Instructional Technology and e-Learning

Professional Development Workshops

Winter Term 20112

Building Quality Online Courses (Fully online -OR- with 4 three-hour Face-to-Face meetings, 4 weeks)

This workshop is required of faculty members who plan to develop and teach fully online or blended courses. It is offered fully online for faculty who have had previous Blackboard and/or online experience, or with four (4) face-to-face meetings facilitated by BC e-learning associates who are experienced online instructors. Participants will develop both technological and pedagogical skills necessary to build e-Learning courses that meet BC "Quality Standards for e-Learning Course Design," as well as to effectively teach the courses. Upon successful completion, participants will receive 20 professional development hours and be officially certified to develop and teach online and blended courses.

Online –2/28/2011 to 3/27/2011

Online – 4/4/2011 to 5/1/2011

Central – 3/19/2011 to 4/9/2011 (with 4 face-to-face Saturday meetings, 9:30am-12:30pm)

North –1/28/2011 to 2/18/2011 (with 4 face-to-face Friday meetings, 1-4pm)

Classroom Response System: Clicker Basics (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty will learn how clicker technology engages students, adds interaction, and supports real-time assessment of student learning during a lecture.

Central – Monday 2/14/2011, 2-4pm

North – Monday 2/21/2011, 2-4pm

South – Monday 2/28/2011, 2-4pm

Central – Monday 3/21/2010, 2-4pm

Classroom Response System:Advanced Clickers (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty already using clicker technology in their classes will explore some of the advanced and time-saving features of this engaging technology. Attendees will learn to use the "FastGrade" feature for exam grading (which eliminates Scantrons), use the new CPS/PowerPoint integration tool to develop and present questions within Microsoft PowerPoint, and be able to transfer information between CPS and Blackboard.

Central – Monday 3/18/2011, 2-4pm

Creating a Faculty Website & Portfolio w/ Epsilen (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty will create an engaging, informational website using Epsilen, a web-based tool for educators. At the close of the session faculty attendees will be able to plan a website that will support teaching and learning, create an Epsilen account, access Epsilen to create a faculty website, and link the website to his/her BC account so it can be located on the college website.

Central – Friday 2/18/2011, 9-11am

North – Friday 4/1/2011, 9-11am

Creating Web-based Interactive Learning Activities with SoftChalk (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty will learn to use SoftChalk to create interactive learning activities (e.g. customizable flashcards, image labeling, matching games, crossword puzzles), self-tests that incorporate a variety of question types, and pop-up text or image annotations to define/illustrate content terminology.

Central –Tuesday 2/1/2011, 2-4pm

South – Wednesday 3/2/2011, 2-4pm

North – Friday 4/1/2011, 1-3pm

Engaging Students with Podcasting Using Wimba (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty will learn to create engaging podcasts that can enhance bothteaching and learning. At the close of the session, faculty will be able to identify where podcasts can both engage and educate students, plan a podcast around a learning outcome, add Wimba voice to a Blackboard class, create an RSS feed and download a podcast mp3 file and publish it to the Orange Grove so that it can be referenced outside of Blackboard or used in multiple Blackboard courses.

Central – Friday 1/28/2011, 9-11am

Engaging Students withVodcasting using Wimba(Face-to-Face, 2hrs.)

Faculty will learn to create video podcasts (vodcasts) to enhance both teaching and learning. At the close of the session faculty attendees will be able to: 1) Identify where vodcasts can both engage and educate students, 2)Plan a podcast around a learning outcome(s), 3) Add Wimba to a Blackboard class, 4) Use Wimba to screen capture demonstrations as mpeg4video files, 5) Download the vodcast mpeg4 file and publish it to the Orange Grove so that it can be referenced outside of Blackboard or in multiple Blackboard classes.

Central – Friday 3/4/2011, 9-11am

Facebook & Twitter: an Introduction to Instructional Applications(Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

This hands-on workshop will cover strategies to guide students in the appropriate use of Facebook and Twitter to support collaboration and enhance student engagement in the online or face-to-face classroom. Workshop includes a review of College policies and current best practices as well as instructional strategies for using both tools. Attendees will create a faculty account in each online environment and create online activities using each tool.

North – Wednesday,2/16/2011, 2:30-4:30pm

Central – Monday, 2/21/2011, 2:30-4:3pm

South – Tuesday, 3/01/2011, 2:30-4:30pm

Getting Ready to Teach Online (Fully online, 2 weeks to complete)

This workshop is required for faculty who plan to teach, for the first time, a blended or fully online course that has already been developed by another faculty member. The workshop is delivered entirely online over a period of two weeks and is facilitated by BC e-Learning associates who are experienced online instructors. Faculty will develop both technological and pedagogical skills and the knowledge necessary to teach online by working through a series of learning modules. Upon successful completion of the workshop, faculty will receive 12 professional development credit hours and will be certified to teach existing blended and online courses.

Online –1/31/2011 to 2/13/2011

Online – 2/28/2011 to 3/13/2011

Online – 3/28/2011 to 4/10/2011

Online –4/25/2011 to 5/8/2011

Mastering the Blackboard Gradebook (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty will learn and apply the following skills to master the Gradebook: adding/deleting/modifying columns, re-ordering columns, releasing/hiding columns from student view, creating calculated columns and grade forms, and exporting Blackboard Gradebook to Excel for record keeping and future reference.

Central –Wednesday 2/23/2011, 2-4pm

North– Tuesday 3/15/2011, 2-4pm

South – Friday 4/8/2011, 1-3pm

Online Plagiarism Prevention with (Online, 2 hrs., self-paced)

Turnitin is the premier application for online plagiarism prevention. The product is useful for helping both faculty and students cope with the increasing demand for original and well-cited written work.

Online anytime between 2-1-2011 through 5-31-2011

Picasa (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Picasa is a free photo organizing, editing and sharing program from Google. In this class, participants will learn to easily fix photo problems like red eye, color, and lighting. In addition, you will learn how to build photo slideshows, collages, and web albums for displaying your photos.

Central –Wednesday 2/9/2011, 2-4pm

Central – Wednesday 2/23/2011, 2-4pm

Central – Wednesday 4-20-2011, 2-4pm

Promoting Academic Integrity in Online Assessments (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

This is a workshop for faculty who are currently teaching online. In just 2 hours, faculty will learn and employ strategies to thwart students cheating on high stakes assessments such as narrow testing windows, time limits, passwords, preventing printing/copying/paste.

Central – Monday 2/7/2011, 2-4pm

North– Tuesday 3/1/2011, 2-4pm

South – Friday 3/25/2011, 1-3pm

Smartboard(Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

This workshop is for faculty who wish to increase student interactivity and engagement in the face-to-faceclassroom using a SMARTBOARD. In 2 hours, you will learn how to effectively use the SMARTBOARD tools and to create engaging lessons for your students

South –Friday 1/21/2011, 10am-12pm

South – Tuesday 3/22/2011, 4:30-6:30pm

Tablet Talk (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Faculty completing this hands-on workshop will examine the unique features and varieties and educational applications of Tablet PCs. (Tablets are available at all LRCs college wide.)

North – Monday, 2/7/2011, 2:30-4:30pm

Central – Tuesday, 2/15/2011, 2:30-4-30pm

South – Wednesday, 2/23/2011, 2:30-4:30pm

Web-enhancing On-Campus Classes (Face-to-Face, 2 hrs.)

Web-enhancing is an introductory workshop designed for faculty who want to explore how to use Blackboard to enhance their on-campus courses. Participants will be able to use Blackboard’s point-and-click interface to access powerful online tools. Faculty can use these tools to communicate with their students, create an electronic grade book, and upload important course documents.

North–Wednesday 1/19/2011, 2-4pm

Central –Thursday 1/20/2011, 2-4pm

South–Friday1/21/2011, 1-3pm

Central– Saturday1/22/2011, 10am-12pm

South – Monday 1/24/2011, 2-4pm

North– Tuesday 1/25/2011, 2-4pm

North – Wednesday 2/9/2011, 4-6pm

South –Thursday 2/10/2011, 4-6pm

Central – Saturday 2/12/2011, 10-12am

Wimba: Real-time Interactivity in Online Classes (Face-to-Face 2hrs)

Wimba Classroom is a tool that easily integrates with Blackboard so you can meet with your students "live" online and show PowerPoint presentations, share files, explore websites, text chat, and use a whiteboard. Great for orientations, exam reviews, virtual office hours, peer critiques, tutoring, and software demonstrations. Sessions can be recorded for later viewing.

Central –Wednesday 1/26/2011, 2-4pm

North – Tuesday 2/22/2011, 2-4pm

You MUST register to attend a workshop!Directions for Registering:

1.Log intothe BC Employee Intranet using your Novell User ID & Password.

2.Click Professional Development and thenRegister.

3.ActivityType - “Learning Technologies”

4.Date/Time – “Within 6 months”

5.Title Key Word- Type a word from the workshop title.

6.Campus Offered - “All”

7.Click Search.

8.Click on any workshop title for building and room number.

9.Click Enroll to register.

Contact Information: For more information on any of these workshops, contact the office of Instructional Technology/e-Learning at 954-201-6564or e-mail .

Don’t forget to visit the e-Learning websitefor faculty resources: templates, Blackboard tutorials, software links/downloads, BC/QM Standards, FAQs, and more at:

Click on Faculty Resources

All workshops are approved for professional development credit.