(Tenant Eligible to return to property)

Agency issuing this notice should use their own Letterhead


Dear ______:

On ___(date) _, the ____(City, County, State, Public Housing Authority (PHA), other) ,notified you of proposed plans to rehabilitate the property you currently occupy at (address)______. On ____(date)_____,Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) approved the project for funding. Repairs will begin soon.

This is a notice of nondisplacement. The rehabilitation workwill not require you to move permanently. Federal law guarantees you the following:

1. Upon completion of the rehabilitation, you may lease and occupy your present apartment or another suitable, decent, safe and sanitary apartment in the same building/complex under reasonable terms and conditions. Your monthly rent will remain the same or, if increased, your new rent and estimated average utility costs will not exceed 30% of the gross income of all adult members of your household. Of course, you must continue to comply with the reasonable terms and conditions of your lease.

2. If rehabilitation work requires you tomove temporarily, wewill reimburse you for your moving-related expenses, including the cost of moving to and from temporary housing, utility transfers, and any increased temporary housing costs. The temporary unit will meet legal standards fordecent, safe and sanitary dwellings, and all other reasonable conditions of atemporary move.

We urge you not to move,in order to enjoy the opportunity to occupy a newly rehabilitated apartment. If you decide to move for your own reasons, you will not receive any relocation assistance. We will make every effort to accommodate your needs. Because this project involves federal funding, you are protected by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Of course, you must continue to comply with the terms and conditions of your lease. Failure to pay rent or eviction will disqualify you to receive relocation assistance.

We will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities and persons with limited English proficiency. Please let our representative know if you need auxiliary aides, written translation, oral interpretation, or other assistance in order to fully participate in the relocation process.

If you disagree with your designation as a displaced person, the amount of relocation assistance to be provided, or the comparability of the representative replacement dwelling you may have the right to an administrative appeal to TDHCA. We will provide you with the contact information and instructions for the appeal to TDHCA.

Please retain this letter for your records.

If you have any questions about this notice or the proposed project, please contact (name)______, (title)______, (address)______, (phone)______.


(name and title)______

Tenant’s Affidavit

I understand the contents of this notice.


Printed name of Tenant Property Address


Signature of Tenant Unit Number Date Signed

NOTES for the preparer of the notice:

  1. The case file must indicate when and the manner in which the property manager delivered this notice (e.g., personally served and signed by tenantor certified mail, return receipt requested) and the date of delivery.
  2. Use this form as a guide. Make revisions to reflect the circumstances.
  3. Based on the applicable HUD program regulations, if “reasonable terms and conditions,” are defined, one of the following statements or other language may also be required in this Notice:

a. SUGGESTED TEXT FOR HOME FUNDED PROJECTS:We will offer you a new lease for at least one year. Your monthly rent and estimated average utility costs may remain the same. Any increase will depend on your income: (1) For low-income households, HUD defines the total tenant payment (under 24 CFR 5.628); (2) Households not considered “low-income” may pay up to 30% of their monthly gross household income.

b. SUGGESTED TEXTFOR CDBG or NSP-FUNDED PROJECTS:Your monthly rent will remain the same or, if increased, your new rent and estimated average utility costs will not exceed 30% of your household’s average monthly gross income.