Teach your child to pray


walking together in faith

Notes to parents:

•Your home is holy ground! It is the dwelling place of the faithful - where Christians live and love on a daily basis. A ‘sacred space’ in your home is a reminder of this.

What is a ‘sacred space’?

•By ‘sacred space’ (also known as a ‘prayer table’, ‘sacred site’) we mean a focal point in the home for gathering and praying with symbols of our faith.

•Your sacred space might be a small table or shelf displaying a bible, a candle or a crucifix. Your sacred space might be as simple as a candle in the centre of the meal table.

•You may wish to add some special family symbols: a photo of deceased relative, the baptismal candle of your newborn. Or adorn your sacred space with symbols of life from the garden: a green branch, a single hibiscus.

•Encourage your child to care for this ‘sacred space’ over the coming weeks and to bring symbols and prayers to their sacred space. By assisting them, you will be teaching them to pray.

•If you already have a ‘sacred space’ in your home, be creative. Give it a make-over. Or establish an outdoor sacred site in a corner of your garden.

Sacred Space

‘No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God lives in us...’ 1 John 4:12


Our home is a holy place because that is where our family lives, and Jesus lives in us. We learn to pray to Jesus by praying with our family.


Together set up a ‘sacred space’ - a little spot in your house which reminds you of Jesus, and which helps you to pray.


When you have finished, light the candle in your ‘sacred space’ and say a prayer. Your prayer might be as simple as:

Dear God,

Thank you for all the blessings of our day.

(Name some of those blessings...)

Please look after (name...)

and help us to always love each other as family.


Or you may wish to say a traditional prayer such as the ‘Our Father’ or ‘Hail Mary’.

Hail Mary, Full of grace, the Lord is with you.

Blessed are you among women and blest is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God. Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Feel free to adapt the tasks to your unique child and family situation.

No 1. Sacred Space

© The Story Source, 2004.