Bosham Parish Council

Village Amenities Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday

18th June 2014 at 7.30 pm at the Bosham Centre, Recreation Ground

Present: Councillors Mrs J Copsey (Chairman), Mr J Dean, Mrs K Phillips & Mrs G Powell

In attendance: Miss Lisa Roberts [Clerk to the Council/RFO]

VA15/02 / Appoint a Chair
Cllr Powell nominated Cllr Copsey as Chair, seconded by Cllr Phillips.
Apologies for Absence
Cllrs Fulford and Holloway sent their apologies.
VA15/03 / Declarations of Interest
VA15/04 / Questions from Members of the Public Present (limited to 10 minutes)
VA15/05 / Minutes of the last meeting held 12th March 2013
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of the meeting with a correction to Min Ref: VA14/23 change plague to plaque.
VA15/06 / Matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
VA15/07.2.2 / Litter
Village Litter Warden
Nothing to report, although it was NOTED that the litter warden is very conscientious in her work and whilst she, and her husband, can litter pick an area such as Delling Lane very thoroughly, litter can accumulate again within hours.
Village Bins and Recycling
The Clerk has ordered the Green dog bin for Quay meadow but CDC would like to put it in at the same time as the replacement litter bin for the same spot. The members have all looked at the proposed bigger style 360litre bin but AGREED that is was too large and unsightly for this sensitive area. They RESOLVED that 2x 240Litre bins in the Wybone Heritage style would be more fitting and AGREED that BPC should pay the extra cost of installation and ongoing emptying of this extra bin. It was also AGREED that the Clerk should source a sign asking that if the bins a full, visitors should take their rubbish home with them or use the bins provided in the main car park.
The Salvation Army recycling bin has been removed from the Catholic Church car park. CDC has also been asked to remove the textile bin from this location and have asked if the PC would like to re-site it. The members felt that the full complement of recycling bins in the Bosham car park is sufficient. Cllr Phillips will suggest to the Catholic Church that they erect a notice sign posting people to alternative recycling points to prevent dumping. / LR
VA15/08 / Flood Report - Consider any matters arising
It was AGREED that the Clerks e-mail address should be added to the Stream Watchers circulation list. This would widen the communication lines to ensure the levels of the stream are maintained. It remains a mystery why certain parts of the stream either rise and fall independently of the rest of the stream but with more surveillance it is hoped that we might find a solution. It was suggested that the moat at the Manor may have some bearing on the levels. / LR
VA15/09 / Old Bridge Meadow
Hamblin Hall has kindly offered its assistance in storing equipment for this facility.
VA15/10.5 / Highways and Footpaths
The Clerk wrote to the Mill Stream to ask when they thought the damaged wall would be fixed. They have confirmed that CDC have responsibility for this wall and say they will chase them for a repair date. The Clerk will try and assist in this matter.
Kilberne has cut back their hedge satisfactorily. Cllr Powell will check Parkers Pound. It was NOTED that there is a lot of overgrown hedges and vegetation encroaching onto the highways and footpaths. The Clerk will write a generic letter that can be delivered by councillors to properties in particular Fairfield road and Delling Lane.
The members discussed the problems of the overgrown footpaths. The Clerk explained that the clearance of these footpaths is done by the WSCC Highways Rangers. They work on a rotational 9 months schedule to ensure all parishes are maintained at different times of the year in the interest of fairness. This year we had a visit in March and so the summer vegetation is causing a problem. Unfortunately, this is not our land and we are not insured to work or provide maintenance in their behalf.
The Clerk has finally located and contacted JK Engineering to fix the fingerposts in Taylors Lane. They have promised to have them done by the end of August. There is a sign laying flat on the north side of the A257 east passed of the Swan roundabout. The Clerk to check on the Green Lane turning sign and the Walton Lane junction approach sign to the A257 North.
During a meeting with Dan Sanders, Louise Goldsmith, Dick Pratt and Cllr Powell the subject of the encroachment of the grass verge over the pavement in Delling Lane was raised and Dan Sanders confirmed that this job was on the jobs list and had been budgeted for. The Clerk to liaise with Dan Saunders to confirm this work. / LR
VA15/11 / Bus Shelters/Benches/Notice Boards/Telephone Box
The Clerk to source new Perspex for the Bosham Centre notice board. The members were asked to help remove extraneous posters advertising businesses on the open notice board at the Co-op in Delling Lane. This board is for village notices, businesses can pay to advertise elsewhere.
VA15/12 / Risk Assessment
Considerations of risks were given to the council taking on the maintenance of overgrown areas. Although health and safety training could be given to a group of volunteers to administer the clearance of certain areas such as the overgrown footpaths the insurance risk was considered too high as the land on which clearance was required belongs to WSCC Highways on which the Parish Council is not permitted or licensed to work. / LR
VA15/13 / To note the date of the next Village Amenities meeting Wednesday 10th September 2014

The meeting finished at 8.27 pm

