Application to Volunteer for Acadiana Humane Society
City: State: Zip:
Phone#:______Cell#: ______Work#:______
I am interested in helping with the following:
Foster cats(I understand the animals belong to AHS & they will screen adoptive homes)
Foster dogs(I understand the animals belong to AHS & they will screen adoptive homes)
______Foster small animals List types: ______
Clean cages at Petsmart once or more per week
Clean cages at Petco once or more per week
Help with clerical duties, creating adoption packets, printing documents
______Computer Skills: Database entry, Adoption processing online
______Computer Skills: HTML, Web design, Petfinder updates
______Dog Parade, Bark in the Park, & other community events
Help with adoption events
Other (Please describe)
I have previous animal welfare experience with the following organization(s) and my duties were (list):
Name: Phone:
Name: Phone:
Legal Terms:
- I understand and agree that all personal information about adopters, applicants (denied and approved), donors, and other volunteers is confidential and will be treated as such should I have access to any of this information as an Acadiana Humane Society volunteer. I further understand and acknowledge that should I breech this confidentiality clause that I can be held liable legally for my actions and that any and all legal fees will be my own responsibility, and not that of Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. or any of its officers or other volunteers. Sign here: ______date: ______
- I understand that any donations (pet food & supplies, resalable items for fundraisers, cash & check donations, etc.) that I receive while in the capacity of an Acadiana Humane Society volunteer, is the property of Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. and that I am not to personally or financially benefit from any of these donations. I further understand and acknowledge that should I breech this agreement, that I can be held liable legally for my actions, and that any and all legal fees will be my own responsibility, and not that of Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. or any of its officers or other volunteers. Sign here: ______date: ______
- I understand that any foster pets in my care are the property of Acadiana Humane Society and that unless I am approved to adopt said pet, that I must relinquish the pet to Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. should I ever quit fostering or if I am terminated as a volunteer. I further understand and acknowledge that should I breech this agreement, that I can be held liable legally for my actions, and that any and all legal fees will be my own responsibility, and not that of Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. or any of its officers or other volunteers. Sign here: ______date: ______
- I understand that if I am terminated as an Acadiana Humane Society volunteer that I will no longer represent myself as such, and that all of the legal terms above still apply. I further understand and acknowledge that should I breech this agreement, that I can be held liable legally for my actions, and that any and all legal fees will be my own responsibility and not that of Acadiana Humane Society, Inc. or any of its officers or other volunteers. Sign here: ______date: ______
You must sign & date and agree to all four items above, and also sign & date the next page to volunteer.
I am over the age of 18 and have the time and resources to fulfill my duties as a volunteer with Acadiana Humane Society. Or, I am the adult parent or guardian of the volunteer and I will accompany the minor volunteer at all times.
Signature (of adult or parent)
Note: If under 18, parent must sign as well, and accompany young volunteer to all events, as AHS volunteers can not be responsible for minor children. (Parent signs above)
Minor signs here: I am under the age of 18 and a parent or guardian will volunteer with me and be responsible for supervising me while volunteering for Acadiana Humane Society.