return via email to or send to Human Resources, 5th Floor, Maxwell Building, The Crescent, Salford M5 4WT no later than 5pm on Thursday 1st March(deductions will be made in March salaries)
Name:Employee Number:
Job Title:
For part time employees only, please indicate number of hours worked each day:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Any incomplete forms will be returned to the employee.
By completing this form I am confirming that I have taken part in the Industrial Action consisting of strike action. Please confirm the date/s of strike action by ticking the relevant box below.
Thursday 22nd February ONLY
Friday 23rd February ONLY
BOTH 22nd February and 23rd February
- For each day of strike action 1/365 of annual salary will be withheld.
- Any Hourly Paid Appointments do not need to complete this deduction form as they simply do not claim hours for any strike action they take
The University will pay the employer contribution to maintain your service for pension purposes on the basis that your employee contribution will also be made.
If you have retained the right to pay a percentage contribution to the Additional Voluntary Contributions to the Defined Benefit Section of USS, a separate election is required.
If you have retained the right to pay a cash contribution to the Additional Voluntary Contributions to the Defined Benefit Section of USS, no action is required. The contributions will be deducted as normal as long as you have enough pay to cover the deduction.
If you have elected to pay the 1% match and/or a percentage contribution to the Defined Contribution Scheme, a separate election is required.
If you have elected to pay a cash contribution to the Defined Contribution Scheme, no action is required. The contributions will be deducted as normal as long as you have enough pay to cover the deduction.
Please indicate, by ticking the relevant box below, if you DO NOT wish for your pension contributions to be made for the days that you take strike action.
I do not wish for my employee and employer contributions to be made
I wish to maintain the normal amount of Defined Benefit Additional Voluntary Contributions
I wish to maintain the normal amount of 1% match contributions
I wish to maintain the normal amount of percentage contribution to the Defined Contribution (USS Investment Builder) scheme (not required if you make a cash contribution)
Not in a pension scheme – Not applicable