/ / Minutes
Board meeting nr 14/15 [26-05-2014]
Umeå, [28-05-2014]
Sid 1(5)

Minutes from the board meeting of the PhD Student branch 14/15, autumn 2014


Location: Café at KBC, Umeå University


1Opening of the meeting

Chairman of the branch Magnus Lindh declares the meeting opened at 15: 05.

2Turn off cell phones

The chairman kindly asks all present at the meeting to turn off their cell phones or put them on mute profile.

3Electoral register

Appendix 3a, Attendance list
The electoral register is determined according to appendix. The chairman declares the meeting quorate with 16 attending members and serving alternate members.

4The meetings advertisement

The meeting is proclaimed to be advertised according to the charter of the branch.

5Registration of other issues

No other issues were registered for this meeting.

6Approval of the Agenda

The meeting decided to approve the Agenda.

7Election of meeting attestants, tellers and date of adjustment.

To attestant as well as tellers for this meeting JakubKrzywda and Lisa Wirebrandare elected. Date for adjusting the minutes is determined to 23-09-14.


No adjunctions.

9Information by Linn Raninen, new chairman of NTK

10Annual Report from the Chairman of the branch

The meeting decided to approve the Annual Report.

11Economical Report fromthe Chairman of the branch

The meeting decided to approve the Economical Report from the Chairman of the branch.

12Report from the Auditor

The meeting decided to approve the Report from the Auditor.

13Discharge of Liability

The meeting decided to grant the board of 2013/2014 discharge of liability.


16The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda, department of Computing science as a vice-member of Employment committe

The meeting decides

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda, department of Computing science as a vice-member of Employment committe

17The meeting is proposed

to elect:

Magnus Lindh, department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, and LudvigBohlin, Department of Physics,as FUM members

The meeting decides

to elect:

Magnus Lindh, department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, and LudvigBohlin, Department of Physics,as FUM members

18The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

Anders Rebbling, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, as an ordinary member of the faculty board, and Lisa Wirebrand, Department of Molecular Biology, as a vice member of the faculty board.

The meeting decides

to nominate:

Anders Rebbling, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, as an ordinary member of the faculty board, and Lisa Wirebrand, Department of Molecular Biology, as a vice member of the faculty board.

19The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

Mina Sedaghat, department of Computer Science, and NargesMortezaei, Department of Physics, as vice members of Research committee.

The meeting decides

to nominate:

Mina Sedaghat, department of Computer Science, and NargesMortezaei, Department of Physics, as vice members of Research committee.

22The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

EleonoraBorén, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics as a member of Strategic research council.

The meeting decides

to nominate:

EleonoraBorén, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics as a member of Strategic research council.

23The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda , department of Computer Science, as a member in Arbetsgruppfördubbelochgemensamexamenpåforskarnivå.

The meeting decides

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda , department of Computer Science, as a member in Arbetsgruppfördubbelochgemensamexamenpåforskarnivå.

24The meeting is proposed

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda , department of Computer Science, as a member Arbetsgruppföreffektivareforskarladok.

The meeting decides

to nominate:

JakubKrzywda , department of Computer Science, as a member Arbetsgruppföreffektivareforskarladok.

25The meeting is proposed

todelegate elections on department level to the NTK PhD section board.

The meeting decides

todelegate elections on department level to the NTK PhD section board.


26We discussed how to increase the number of active members in the section. Several good ideas come up. For example use the homepage more and have a monthly newsletter. Also the PhD pub could be used for interesting talks. In general information about the section and the positions we elect for should be more easily accessible.


27Other issues

28Closing of the meeting

The chairman of the branch Magnus Lindh gives his appreciation to all participants for their involvement and declares the meeting ended at 17:00

Rapporteur: Vice Chairman of the branch Mina Sedaghat

By the Minutes,
[Mina Sedaghat]
Secretary of the meeting / [Magnus Lindh]
Chairman of the branch
Attestant / [Lisa Wirebrand]

Appendix 3a,

List ofparticipants

Mina Sedaghat / Comuputer Science
JakubKrzywda / Comuputer Science
NargesMortezaei / Physics
Amir Khodabakhsh / Physics
Ludvig Bohlin / Physics
Lisa Wirebrand / Mol Biol
Linn Raninen / NTK
Johan Jarhmo / FOT-sektionen
Malin Larsson / Chemistry
Anders Rebbing / TFE
Eleonora Borén / TFE
Erik Steinvall / TFE
Magnus Lindh / EMG + Matematik
John Honn / Mol Biol
Aleksandra Rybacka / Chemistry
Kristin Blum / Chemistry

Umeå Student Union of Science and Tenchnology
PhD Student branch

Authentication of extractAttestant sign.