Notice of Annual Member Meeting and Election for

Silver Creek Village Water Supply Corporation

«FName»«LName» Account Number «Acc_»


«City» TX «ZIP»


1. The Annual Meeting for the Silver Creek Village Water Supply Corporation will be held at the East Lake Buchanan VFD/Community Center. The meeting will start at 3 pm on Saturday, 17 March 2018.

2. Members who want to address the board or the membership must sign-in on a separate sheet provided by the presiding director indicating the topic they wish to discuss. Members will be given three minutes each to speak.

3. No motions may be accepted or action taken on issues brought up at the meeting from the floor. All action items must have been included on the posted agenda and notice in the members’ packet. Members can request that items be placed on the agenda for future annual (or special) member meetings or for future meetings of the Board of Directors. This limitation is required by the public notice requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act and is not an attempt to limit any member’s access to address an issue to the Board of Directors or the membership.

Silver Creek Village Water Supply Corp.


Annual Member’s Meeting

17 March 2018

3 PM

  1. Call To Order
  2. Invocation
  3. President announces the total number of members present at the meeting as of 3 PM. President then announces that a quorum is present and the meeting may proceed.
  4. Read and approve minutes from last meeting.
  5. Introduction of Board of Directors and Staff
  6. Reports:
  7. President reports on accomplishments in 2017 and Corporation status.
  8. SCV WSC 2017 finance report – Business Manager.
  9. Water System’s operation and concerns – Corix.
  10. Member Input – Comments from members who signed up to speak. Limited to 3 minutes each.
  11. Election Results:
  12. President announcesa resolution declaring elected all unopposed candidates.


At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Silver Creek Village Water Supply Corporation (SCVWSC)

on 17February 2018, the following resolution was proposed and approved by the board:


WHEREAS the terms of service for onemember of the Board of Directors are complete;

WHEREAS only one person applied for theposition for the next term;

Resolved that the Silver Creek Village Water Supply Corporation Board of Directors is in full support of

declaring William Cain unopposed and elected by acclamation.

  1. President introduces newly elected directors and, if no objections, declares them as board members to assume the position of directors immediately.
  2. Comments from newly elected directors.
  1. Next meeting 21 April 2018 at1pm in the SCVWSC office.
  2. Adjourn