Solicitation: #071I9200158
Notice of Proposed Proprietary Purchase:
Perkin Elmer Spotlight/Auto Image System Upgrades
for the
State of Michigan
Michigan State Police
Proposed Proprietary Purchase Notification
Request Number: #071I9200158
Request Title: Notice of Proposed Proprietary Purchase for Perkin Elmer Spotlight/Auto Image System Upgrades
Request Start Date: March 30, 2009
Request End Date: April 7, 2009 at 3:00 PM EST
Contact: Joan Bosheff, Buyer Specialist
Purchasing Operations
Contract Duration: One Time Purchase
Contract Renewal: Not Applicable
Price Good for: 90 days
Request Comments Please note that 071I9200158 is not a competitive bid.
The State of Michigan State Police has a request to purchase data station upgrade with updated software and updated camera for FTIR spotlight and auto image spectrometers for Perkin Elmer laboratory equipment from Perkin Elmer LLC, a sole provider.
The intent of this posting is to verify if indeed this is a proprietary product that only Perkin Elmer LLC can sell to the State of Michigan. If for any reason any party does not agree that this is a proprietary purchase, you are asked to e-mail/fax your comments with the attached RFI response form to .
Perkin Elmer Spotlight/Auto Image System Upgrades:
Item Quantity Description
1. 1 Service upgrade warranty—016691 p/n SRV-UPG
2. 24 Installation of six (6) upgrades p/n QSPECIAL
3. 6 IBM Lenovo PC Model M58P (XPSPE) USA, 09406118 p/n QSPECIAL
4. 6 19” LCD monitor wide screen 09404759 p/n QSPECIAL
5. 9 Network card, 09404922 p/n QSPECIAL
6. 3 USB camera upgrade, L1860350 p/n QSPECIAL
7. 6 Spectrum to Spectrum v6 Std upgrade, LX108848 p/n QSPECIAL
8. 3 Spotlight software update service, LX108879 p/n QSPECIAL
9. 3 Auto image software upgrade kit, LX108640 p/n QSPECIAL
10. 3 Spotlight software update unit p/n QSPECIAL
Purchasing Operations prefers that the requested information be submitted electronically. Electronic responses should be submitted through an e-mail address to the Buyer listed as contact above. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that your response reaches the Buyer by the date and time as indicated in this document. All documents should be attached as separate files. The submission of attachments containing embedded documents is prohibited.
Additional information to this solicitation, if any, can be obtained from the State’s website located at: www.michigan.bid4michigant.
If the supplier chooses to submit the response directly to Purchasing Operations in writing: The response must be delivered to Purchasing Operations, 530 West Allegan, Mason Building, Lansing, MI. 48933, by the due date and time. The "Solicitation Number" and "Due Date" must appear on the outside of the envelope.
Purchasing Operations will consider faxed responses to (517) 335-0046. Faxed responses are submitted at the sole option and risk of the supplier. Access to Purchasing Operations fax machine is on a "first come first served" basis and Purchasing Operations does not guarantee the supplier's access to the machine at any particular time. The "Solicitation Number" and "Due Date" must appear on the fax cover page.
The purpose of the request is to gather information that may, or may not be used in a future Request for Proposal. If through this process the State cannot find suitable contractors that can provide the stated products/services than the State may contract with the proposed proprietary contractor for the items listed within this document.
All changes to this solicitation will be made through written addendum only. Answers to questions submitted through the State of Michigan’s Purchasing Operations office shall be considered an addendum to the solicitation documents. Bidders are cautioned not to consider verbal modifications.
Samples of item(s) required by Purchasing Operations specified in this request must be furnished free of charge.
State of Michigan
Request for Information
By responding to this request, vendor believes that they can provide the necessary products/services listed above.
Request Number
Request Description
Legal Company Name (include d/b/a if applicable)
Company Address
Zip Code
Company Contact Person
Email Address
Telephone Number (include area code)
Fax Number (include area code)
Company’s Internet Web Address