Tips for Leading Conferences

By Tom and Phyllis Belew

Conference Preparation

Secure the following:

·  Candy

·  Poster Markers

·  Name Tags

·  Table Cover

·  Tear Sheets/Poster Paper

·  Video Projector

·  Screen

·  Power Cord

Print copies for participants – Items 1 – 10, Item 12-13

Print on card stock and cut apart Item 11 - Conference Leading Insights

Conference Setup

§  Place “Item 11 - Conference Leading Insights” under or on the back of chairs of conferees.

§  Place “Item 1 - Welcome”, a nametag, and candy in chairs.

§  Set up video projector

Conference Presentation Plan **150, *90, 60 Min.

Personal Interest **5, *5, 5

Get Acquainted (Slide 2). Ask participants to complete “Welcome” and share their answers with a neighbor. After participants share, introduce yourself.

Create Interest **8, *6, 4

Distribute “Item 2 - Enjoy Thinking About” and tell conferees they have 2 minute to write their responses (Slide 3). Then say, “Share the reasons for your responses.” Limit groups responses to time allocated.

Establish Focus on the Subject **6, *4, 3

Introduce the An Uncommon Conference (Slide 4) by reviewing the elements of a conference plan. Then say, “How do you accomplish planning a conference?”

Content **25, *20, 15

Overview Conference Development Process (Slide 5) – review the content of each of the following and distribute the handout.

§  Understanding the Objective: Distribute “Item 3 - Worksheet for Conference Planning,” and review the 8 key points.

§  Distribute “Item 4 - Essentials & Guideline for an Effective Conference” Present “Essentials & Guideline for an Effective Conference” (Slides 6-8).

§  Conference Development Process continued (Slide 9).

§  Distribute “Item 5 – Getting Started“ and discuss how to use the handout.

§  **, * If you are leading a 150 or 90-minute conference use slide 10 and distribute “Item 6a – Conference Strategies.” Then, walk through the strategies allowing conferees time to fill in their handout.

If you are leading a 60 minute conference, skip slide 10, simply distribute “Item 6b – Conference Strategies” and ask if there are any strategies you need to explain.

·  Building Powerful Presentations (PowerPoint, etc.) – Distribute “Item 13 - PowerPoint can make a powerful point if you use it right” and encourage participants to learn to your PowerPoint effectively.

§  Conference Development Process continued (Slide 11).

§  “Item 7 – Where to find Help,” distribute handout.

**, * Brainstorm ways to find ideas and answers for conference content as time allows. Say, “Make a habit of collecting information, ‘Where to Find Help’ is a way to manage your information.”

** Worksheet for Conference Planning **10

·  Distribute the handout

·  Brainstorm a topic to plan. Lead the group to agree by consensus on a single topic.

·  Lead the group through the “worksheet” answering each topic

** Essentials and Guidelines for an Effective Conference **20

·  Distribute the handout

·  Divide into 3 groups - each group is to review the area assigned and prepare to share the information with the group. The groups will have 10 minutes to prepare for a 2-minute presentation.

·  Distribute tear sheets and markers (Tear sheets & Markers)

·  Have group reports

**, * Getting Started **15, *10

·  Distribute the handout.

·  Lead conferees to complete the “Getting Started” worksheet.

·  First, as a group brainstorm possible content

·  Second, have each person list the topics in order of priority

·  Third, have each person list a “Strategy for teaching”

Leading the Conference **48, *32, 21

·  Distribute “Item 8 – “You are the Leader” and have conferees read through the list silently. Ask, “Are there any question?”

·  Distribute “Item 9 - Ten Tips for Conducting a Conference” … Using PowerPoint lead the conferees through the tips (Slide 12-13).

  1. Pray for God’s divine guidance as you prepare and as you lead the conference.
  2. Use the conference theme to thread the content and experiences together in a meaningful way.
  3. Use an unexpected vehicle to deliver the familiar content. This unexpected surprise raises the level of intrigue and creates interest in the expected message. Using a variety of conference methods helps you to achieve this.
  4. Begin the conference with something familiar, easy to achieve, personal, and non-threatening. Warm up the group to you and to each other.
  5. Make the best of the conference space you are assigned. Clear the room of clutter, extra furniture, and visuals. Make the room inviting, cheerful, and interesting.
  6. Be prepared and informed about the content of your conference.
  7. Do not let method overpower content. The method is only the vehicle for teaching the content.
  8. Be practical and realistic for all sizes of churches.
  9. You are part of the environment. Be warm, friendly, and personable. Give yourself away. Identify with people.
  10. Start and stop on time!

·  Distribute “Item 10 - Arrange the Room” and lead in a discussion about room arrangement. Refer to displays and ways to display that are set up in the room. Invite additional ideas.

·  Tips on Small Groups – Discuss ways to break into small groups and work on conference content. The method will get more people involved in the content.

·  ** ”Item 11 - Conference Leading Insights” … (Cards under chairs). Ask participants to find the insights and share them with the group. Discuss as needed.

Conference Follow-up **3, *3, 3

Distribute (Item 12 – Conference Leading Follow Up Ideas)

What Have You Learned **10, *10, 9

§  Distribute “Item 13 - An Uncommon Conference”

§  Summarize:

·  An Uncommon Conference – Review the list on PowerPoint

·  Review Step in the Conference Development Process

  1. Write out a purpose for conference - What do I expect the conferees to know, understand or do as a result of this conference?
  2. Decide what is to be covered.
  3. Consider resources needed.
  4. Plan best approaches for teaching/leading.
  5. Know where to find help.

Tips for Leading Conferences, Tom Belew, (Permission Granted to Duplicate)Page 1